Meetups Programming Tampa Bay

This Wednesday: Java for Serverless Cloud Functions!

Let’s hear it for the “meatier” meetups — the ones where the event isn’t a meet-and-greet, but an actual technical presentation with ideas, concepts, and maybe even code that you can then use in your own work or personal projects. They don’t get the “draw” that a meet-and-greet does, but they are vital. (Someday, I’ll tell you the story of how technical meetups forever changed the Toronto tech scene.)

If you’re looking for a technical meetup in the Tampa Bay area to attend this week, I suggest checking out the Tampa Java User Group and the Tampa Bay AWS User Group, whose meetup this Wednesday is titled Java for Serverless Cloud Functions (AWS Lambda)!

Here’s the writeup for the event:

Developers have many options for building applications today, not just for what programming platform to use, but also what architectures are possible. Modern applications can be built using everything from monoliths to microservices to cloud functions.

In this session, we’ll look at serverless architecture for building applications and compare them with the other models. Historical problems with long cold-starts, heavy-weight frameworks and lack of tooling have made Java an unpopular choice for serverless development… until now!

We’ll take you on a journey to explain what has changed with Java to finally make it an amazing language for building serverless applications. We’ll do demos of Java Cloud Functions deployed on AWS, Azure, and GCP. We’ll also look at tips for building Java Cloud Functions including:

☕️ JVM
☕️ Advances in the JVM like CRAC
☕️ Low-overhead, serverless ready frameworks
☕️ Where AOT (ahead of time) compilation
☕️ Right-sizing Java Cloud Functions

The speaker, Pratik Patel, is a Java Champion and developer advocate at Azul Systems. He wrote the first book on ‘enterprise Java’ in 1996, “Java Database Programming with JDBC.” An all around software and hardware enthusiast with experience in the healthcare, telecom, financial services, and startup sectors. Helps to organize the Atlanta Java User Group, frequent speaker at tech events, and master builder of nachos.

Want to find or more or attend? Visit either of these Meetup pages:

  • Tampa Java User Group
  • Tampa Bay AWS User Group