If you go to the Tampa Bay end-of-year tech meetup this Wednesday and enter the raffle, you could win an amazing wearable computer that you can program in Python: the Pimoroni Badger 2040 W!
The tl;dr
- What: Tampa Bay’s 4th Annual End of Year Tech Meetup
- When: Wednesday, December 11, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
- Where: Embarc Collective (802 E. Whiting Street, Tampa)
- Find out more and register here
The Badger 2040 W
The “Badger” is built around a Raspberry Pi Pico W computer attached to an e-paper screen, which “remembers” what it was displaying even when disconnected from power, making it an excellent choice for an ID badge.
When plugged into power — either USB or batteries —— it’s a fun platform for learning programming in either Python or C++.
In addition to the e-paper screen, the Badger also comes with 5 buttons for user input, and can even access the internet because it has a wifi chip.
If you’ve wanted to get into building applications for the “internet of things” or wearables, this is the perfect starter platform! All you need to program it is a computer and a micro USB cable.
One more thing…
…because you might need help getting your Badger set up, it comes with a one-hour in-person tutorial with Yours Truly! (And yes, it’s optional if you’d rather figure it out yourself.)
How can you win the Badger?
The Badger is being offered as a raffle prize by the combination of the meetups that Anitra and I run:
- Coders, Creatives, and Craft Beer
- Tampa Bay Apple Coding Meetup
- Tampa Bay Artificial Intelligence Meetup
The other meetups will also be offering their own prizes in the raffle, and you can only partake in the raffle if you attend the Tampa Bay end-of-year tech meetup!
Come to our holiday meetup of meetups!
It’s a collective meetup of Tampa Bay’s tech meetups celebrating the holidays! Come meet the people who make up the Tampa Bay tech scene at a party hosted by those pillars of the tech community, Computer Coach and High Tech Connect!
There will be plenty of raffle prizes to win! You can enter the raffle by bringing an unwrapped gift or gift card (valued at $10 or more) for donation, or purchase a raffle ticket at the door.
All gifts and funds raised will go to Joshua’s House. Last year, we raised over $1000, and this year, we’re aiming even higher! Help us make an even greater impact by reaching our new goal and supporting children in need across our community.
Join us at the Tampa Bay end-of-year tech meetup!