Games Hardware Humor

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The Windows 95 launch is a cringey ’90s time capsule

Pleated khakis eveywhere! It’s true: we got our fashion cues from Jerry Seinfeld in the 1990s.

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of Windows 3.1 — the version where Windows started to show its true promise — but the truly entertaining bit of Windows history is Blue OS Museum’s recent posting of the Windows 95 Launch show, starring Bill Gates and special guest host Jay Leno!

I put the video on another screen to use as background noise while editing some articles this afternoon and found myself unable to look away, as if I were watching Plan 9 From Outer Space or The Room. It’s a so-bad-it’s good time capsule of technology and popular culture.

Some observations:

  • Jay Leno’s schtick was a combination of his usual topical Tonight Show gags and of being someone who didn’t use a computer regularly. This may seem weird to present-day viewers, but you have to keep in mind that this was 1995, when having a computer in your home was still an unusual thing, and sound cards and CD-ROMs were still new features. The original Microsoft goal of “a computer on every desk and in every home” hadn’t been reached yet.
  • The video is definitely a news time capsule too — Jay cracked a lot of Bill Clinton and OJ Simpson jokes, and I wonder if the references are lost on younger viewers. Early in the video, when joking about the limited memory of the Altair 8800 (for which Microsoft wrote a BASIC interpreter when they were getting started), he joked that it had better memory than Rosa Lopez. The name rang a bell, but I had to Google her (she was OJ Simpson’s housekeeper, and called to be a witness at his murder trial).
  • It’s also a fashion and hair time capsule. A painful one.
  • Multimedia on a computer! This was truly possible for the first time on Windows 95 (or Macintosh ’89), which was perfect timing as I was entering the job market at the time and landed a job developing multimedia CD-ROM applications.
  • Pre-emptive multitasking as the new hotness — wow, we lived in the stone age!
  • MSN, as in the Microsoft Network, which was their answer to AOL. They’d pivot to the internet shortly afterward.
  • And oh, that bit near the beginning where the programmers talked about life (and lack of hygiene) during crunch time while working on Windows 95 was straight out of Douglas Coupland’s novel, Microserfs. The only difference is that the Microserfs characters dated more.
Humor Programming

Program in C: The coding song in Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”

How did I not know that this existed? Here’s a parody of Under the Sea, the bouncy song from Disney’s animated film The Little Mermaid, but instead of being about why life is better under the sea, it’s about why programming is better with C than with any of those newfangled programming languages with their classes and whatnot:

This amuses me to no end.

When I was a DJ at Clark Hall Pub, the engineering pub at Crazy Go Nuts University, among the alt-rock songs that were guaranteed to pack the dance floor was a strange outlier that started as a joke but turned into a hit that had to be played at least once a night: Under the Sea!

It’s also the time when I got proficient in C, as it was one of the acceptable programming languages for using in assignments. The other one was Turing, and yes, there’s a reason you haven’t heard of it. (One of my favorite professors, Dr. Michael Levison, used to say that Alan Turing would probably be horrified at the programming language that bears his name.)

I may have to add this one to my accordion repertoire.


This actually happens.


The joke in this comic will sneak up on you


“I also like to live dangerously.”

No photo description available.

In case it’s not clear: Don’t do this.

Humor Programming

The real reason programmers prefer dark themes

Comic by monstika. Click to see the source.