Humor Process

A short guide to design and development methodologies

Comic by DESIGN THINKING! Comic. Click here to see the source. Thanks to David Eddy for the find!

Yet another one we can file under “Funny because it’s true.”


Developer humor for Saturday, January 23, 2020

Humor Process

We’ve all been there: “Let’s add one more feature!”


You know it’s true

Thanks to Cameron Barrett for the find! Tap to view at full size.

Of course, the proper comeback is: jeffy is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported...TO MOM!

Humor Programming

Developer meme of the day

Photo: Chef (labeled “developers”) pouring olive oil from a comically oversized bottle (labeled “JavaScript”) onto a salad (labeled “website”).
Tap to view at full size.

Not pictured: A oil drum-sized barrel of balsamic vinegar labeled “React”, “Vue”, or “Angular”, and a forgotten can of anchovies labeled “jQuery”.

Thanks to Cameron Barrett for the find!

Humor Programming

If “full stack” was a person…

Poster: If “full stack was a person”, featuring the same guy as a car mechanic, hairstylist, research scientist, doctor, and cook
Tap to view the full stack-ness at full size.
Humor Security

Cybersecurity can be stressful

Just ask this practitioner…