
Who's Bogarting the IPs?

File this under “It may be old, but it's new to me and it might be new to you”: over at the blog Modern Life is Rubbish, they've got an article that shows which countries have the most IP addresses per capita and which have the least.

Here's how the article's author did the math:

First of all, I obtained an IP address to country lookup list, which revealed the blocks assigned to each country – from this I was able to calculate the total number of IP addresses allocated to each country. I then divided that total figure by the country's population, giving an indication of the number of IPs available to that country per capita (person).

Here's a world map, color-coded by people per IP addresses. Green is fewest (best); red is highest (worst):

Color-coded map showing people per IP address

Let's look at the ten countries with the most IP addresses per capita. As you might guess, all these couuntries seem like pretty decent places to live. To find out more about each country, click on its flag or its name; you'll be taken to that country's entry in the CIA World Factbook.

1. Vatican City

10.5 IPs per person

2. United States

4.5 IPs per person

3. Canada

2.2 IPs per person

4. Iceland

2.0 IPs per person

5. Monaco

1.8 IPs per person

6. Gibraltar

1.7 IPs per person

7. Liechtenstein

1.51 IPs per person

8. Sweden

1.501 IPs per person

9. Finland

1.496 IPs per person

10. Australia

1.459 IPs per person

Now here are the 10 countries with the fewest IPs per capita. Unsurprisingly, most of these countries don't figure very heavily on most people's vacation lists. To find out more about each country, click on its flag or its name; you'll be taken to that country's entry in the CIA World Factbook.

195. Afghanistan

1,458 people per IP

196. Madagascar

1,514 people per IP

197. Guinea-Bissau

1,550 people per IP

198. Central African Republic

1972 people per IP

199. Burundi

3,278 people per IP

200. Myanmar

4,112 people per IP

201. Malawi

4,197 people per IP

202. Ethiopia

4,582 people per IP

203. Niger

58.139 people per IP

204. Democratic Republic of Congo

58.140 people per IP

In response to this entry, someone on Reddit posted this list of holders of class A address spaces, each address space representing about 16 million IP addresses:

  3/8   May 94   General Electric Company
  4/8   Dec 92   Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
  6/8   Feb 94   Army Information Systems Center
  8/8   Dec 92   Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
  9/8   Aug 92   IBM
 11/8   May 93   DoD Intel Information Systems
 12/8   Jun 95   AT&T Bell Laboratories
 13/8   Sep 91   Xerox Corporation
 15/8   Jul 94   Hewlett-Packard Company
 16/8   Nov 94   Digital Equipment Corporation
 17/8   Jul 92   Apple Computer Inc.
 18/8   Jan 94   MIT
 19/8   May 95   Ford Motor Company
 20/8   Oct 94   Computer Sciences Corporation
 21/8   Jul 91   DDN-RVN
 22/8   May 93   Defense Information Systems Agency
 25/8   Jan 95   UK Ministry of Defense                 (Updated - Jan 06)
 26/8   May 95   Defense Information Systems Agency
 28/8   Jul 92   DSI-North
 29/8   Jul 91   Defense Information Systems Agency
 30/8   Jul 91   Defense Information Systems Agency
 32/8   Jun 94   Norsk Informasjonsteknology
 33/8   Jan 91   DLA Systems Automation Center
 34/8   Mar 93   Halliburton Company
 35/8   Apr 94   MERIT Computer Network
 38/8   Sep 94   Performance Systems International
 40/8   Jun 94   Eli Lily and Company
 43/8   Jan 91   Japan Inet
 44/8   Jul 92   Amateur Radio Digital Communications
 45/8   Jan 95   Interop Show Network
 46/8   Dec 92   Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
 47/8   Jan 91   Bell-Northern Research
 48/8   May 95   Prudential Securities Inc.
 51/8   Aug 94   Deparment of Social Security of UK
 52/8   Dec 91   E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Inc.
 53/8   Oct 93   Cap Debis CCS
 54/8   Mar 92   Merck and Co., Inc.
 55/8   Apr 95   Boeing Computer Services

It figures Halliburton would be in the list.
