Next month, on May 12th from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Eastern, I’m going to facilitate an online “Coffee and Code” session with the Women Who Code Tampa meetup, and according to the event description, I’ll be talking about Python.
But it’ll be a little bit more than just Python. It’ll be about using Python to automate certain tasks and assist you in others.
You can learn a lot about a programming language from the coding projects featured in tutorials, but sometimes, that problems tackled in those projects can seem as if they don’t apply to the the kinds of problems that you’d like to tackle with code.
In the upcoming “Coffee and Code”, I’m going to show you how I use Python and Jupyter Notebooks to automate certain tasks to give me more time during the day and make those tasks less error-prone.
Consider the list of Tampa Bay tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events that I publish every week (and its companion mailing list). I started publishing a few years ago, and in the beginning, I created it manually, copying and pasting text and links from and other places.
In the beginning, there weren’t that many events in the area, and putting the list together would take about an hour. As Tampa Bay’s tech scene grew bigger, more events came up, and creating the list grew into a task that could easily take up two or three hours — sometimes even longer.
That’s when I decided to create a couple of Python scripts to speed up the process. I’ll show you how I put those scripts together, and even give you to the code so that you can tinker with it and create your own tools to automate your life and make it easier.
That’s my plan — to show you how I think when I’m trying to use Python to automate processes and solve problems in my everyday life and work, and give you concrete code examples that you can use, modify, experiment with, and learn from!
Join me at the Women Who Code Tampa meetup on Thursday, May 12 at 9:00 EDT and see how you can use Python as an everyday assistant!