Conferences Programming Tampa Bay What I’m Up To

“Prototype SPOOK-TACULAR FRANKEN-APPS with BRAINS!” – This Saturday at Tampa Code Camp

Tampa Code Camp, a day full of presentations and workshops for coders, is happening THIS SATURDAY at Keiser University — and better still, it’s FREE to attend! In fact, they even provide a free lunch, because you can’t learn or code on an empty stomach.

This year’s Tampa Code Camp has a Halloween theme, and so does my presentation, Prototype Spook-tacular “FrankenApps” with BRAAAAINS (AI)!!!

Here’s the abstract for my presentation, which will take place from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.:

Modern AI is scary-smart, and as an aspiring mad computer scientist, you’ve probably wondered how you can write applications that harness the power of AI for your own purposes. Step into this lab, put your laptop on the slab, and learn how to take a brain (an artificial one) from a nearby graveyard (actually, from an API) and put it into your own applications!

In this hands-on session, you’ll learn how to quickly prototype “FrankenApps” — apps built from bits and pieces you can find lying about the internet — and take them to the next spooky level with…BRAINS! Or, more accurately, OpenAI’s APIs, which you’ll harness to get that ChatGPT goodness into your own applications.

You’ll learn about a mad computer scientist’s favorite tools — Jupyter Notebook and Python — and use them to quickly prototype AI-powered applications, such as a weather app that recites spooky poems about the current forecast, or a Halloween costume generator. Catch this session, learn something new, and have some Halloween fun, too!

Join me and the rest of Tampa Code Camp this Saturday at Keiser University for a day of learning, coding, camaraderie, and fun! The event runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m..

Register here — and remember, it’s FREE!