Charts, Diagrams, and Infographics What I’m Up To


Joey’s hand-drawn diagram of how Packfiles’ Warp performs Azure DevOps-to-GitHub repository migrations

One of the (many) nice things about going to Embarc Collective to do my work at Packfiles for three (sometimes four) days a week is that they’ve got great whiteboards:

Joey’s laptop and insulated mug sitting on a table, with Embarc Collective’s tall whiteboards in the background.

As Packfiles’ documentarian and primary technical and customer support go-to person and as an occasional cartoonist, the whiteboards are both a great way to flesh out diagrams that I’ll later illustrate in Canva as well as to keep those doodling skills sharp.

Who knows, maybe I’ll just use hand-drawn whiteboard diagrams instead. What do you think?
