
Global Nerdy Makes the Evening News

Yesterday, I did an interview with CityNews' Amber MacArthur at the Tucows offices about the Microsoft/Acer/Edleman laptop giveaway, and it was shown on the 6:00 news in Toronto last night. This marks Global Nerdy's first mention on television:

The Global Nerdy site title, as seen on CityNews International.

In case you missed last night's news or don't live within the area served by CityTV, you can still catch the piece. The entire segment was posted on the CityNews International site, and as of this morning, it's still the top story.

The Global Nerdy site title, as seen on CityNews International.

It's always interesting to see the interview get shaved down. Amber and CityNews camera guy Dave were at the office for over an hour, they probably shot about 15 minutes' worth of material (10 of which was the interview) and the final news segment is just under 80 seconds.

The Global Nerdy site title, as seen on CityNews International.

The interview includes some shots of me at my desk, which gives the curious a chance to see the environment in which I work every day. It's a setup that I imagine is typical for a startup veteran: a warehouse converted into an office, a fair bit of desk space with computers, tech books and zines (note the copy of Make magazine) and trinkets galore, especially Squishy Cows:

The Global Nerdy site title, as seen on CityNews International.

If the name CityNews sounds familiar, it's probably because of its association with CityTV, a pioneering independent television station that got its start in Toronto. CityTV got covered in Wired during its more relevant period, way back in 1993.

My thanks to Amber for the interview — you know how much I love doing these things!
