
Featured Shopify App: Kwantify QR Campaign Manager

Welcome to another Featured Shopify App article, where we put the spotlight on a Shopify app and ask its creators about what it does, what its features are and why shopowners should use it. We plan to do this for every app in our App Store, to make sure that shopowners know about all the goodies available to them and to make rock stars out of the developers who build apps on the Shopify platform!

Today’s featured app: Kwantify’s QR Campaign Manager.

What does Kwantify QR Campaign Manager do?

Kwantify’s QR Campaign Manager application is designed to take advantage of the explosive growth in popularity of QR codes as a tool to drive mobile users to online websites. With this application you can quickly and easily generate QR codes that link to any aspect of your Shopify storefront. These codes can be generated in any size and your choice of Black, Purple or Red and are easily downloaded to be printed in your offline marketing initiatives.

Sometime before the holiday season we will be launching version 2.0, a free upgrade for existing users that will bring enhanced features and more customizable elements including location aware reporting (and that’s all I’m going to say on that:).

What are the key features of your app?

The Key feature of Kwantify’s QR Campaign Manager is that it’s easy to use interface and Code image customization options. Shopify retailers can setup a campaign linking to any product, category, blog of custom page in just three easy steps.  QR codes can be generated in any size need and 3 different colours.

When scanned by a mobile QR code reader, the user is redirected to the specified page while prompting the user to share their location.  When shared, Kwantify logs the time and location of the scan resulting in a clear picture of the campaign success.

Why should shopowners use your app?

Any Shopify retailer that uses printed marketing material should use this app to create scannable codes to add to the offline marketing material.  QR Code readers are quickly becoming the “must have” application for the mobile device with more and more handset makers building them into their next generation mobile devices.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

We started Kwantify in July of 2001 shortly after becoming Shopify and launching, a digital content download store featuring the life’s work of world famous speed and strength coach, the late great Charlie Francis.  We started to tinker with Shopify’s API interface and were instantly hooked!  We quickly came up with a list of potential applications that would make our experience as a online retailer better so we decided to go for it.

Kwantify is dedicated to building sleek, easy to use application that we, as a Shopify retailer would use ourselves to grow our business and offer them to other likeminded Shopify retailer’s at a fair price and with great support.  We want to listen to our customers and help them achieve their online goals both easily and cost effectively.

Where did you get the idea for your app?

We got the idea for our app when we launched a business built on Shopify’s e-commerce platform of our own. We wanted to offer our customers an easy to use tool to take advantage of the explosive popularity of QR codes as a means to interact online with offline marketing campaigns.  The team at Kwantify is quickly getting addicted to snapping a scan of QR codes we see everyday living in Vancouver, BC Canada.  From ads in the newspaper to billboards and posters on the Skytrain, QR codes are popping up everywhere and it is clear the mobile public is eating it up! On our own Shopify website, we have utilized QR codes in all our printed marketing materials and the response is impressive!

Where can I find out more about Kwantify QR Campaign Manager?

You can find out more about Kwantify QR Campaign Manager on its page in the Shopify App Store.

Kwantify also have another app in the store: Kwantify Contact Manager, a contact management tool that captures and processes customer inquiries received from your Shopify storefront.

This article also appears in the Shopify Technology Blog.