
CloudCamp Toronto is This Tuesday!

cloudcamp toronto

It’s not too late to register for CloudCamp Toronto, the latest in a series of free cross-Canada unconferences for early adopters of cloud computing. It doesn’t matter whether your preferred cloud computing system is Microsoft’s, Amazon’s, Rackspace’s or anyone else’s – this gathering for anyone with an interest in the cloud, regardless of technology stack or vendor.

From the event description:

CloudCamp is an unconference where early adopters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas. With the rapid change occurring in the industry, we need a place where we can meet to share our experiences, challenges and solutions. At CloudCamp, you are encouraged to share your thoughts in several open discussions, as we strive for the advancement of Cloud Computing. End users, IT professionals and vendors are all encouraged to participate.

CloudCamp Toronto will take place this Tuesday, October 26th at the South Building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Here’s the agenda:

Time What’s Happening
5:30 p.m. Registration and refreshments
6:00 Welcome

Lightning Talks:

  • Microsoft’s Barnaby Jeans on Azure
  • Reuven Cohen from Enomaly
  • One speaker to be named later
6:45 “Unpanel discussion”
7:15 Breakout session, round 1
8:15 Breakout session, round 2
9:00 Wrap-up
9:15 Where to next?

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.