
“Working with Unix Processes” Now Available on the Pragmatic Bookshelf

As I wrote in yesterday’s “Summer Vacation” post, one of the perks at working at Shopify that there are no “B” players there, and there are certainly a helluva lot of bright developers in the house. One of them is Jesse Storimer, whose ebook Working with Unix Processes I covered on the Shopify Technology blog. As the book’s summary says, it’s about doing Unix systems programming, but using Ruby instead of C. Written in his spare time over three and a half months, weighing in at a svelte (for a tech book, anyway) 130 pages and priced at $27, it sold very well on his Shopify-powered shop. In fact, he moved about $18,000 worth in 4 months.

I was really pleased to see that Working with Unix Processes is now also available on the Pragmatic Bookshelf site, giving it even more much-deserved exposure. My congratulations to Jesse!

If you’ve wanted to learn about Unix system programming but found it too cumbersome, get your hands on Working with Unix Processes. You’ll learn how to tap the system and harness the expressive power (and the fun) of Ruby! You can get the book at these places:

  • Jesse’s Shopify-powered shop. Not only can you buy the book for yourself, but for $99, you can get a team license, good for up to 20 people!
  • Pragmatic Bookshelf: Lots of great books here; I’m glad to see Jesse’s is included among them!

 Jesse’s already hard at work on his next book. Can’t wait to see it!


One reply on ““Working with Unix Processes” Now Available on the Pragmatic Bookshelf”

Thanks for the kind words Joey!

I’m looking forward to following your experience with iOS programming (something I know nothing about). Who knows, maybe it will be the makings of an ebook ;)

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