Artificial Intelligence Deals Programming

365 Data Science’s Data Science and AI courses are free until November 21st!

If you can carve out a little free time every day between now and November 21st, you’ve got the opportunity to take every data science and AI course offered by 365 Data Science for free — and really free, as in they won’t ask you to enter your credit card number.

  • Need to learn basic or intermediate Python? They’ve got you covered.
  • Want to get up to speed with Pandas or Numpy? They’ve got courses for that?
  • Gearing to up get hardcore and learn the mathematics behind machine learning? There’s a linear algebra course, as well as courses for probability and statistics.

I’m quite sure that the hope is that you’ll start some courses, not be able to finish them by the 21st, and then shell out money to continue. They may even have some Black Friday specials happening around that time to entice you to hand over your credit card number.

But what if you put in the time during the free period and really dug in? You might be able to learn a lot of free.

I’m in the middle of a couple of their math courses, and they’re pretty good. Check them out!

Artificial Intelligence Deals Programming Reading Material

Get started with Python and AI with 3 books for only a dollar!

Covers of the books “Transformers for Natural Language Processing,” “Machine Learning with PyTorch and SciKit-Learn,” and “Artificial Intelligence with Python.”
Banner for “The SocialCode x Tampa — Embracing the AI Revolution.”
Are you in Tampa on Thursday, September 7th? Join me and other Tampa AI enthusiasts at The SocialCode x Tampa for an AI panel and networking event!

The current “best bang for your buck” deal on AI ebooks is the 3-book version of Humble Bundle’s Machine Learning and AI 2023 book bundle, which is available for a mere one US dollar for the next 16 days.

I already own one of the three (Artificial Intelligence with Python, Second Edition), but I’m not going to complain about getting two new-to-me books at 50 cents each!

The books are:

  1. Artificial Intelligence with Python, Second Edition, by Alberto Artasanchez and Prateek Joshi. This book is a great introduction to artificial intelligence via TensorfFow and Python, and great companion for the other two books in this one-dollar set.
  2. Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn, by Sebastian Raschka, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, and Vahid Mirjalili. PyTorch offers both neural networks and tensors, Scikit-Learn provides a collection of machine learning algorithms, and this book walks you through both.
  3. Transformers for Natural Language Processing, Second Edition, by Denis Rothman. The “T” in ChatGPT is “transformer,” and this book covers them extensively. I’m looking forward to the exercise where you use Hugging Face to pretrain a RoBERTa model from scratch.

Are you looking for an economical way to become an AI development expert? Spend a buck on these three books, get any computer made in the past dozen years with plenty of RAM (SODIMMS for old computers are pretty cheap these days), and do the exercises in the books. We’re early enough into the new AI age that if you do all these, you’ll be ahead of most aspiring AI developers out there.

Find out more about these books and this deal!

Deals Programming Reading Material

Manning ebooks, print books, and videos are on sale until July 31!

From now until midnight Eastern time (UTC-4) on July 31st, Manning’s books and videos on software development and technology are selling at greatly reduced prices:

  • ebooks: $22.99 instead of $39.99
  • print books: $29.99 instead of $49.99
  • videos: $19.99 instead of $29.99

Check the out at

(I’m not affiliated with Manning in any way, other than I own some Manning books and get their announcement emails, which is how I found out about this.)

Artificial Intelligence Deals Programming

45 (mostly) Python tutorials for $25 via Humble Bundle!

If you want to learn Python, machine learning, data science, and a few other related topics AND you have $25 handy, The Complete Python Mega Bundle has you covered, as you can see from the list of tutorials below:

At the time of writing, you’ve got about 17 days to get in on this deal.

Deals Programming Reading Material

Get these 5 books for 1 dollar at Humble Bundle!

There’s a Humble Bundle deal going on for the next nine days at the time of writing: the Popular Programming Languages book bundle, featuring books by O’Reilly. There’s a “15 books for $25” version of the deal and a “10 books for $18” version.

If you’re still iffy about parting with that much money, you might be interested in the $1 deal, which gets you these five books:

Once again, the deal is here, and it’s good for the next nine days at the time of writing.

Deals Reading Material Security

Humble Bundle’s deal on cybersecurity and forensics books from CRC Press

Screenshot of Humble Bundle’s “Cybersecurity and Forensics” bundle page

The latest interesting book bundle from Humble Bundle is the Cybersecurity and Forensics Bundle, which gets you 19 cybersecurity and cyberforensics books by CRC Press for a mere $25 — that’s just $1.32 per book!

As I write this, you have 17 days before this deal disappears. If you need books on cybersecurity and forensics, get these now!

Click here to go to Humble Bundle’s Cybersecurity and Forensics bundle page.

Artificial Intelligence Deals Programming Reading Material

Humble Bundle’s deal on No Starch Press’ Python books

Banner for Humble Bundle’s No Starch Press Python book bundle

I love No Starch Press’ Python books. They’re the textbooks I use when teaching the Python course at Computer Coach because they’re easy to read, explain things clearly, and have useful examples.

And now you can get 18 of their Python ebooks for $36 — that’s $2 each, or the cost of just one of their ebook, Python Crash Course, Third Edition!

Check out the deal at Humble Bundle, and get ready to get good at Python! At the time of writing, the bundle will be available for 20 more days.

Banner for Tampa Artificial Intelligence Meetup

Consider these books recommended reading for the Tampa Artificial Intelligence Meetup, which is now under my management, and holding a meeting later this month!