
Developer humor for Saturday, January 23, 2020

Humor Process

We’ve all been there: “Let’s add one more feature!”


You know it’s true

Thanks to Cameron Barrett for the find! Tap to view at full size.

Of course, the proper comeback is: jeffy is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported...TO MOM!

Humor Programming

Developer meme of the day

Photo: Chef (labeled “developers”) pouring olive oil from a comically oversized bottle (labeled “JavaScript”) onto a salad (labeled “website”).
Tap to view at full size.

Not pictured: A oil drum-sized barrel of balsamic vinegar labeled “React”, “Vue”, or “Angular”, and a forgotten can of anchovies labeled “jQuery”.

Thanks to Cameron Barrett for the find!

Humor Programming

If “full stack” was a person…

Poster: If “full stack was a person”, featuring the same guy as a car mechanic, hairstylist, research scientist, doctor, and cook
Tap to view the full stack-ness at full size.
Humor Security

Cybersecurity can be stressful

Just ask this practitioner…


This photo reminds me of pre-Corona times, when I could go to tech conferences

Developer conferences are often close-packed affairs in trench-like spaces, there’s a tendency towards drab clothing, and while the situation has been steadily improving, they’re still largely sausage parties.