Humor Programming

Developer meme of the day

Photo: Chef (labeled “developers”) pouring olive oil from a comically oversized bottle (labeled “JavaScript”) onto a salad (labeled “website”).
Tap to view at full size.

Not pictured: A oil drum-sized barrel of balsamic vinegar labeled “React”, “Vue”, or “Angular”, and a forgotten can of anchovies labeled “jQuery”.

Thanks to Cameron Barrett for the find!

Humor Programming

If “full stack” was a person…

Poster: If “full stack was a person”, featuring the same guy as a car mechanic, hairstylist, research scientist, doctor, and cook
Tap to view the full stack-ness at full size.
Humor Security

Cybersecurity can be stressful

Just ask this practitioner…


This photo reminds me of pre-Corona times, when I could go to tech conferences

Developer conferences are often close-packed affairs in trench-like spaces, there’s a tendency towards drab clothing, and while the situation has been steadily improving, they’re still largely sausage parties.


Frightening, but true

Luckily for me, my Stack Overflow profile puts me in the top 5% for Python and Ruby, and top 30% for Swift:

Thanks to @CodingBourbon for the find!


T-shirt of the day

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

If you don’t get it, ask a friend who knows computer networking. Alternately, you could do a little Googling…


The general idea behind VPNs

Unfortunately, VPNs don’t finish their tasks with a great song-and-dance scene.