Conferences Current Events Security Tampa Bay

“Most Wanted: Women in Cyber Careers”: Thursday, March 11 at 7 p.m. EST

Tampa’s security guild, The Neon Temple, along with The Prowess Group, is hosting their 2021 International Women’s Day Symposium with the title Most Wanted: Women in Cyber Careers. It takes place online tomorrow, Thursday, March 11th at 7:00 p.m. EST (UTC-5).

If you’re interested in cybersecurity or women in tech, you should catch this session! Register to attend, as well as to get details about how to view it online.

The panelists

Kelly Albrink Kelly Albrink (GCIH, GSEC, OSCP, GWAPT) is a Senior Security Consultant at Bishop Fox, where her areas of expertise are in network penetration testing, hardware security, and wireless technologies.

Courtney Jackson

Courtney H. Jackson,
MSISA, CISSP, CISM, CEH, CHFI is the Founder and CEO of Paragon Cyber Solutions, LLC, a woman, minority, veteran-owned small business headquartered in Tampa, FL. Courtney has more than 20 years of certified hands-on experience in Information Technology, encompassing both executive leadership and entrepreneurship. Through her work, she helps government agencies, startups, and commercial companies to protect the integrity of their business operations through specialized cybersecurity and risk management solutions.

Sunny Wear Dr. Sunny Wear is a Web Security Architect and Penetration Tester. She provides secure coding classes, creates software, and performs penetration testing against web/API and mobile applications. Sunny has more than 25 years of hands-on software programming, architecture and security experience and holds a Doctor of Science in Cybersecurity. She is a published author, “Burp Suite Cookbook”, a developer of mobile apps, specifically, the “Burp Tool Buddy”, and is a Pluralsight content creator, “Burp Suite for Beginners/Advanced/Writing Plugins”. She regularly speaks and holds classes at security conferences such as Defcon, Hackfest, and BSides.

About The Neon Tample

The Neon Temple is Tampa Bay’s security guild.

Among their number are SOC analysts, penetration testers, programmers, ’80s Wardialers, CISOs, and even the occasional intelligence collector or federal agent. Their members vary from novices just getting started, to seasoned veterans who’ve been in the trenches since before the word “cyber” was invented. They care about cybersecurity, national security, and the right to privacy, and their aim is to spread their message and mentality globally.

Once again, the 2021 International Women’s Day Symposium, Most Wanted: Women in Cyber Careers, takes place on Thursday, March 11 at 7 p.m. EST (UTC-5). To attend, register for the event here.

Conferences Current Events

Catch FTW Conf today!

FTW Conf logoIt’s International Women’s Day! If you’re reading this blog, you’re either in tech or aspire to be, and you should attend the free online community mini-conference called FTW Conf! FTW Conf starts at 11:15 EST (16:15 UTC) and you can catch it online at

The Tracks

FTWConf will feature these tracks:

  • Security: Threat modelling, trust and how you can get into security yourself. Bring your questions — there’ll be ample time for Q&A with the speakers and hosts!
  • Transparency in tech: If you’re interested in technologies gathering personal information, accountability and trust, then you shouldn’t miss the Transparency in Tech panel discussion about how to change the way transparency is built into technology.
  • Career: Feeling nervous about approaching a salary negotiation or promotion discussion with your boss? Keen to find a mentor but unsure where to begin? Wonder how you can best bounce back and build resilience in an ever-challenging world? Applying to jobs and receiving zero response? Join the Career track as we explore real experiences, practical advice, and guidance from inspiring women in the industry on these important topics. There’s an open Q&A that will help you take your career to the next level!
  • Creative: All work and no play makes anyone dull. During the pandemic we’ve all picked up new hobbies, adopted new habits. In the Creative track, we won’t be talking sourdough bread, but we will explore more brainy creative outlets, like LEGO, sketch noting, and… knitting.
  • Main: Inspiring stories, discussions about diverse topics, and where they’ll wrap up the conference with a panel featuring speakers from the other tracks.

FTW Conf speakers from Auth0

I have a number of Auth0 co-workers at FTW Conf:

Annybell Villaroel

Annybell Villaroel, Security Culture Manager at Auth0, will speak at 12:30 p.m. EST in a session titled Trust: From Zero to Hero. She’ll talk about Security Culture, what trust is, and how to extend and inspire trust. We’ll follow almost exactly the same method that FBI hostage negotiators use on their day today. It doesn’t get more battle-tested than that!

Eva Sarafinaou, Senior Security Engineer at Auth0, will speak at 1:00 p.m. EST in a session titled Threat Modeling in the “Shift Security Left” era. “Shifting security left” means prioritizing security earlier in the development timeline. Doing this means that vulnerabilities are found early on in the process, making it easier and more cost effective to fix them. How can Threat Modeling become an integral part of your organization’s shift security left strategy? How can you, the developer, design secure software? Learn what is Threat Modeling and how to apply Threat Modeling techniques in each stage of the software development lifecycle. Start thinking like an attacker!

Ana Cidre is a Developer Advocate at Auth0, the founder of ngSpain and GalsTech. She has a degree in Fine Arts and a Master in International Business Economics and Management, so she is not your usual software developer. She’s a big fan of Web Components and Angular. As a very active member of the community, she regularly organises meetups and conferences, like the amazing ngSpain. Ana is based in Spain, where she’s the founder of GalsTech, a group for women in tech from Galicia. Because she is so passionate about diversity, she is also a Women Techmaker Ambassador.

James Quick is a developer, speaker, and teacher with a passion for Web Development. He is a Developer Advocate at Auth0 and has over 7 years of experience in Advocacy and Software Development. In his spare time, he runs a YouTube channel, plays co-ed soccer with his wife, spends time with his dogs, and can solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute.

Sam Bellen is a Senior Developer Advocate Engineer at Auth0 and a Google Developer Expert. After office hours, he likes to play around with the web-audio API, and other “exotic” browser API’s. One of his side projects is a library to add audio effects to an audio input using JavaScript. When he’s not behind a computer, you’ll find him playing the guitar, having a beer at a concert, or trying to snap the next perfect picture.

Catch FTW Conf today! It’s free, it’s online, and it’s a great way to learn and celebrate International WOmen’s Day!


Conferences Current Events Programming Tampa Bay

Suncoast Developers Guild’s Fall 2020 Conference is THIS SATURDAY!

Suncoast Developers Conference this Saturday!

Hey, Tampa Bay! We’ve got another Suncoast Developers Conference happening this Saturday, and you can attend for FREE, from the comfort of your own computer or phone.

Once again, it’s this Saturday, it’s online, and it’s free-as-in-beer to attend. REGISTER HERE.

The conference will be made of bite-size (15 minutes or shorter!) presentations by Tampa Bay techies and demos of capstone projects by Suncoast Developers Guild alums.

I’ll be presenting on PyGame!

I’ll be doing a presentation in the afternoon, on the topic of…

PyGame! I try to keep my topics both technical and fun, and what’s more technical and fun than Python and game development?

There will be coding, and I’ll also provide source code and a free book.

What was the last Suncoast Developers Conference like?

The last conference took place in the summer, and was also free and online. You can watch the entire thing below…

…and if you want to jump to a specific presentation, use these links:

  1. 00:00:00 Reticulating Splines…
  2. 00:00:58 Welcome & Introductions
  3. 00:08:15 Jason L Perry: Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!
  4. 00:22:11 Robert Bieber: Will it Scale?
  5. 00:58:13 Kento Kawakami – Demo: Smash Bros Combo
  6. 01:28:30 Cody Banks & Abtahee Ali – Demo: Evolution X
  7. 01:54:54 Daniel Demerin – The Rubber Duck Pal Program
  8. 02:11:12 Colter Lena – Demo: Furry Friends
  9. 02:24:50 Trent Costa – Demo: Tailgate
  10. 02:41:54 Dylan Attal – Don’t Crash! CSS-Modules in React
  11. 02:59:42 Vincent Tang – How to start your own Coding Podcast 101
  12. 03:30:31 Michele Cynowicz – Pull Requests and the Developers Who Love Them
  13. 03:52:11 Abe Eveland – Demo: Rollerblade Buyers Guide
  14. 04:04:45 Liz Tiller – Post-Bootcamp Reflections
  15. 04:23:20 Joey deVilla – Ren’py
  16. 04:41:20 Michael Traverso – You Do Belong Here
  17. 05:01:46 Rob Mack – Demo: What’s for Dinner?
  18. 05:15:38 Kat Batuigas – A Taste Of Docs As Code

How do you register for the conference?

REGISTER HERE. Once again, it’s this Saturday, it’s online, and it’s free-as-in-beer to attend.

I’ll see you on Saturday!

One more thing: What is Suncoast Developers Guild?

Since opening their doors in the summer of 2018, Suncoast Developers Guild’s coding school has graduated over 100 students, and before that, they taught people to code in their previous incarnation as the Tampa Bay branch of The Iron Yard.

In another life, I was a developer evangelist who travelled across North America and I saw tech scenes from Palo Alto to Peoria. I can tell you that one of the signs of a healthy tech community in a small- to medium-sized city is a coding school that acts as a social/technical/gathering place. If your city had one, things were looking up for local techies. If not, it was a safe bet that the place was experiencing a brain drain.

Here in Tampa Bay, Suncoast Developers Guild fills that vital role, and it does so spectacularly. They’re a key part of the heart and soul of tech in the area, and it shows in their efforts, such as events like this.

Conferences Current Events Florida

Synapse Converge: Global Entrepreneur Week edition happens Monday, November 16!

Synapse Converge and Global Entrepreneurship Week logos - Monday, November 16 - Thursday, November 19

Hey, Florida techies and entrepreneurs — the online conference Synapse Converge: Global Entrepreneur Week edition happens Monday, November 16 and runs through Thursday, November 19, and it’s FREE to attend!

If you’re a would-be entrepreneur looking for inspiration or an entrepreneur seeking knowledge to help you bring your startup to the next step, this conference is for you.

Synapse Converge: Global Entrepreneur Week edition, as its name implies, is put together by:

  • Synapse Florida logoSynapse Florida, Florida’s innovation hub, whose mission is to connect entrepreneurs, investors, and other stakeholders to accelerate success in Florida’s thriving economies.
  • Global Entrepreneurship Week logoGlobal Entrepreneurship Week, a collection of tens of thousands of events, activities and competitions each November that inspire millions to explore their potential as an entrepreneur while fostering connections and increasing collaboration within their ecosystems.

This conference has two tracks:

  1. Entrepreneur Leadership track:
    • Candid interviews with successful entrepreneurs and leaders.
    • Tangible tools to help late-stage companies and enterprises connect and identify opportunities to partner.
    • Gives investors the opportunity to make their mark by supporting growing Florida companies.
  2. Startup Toolkit track:
    • 12 distinct, sequential sessions taught by leading Florida academics and business leaders, on the entrepreneurial journey.
    • Features sessions ranging from “Is Entrepreneurship for You?” to “Getting to Growth Stage”, and everything in between.

Find out more at the Synapse Converge: Global Entrepreneur Week edition conference at their site.

Conferences Florida Tampa Bay

Synapse Summit 2020 volunteer informational meeting: Tuesday, January 7th at Brick House

Banner: Synapse Volunteer Informational Meeting - January 7, 2020 @ Brick House Tavern + Tap, 6 - 8 p.m.

Are you looking for a chance to attend a big tech event, get some serious networking done, and help make Tampa Bay’s tech scene even better? You might want to volunteer at Synapse Summit 2020! They’re holding a volunteer informational meeting this Tuesday, January 7th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Brick House Tavern + Tap.

Photo: The Synapse Summit 2019 exhibitor floor on center ice at Amalie Arena.

The Synapse Summit is Tampa Bay’s largest annual technology and entrepreneurship gathering, bringing together “makers, hackers, thinkers, and doers” from not just the Tampa Bay area and Florida, but the world. Held in Amalie Arena, it brings in thousands of attendees to see keynotes from industry leaders, sessions and panels covering important tech and business topics, and network with the bright lights of Tampa’s growing tech ecosystem. The 2020 Synapse Summit takes place on Tuesday, February 11 and Wednesday, February 12, and general admission tickets are $300 (students, active military, first responders, and government officials can attend for a special deeply-discounted price: $50).

2020 will mark the third time that the Synapse Summit has taken place. It’s organized by Synapse Florida, a non-profit organization whose focus is on boosting Florida’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Photo: The front exterior of Brick House Tavern + Tap in Tampa.

Volunteers are a key part of Synapse Summit’s success. As they say on the upcoming meeting’s Eventbrite page:

[Volunteering at Synapse] is a wonderful opportunity to fine tune your skills, network and meet great people and give back and feel good.

We need volunteers for all areas. Regardless of your skills, we can use your help. Come out on 1/7/20 for our volunteer informational meeting being held at Brick House. We want to answer any and all questions you may have.

The bottom line