
Jeff Sandquist’s looking for a few good people to work at Twitter: Developer advocates, partner engineers, dev marketing people, and operations analysts

you want to work for jeff

Jeff Sandquist was a fellow Canadian at Microsoft, and we worked in similar areas, with me being a developer evangelist and him being Senior Director of Developer Relations. Earlier last year, he left Redmond and headed to San Francisco to assume his new role as Twitter’s Head of Developer and Platform Relations. Few companies have the reach, influence, and user base of Twitter, and Jeff’s one of the best developer relations guys in the field. I would love to work for him.

twitter-logo-transparentHe recently announced on his Facebook page that he’s hiring! He’s looking for:

  • Developer advocates
  • Partner engineers
  • “Developer marketing types”
  • Operations analysts

There are multiple openings for each of these positions, and they’re all based in San Francisco, where Twitter HQ is.

If you’re angling for one of the developer advocate positions, you should have these skills:

  • Mobile development (iOS and Android)
  • Web stack (in Twitter’s case, the standard HTML5 and JavaScript, with Python)
  • Data (working with their Firehose partners and API)
  • Evangelism: writing, speaking, and all those other soft skills you need to evangelize technology

Better still, Twitter won GlassDoor’s “Best Place to Work in Tech 2014” award:

Twitter’s a “work hard, play hard” kind of place, and Jeff’s a solid, great guy. If you’re a go-getter who wants to work with a great team in a great environment with a great director, send him your CV! He’s and @JeffSand on Twitter. Tell him Joey the Accordion Guy sent you.