
Toronto Coffee and Code #3: This Friday at The Roastery @ 401 Richmond


This article originally appeared in the Coffee and Code blog.

The next Toronto Coffee and Code will take place this Friday, March 6th, at The Roastery at the 401 Richmond building (401 Richmond Street West, just east of Spadina) from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.. This cafe is nice and spacious, has free wifi thanks to the efforts of the cool people at Wireless Toronto, has good food and is located in one of the best workspaces in the city, If you have an artistic bent, I recommend that you pass by Swipe Books (located in the same building), an amazing bookstore that specializes in advertising and design.

Coffee and Code is a regular event where I “set up office” at a local cafe in order to make myself as accessible as possible to developers and other techies, so they can talk to me about Microsoft, its tools and tech, the industry or whatever else is on their mind. It’s also many other things:

  • A networking opportunity for people looking to find other people in the local tech industry
  • A chance for indie and self-employed software developers to get out of their home offices
  • A interesting coffee break for people who work in the area
  • A chance for you to get your hands on a copy of the Windows 7 beta (I’ll burn a DVD for you)
  • A way for techies to put a little money back into the local economy (by buying lots of coffee and supporting local businesses)
  • A nice social event in a relaxed atmosphere…all on a “school day”

If you’re in the neighbourhood, please drop by! If you’re not in the neighbourhood, don’t worry – I plan to hold future Coffee and Code events in different locations all over Toronto and surrounding areas very soon.

(And if you’re really far away, say Irvine, California, there’s a Coffee and Code in your neck of the woods this Friday.)

2 replies on “Toronto Coffee and Code #3: This Friday at The Roastery @ 401 Richmond”

Hi Joey. Wondering if you know of any events in Toronto that might target UI Designers that design for Windows Applications. I will be working on revamping the now very dated UI of our Windows application and want to attend some events/conferences/training that may provide me with some insight into the new look and feel of Windows 7 so that I’m not designing a Vista look for an app that will be released by the time Windows 7 is out there. Thoughts? (P.S. – I’m a former web/WinUI/developer of 7 years that just recently transitioned to design for the last 2 years, so I can attend more techcentric events as well if they will help in the same way)

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