
Introducing Shopify Experts

Screenshot of the "Shopify Experts" main page

What is Shopify Experts?

Shopify Experts is an online directory of ecommerce experts who can help you get started with your Shopify shop, make it look and work better and get the most out of it. It’s where you can go to find designers to build themes, developers to make custom apps, marketers to boost your sales and other people with the skills, know-how and experience to help you with all things Shopify.

With over 16,000 shops powered by Shopify and more and more being added to that number each day, it’s not surprising that a community of experts who’ve mastered the in and outs of designing, customizing, running and promoting an online shop has grown around Shopify. Shopify Experts makes it easy for shopowners to find these people and tap into their expertise.

I want to hire a Shopify Expert to help me with my shop. What do I do?

That’s easy: just go to the Shopify Experts site at and start looking around! We’ve designed the site so browsing through experts, whether designer, developer, marketer or something else, is as easy as browsing through a Shopify shop’s catalog.

You can browse through our entire catalog of experts or search by area of expertise, geographic location and price…

Search controls for Shopify Experts: "I'm looking for a Developer in New York for a max of Any Price"

…and you’ll see a listing of experts that tell you who they are, what they do, where they’re located, thumbnails of their portfolio and a rough figure of how much they charge.

Screenshot of results from a Shopify Experts search

You can click on any expert’s View Expert Profile button to get a more in-depth view of what they do, see their experience with the Shopify platform, read reviews from shopowners who’ve hired them, see more of their portfolio and contact them.

Screenshot of a profile page for a Shopify Expert

Right now, you can find designers, developers and marketers in Shopify Experts. We’re going to expand the categories soon to include photographers, accountants, legal assistance and more.

We’re making it easy to find the help you need to make your shop successful.

I have design/development/marketing skills and want to be listed in Shopify Experts. What do I do?

To join Shopify Experts, you need to:

I’m thinking about becoming a Shopify Expert. Is it worth it?

Woodcut artwork of a hand pointing to the leftWe think it’s worth it. Everyone at Shopify, from the development team to sales and marketing to support and Gurus, treat Shopify Experts as the go-to people. If you ask any of us for a recommendation for a developer, designer, marketer or other person to help you with your shop, we’ll direct you to a Shopify Expert. It only makes sense: Shopify Experts are by definition people we’ve vetted and have proven track records.

Shopowners think it’s worth it. In Shopify Experts’ four-week beta period, which we ran quietly, without any marketing, there were nearly 1,000 shopowner-to-Expert communications. Shopowners want your expertise, and Shopify Experts is how they’ll find you.

Shopify Experts think it’s worth it. Here’s what some Experts who participated in our beta program had to say:

“Since the day Experts soft-launched I’ve received at least a handful of enquiries a week. All of them have been excited, about setting up their online presence, and about using Shopify to do it. I’ve been loving it! I have one full project done and paid, two more are mid-way through and I am discussing several others.”

“Connecting shop owners with Shopify experts is yet another brilliant idea from Shopify. Experts bridges the gap, making it that much easier for shop owners to find help and for contractors like myself to find Shopify projects. In the first few weeks of it’s release alone I was contacted 50% more than usual through the experts website. As always, I love everything about Shopify and this is just another feature that customers will benefit from as well as designers, developers, etc.”

“Shopify Experts has brought about a significant increase in enquires since the beta launch. I have received approx 30 requests for quotes, ranging from small theme updates to larger projects that cover branding, design and quite complication integrations. I have closed on several projects already, generating in the region of $18,000 worth of business. Not bad for a 4 week beta(!)”

Sign up now!

Monitor displaying the Shopify Experts page

Shopify Experts is now out of beta and in full swing. If you’ve got expertise that Shopify shopowners need, sign up, get listed and get found!

This article also appears in the Shopify Technology Blog.