Artificial Intelligence Editorial

A helpful reminder from the computer in “Space: 1999”

The computer screen in the first episode of “Space: 1999” displaying the text “HUMAN DECISION REQUIRED”

Here’s a handy tip from the first episode of the 1975 TV series Space: 1999 that seems tailor-made for the current era of AI. Keep it in mind!

(And in case you’re curious, here’s that episode, and I’ve even cued it up to the scene where the computer displays that message…)

Artificial Intelligence Meetups Tampa Bay

Learn about graph databases and how they work with apps and AI this Thursday at Tampa Java User Group / Tampa Bay AI Meetup!

Join us on Thursday, January 9 at the Entrepreneur Collaborative Center in Tampa where Tampa Java User Group and Tampa Bay AI Meetup will jointly host Neo4j Developer Advocate Jennifer Reif, who’ll present What you need to know: Data, apps, and AI for graph databases!

The tl;dr

The details

Jennifer Reif is a Developer Relations Engineer at Neo4j, who will walk through what a graph database is and how it can transform your applications and data.

Graphs are different from other types of databases because they store relationships between data points. This makes them ideal for applications where the connections between data provides additional context, improving decision-making with existing data.

Join us to learn how to leverage graph databases in your applications and AI projects. Jennifer will talk about creating, querying, and displaying data and learn how to integrate a graph database into applications. Finally, she will discuss how graph databases can be used in AI applications and the strengths they bring to the table. Live code will demonstrate these concepts in action.

Artificial Intelligence Meetups Programming Tampa Bay

This Tuesday: “Welcome to the AI Jungle! Now What?”

This Tuesday, December 10th, the Tampa Bay AI Meetup will team up with the Tampa Java User Group to feature speaker Kevin Dubois, Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat and Java Champion, who’ll give us a tour of the world of enterprise AI implementation with a presentation titled Welcome to the AI jungle! Now what?

The tl;dr

What the talk will be about

The AI revolution is transforming business landscapes, but many developers find themselves overwhelmed by this paradigm shift. How do we navigate this “Wild West” of tools, models, and platforms?

Kevin will demonstrate how open source technologies can standardize AI development and deployment in enterprise environments. Learn how to leverage familiar tools like containers, Kubernetes, CI/CD, and GitOps to build AI-powered applications in a secure, repeatable manner.

Discover how open source solutions are democratizing AI development and deployment. Through live demonstrations, Kevin will showcase:

  • OpenDataHub (OpenShift AI)
  • Kubernetes integration
  • Backstage implementation
  • Java application integration with Open Source models
  • Local development environment setup

About Kevin Dubois

Kevin Dubois is a Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat where he gets to enjoy working with Open Source projects and improving the developer experience. He previously worked as a (Lead) Software Engineer at a variety of organizations across the world ranging from small startups to large enterprises and even government agencies.  He brings a wealth of experience to the table, including:

  • Java Champion
  • Active contributor to Quarkus, Knative, Apache Camel, and Podman
  • Member of Belgian CNCF and Belgian Java User Group
  • Multilingual speaker (English, Dutch, French, Italian)
  • International software engineering experience across startups, enterprises, and government agencies

When not revolutionizing enterprise AI, Kevin can be found hiking, gravel biking, snowboarding, or packrafting in various corners of the world.

Come to the meetup!

Come see a great presentation, have some food, meet with your peers in the Tampa Bay area, and participate in our lively and active tech scene.

Once again, you can find out more and register for the meetup on its event page. Hope to see you there!

Artificial Intelligence Humor Programming

When did GitHub Copilot get so snarky?

This actually hasn’t happened…yet. But there are enough people who practice asshole-driven development for there to eventually be an AI code assistant that behaves like this.

Artificial Intelligence Meetups Tampa Bay

“Welcome to the AI Jungle! Now What?” (Tampa Bay AI Meetup / Tampa Java User Group) — Tuesday, December 10 at Hays!

The Tampa Bay AI Meetup is back (in cooperation with the Tampa Java User Group) with a presentation titled Welcome to the AI Jungle! Now What? on Tuesday, December 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the Hays office. Kevin Dubois, Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat and Java Champion, will be presenting — he’ll guide us through the world of enterprise AI implementations.

The tl;dr:

Session Abstract

The AI revolution is transforming business landscapes, but many developers find themselves overwhelmed by this paradigm shift. How do we navigate this “Wild West” of tools, models, and platforms?

Kevin will demonstrate how open source technologies can standardize AI development and deployment in enterprise environments. Learn how to leverage familiar tools like containers, Kubernetes, CI/CD, and GitOps to build AI-powered applications in a secure, repeatable manner.

What you’ll learn

Discover how open source solutions are democratizing AI development and deployment. Through live demonstrations, Kevin will showcase:

  • OpenDataHub (OpenShift AI)
  • Kubernetes integration
  • Backstage implementation
  • Java application integration with Open Source models
  • Local development environment setup

About the Speaker

Kevin Dubois brings a wealth of experience to the table:

  • Java Champion
  • Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat
  • Active contributor to Quarkus, Knative, Apache Camel, and Podman
  • Member of Belgian CNCF and Belgian Java User Group
  • Multilingual speaker (English, Dutch, French, Italian)
  • International software engineering experience across startups, enterprises, and government agencies

When not revolutionizing enterprise AI, Kevin can be found hiking, gravel biking, snowboarding, or packrafting in various corners of the world.

Once again, the event is Welcome to the AI Jungle! Now what?, and it’s happening on Wednesday, December 10 at 5:30 p.m. at Hays. We’ll see you there!

Artificial Intelligence Deals Programming

365 Data Science’s Data Science and AI courses are free until November 21st!

If you can carve out a little free time every day between now and November 21st, you’ve got the opportunity to take every data science and AI course offered by 365 Data Science for free — and really free, as in they won’t ask you to enter your credit card number.

  • Need to learn basic or intermediate Python? They’ve got you covered.
  • Want to get up to speed with Pandas or Numpy? They’ve got courses for that?
  • Gearing to up get hardcore and learn the mathematics behind machine learning? There’s a linear algebra course, as well as courses for probability and statistics.

I’m quite sure that the hope is that you’ll start some courses, not be able to finish them by the 21st, and then shell out money to continue. They may even have some Black Friday specials happening around that time to entice you to hand over your credit card number.

But what if you put in the time during the free period and really dug in? You might be able to learn a lot of free.

I’m in the middle of a couple of their math courses, and they’re pretty good. Check them out!

Artificial Intelligence Current Events Humor

It’s a…you know.