
The World’s Biggest Pac-Man

world's biggest pac-man 1

Here’s a game that you can play in your browser that shows off what’s possible with HTML5 and what happens when you run HTML5 in Internet Explorer (hint: it runs much faster!). It’s the World’s Biggest Pac-Man game!

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The World’s Biggest Pac-Man game starts with the standard Pac-Man board, but if you go into the tunnels on the sides of the maze, rather than emerging from the other side, you emerge in a new Pac-Man maze. And there are a lot of them. Hence the name.

The World’s Biggest Pac-Man runs on any browser that supports HTML5, but thanks to the hardware acceleration, it’s even nicer on Internet Explorer 9.

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This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.

One reply on “The World’s Biggest Pac-Man”

I only whish this ultimate Pac-Man could be played on my Iphone with touch controles. Iphone promoted HTML5 from the start and so it should be made playable on mobile devices, like the iphone in particular. But perhaps someone at Namco Bandai gets the idea to bring this one to the app-store. It would be the only game i need and want to play on the go. So please people how are as Pac-Man addicts as i am, send this message around the world and let’s hope it will be heard.

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