
Demo Night in Canada: Wednesday December 9 in Ottawa

demo night in canada

Demo Night in Canada

The “DemoCamp”-style event happening in Ottawa next week (which coincides with TechDays Ottawa) has an official name: Demo Night in Canada! It’ll take place in the Hampton Inn Conference Centre (200 Coventry Road, Ottawa ON)  on Wednesday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m..

Demo Night in Canada is a free-as-in-beer event where the bright lights of the Ottawa tech scene can talk about their favourite technologies and tools or about one of their development projects. It’s also an opportunity for techies in the Ottawa area to meet other members of the community, network, make friends and even strike up a collaboration. It’s all up to you!

The presentations at Demo Night in Canada will be:

  1. Scott Lake (SWIX and ThinkSM): The first ever public demo of his new social media metrics app.
  2. Jean-Rene Roy (Technologies SoftDesign Inc.): Microsoft’s Sync Framework.
  3. Scott Annan (Mercury Grove) Techdrifter, a never-before-demo’ed co-worker discovery tool.
  4. Charles Wiebe (TrackerRealm) and John Hansen (Jetfire): "This is My Language", which will showcase Dynamic Language Runtime.
  5. Ivan Paramonau (Itteco) Itteco Development Platform.
  6. Joël Hébert (Opulent ASP Development) The Boo Programming Language.
  7. Islam Gommaa: Implementing ISO 27001 .
  8. Mark Stephenson and Kareem Sultan: UnRealDecoy Bot Challenge

Registration for Demo Night in Canada is FREE! All you have to do is sign up at the registration page.

Apres-Demo Night Celebration

scoble_and_accordion_guyGeeks! Beer! Whoo!

After Demo Night in Canada wraps up, everyone attending is invited to the Startup Ottawa holiday party, which will happen in a to-be-determined location somewhere in the Byward Market. There’ll be much merriment and perhaps a pint or two tossed back in celebration.

Want to attend Demo Night in Canada? Click here to register – registration is free!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.