Meetups Programming Tampa Bay

Building a “Wordle” function, part 1

These slides capture what we worked on Tuesday night’s “Think Like a Coder” meetup: coming up with a first attempt at a “Wordle” function. Given a guess word and a goal word, it should output a Wordle-style score.

We came up with a solution that I like to call the “close enough” algorithm. It goes through the guess word one character at a time, comparing the current guess word character with the goal word character in the same position.

When making those character-by-character comparisons, the function follows the rules:

Here’s the “close enough” algorithm, implemented in Python…

def wordle(guess_word, goal_word):
    # Go through the guess word one character at a time, getting...
    # 1. index: The position of the character
    # 2. character: The character at that position
    for index, character in enumerate(guess_word):
        # Compare the current character in the guess word
        # to the goal word character at the same position
        if character == goal_word[index]:
            # Current character in the guess word
            # matches its counterpart in the goal word
        elif character in goal_word:
            # Current character in the guess word
            # DOESN’T match its counterpart in the goal word,
            # but DOES appear in the goal word
            # Current character DOESN’T appear in the goal word

…and here’s the JavaScript implementation:

function wordle(guessWord, goalWord) {
    // Go through the guess word one character at a time
    for (let index in guessWord) {
        // Compare the current character in the guess word
        // to the goal word character at the same position
        if (guessWord[index] == goalWord[index]) {
            // Current character in the guess word
            // matches its counterpart in the goal word
        } else if (goalWord.includes(guessWord[index])) {
            // Current character in the guess word
            // DOESN’T match its counterpart in the goal word,
            // but DOES appear in the goal word
        } else {
            // Current character DOESN’T appear in the goal word

I call the solution “close enough” because yellow is a special case in Wordle. If the guess word is ATOLL and the goal word is ALOFT, the first L in ATOLL should be yellow and the second should be gray because there’s only one L in ALOFT.

We didn’t settle on the “close enough” algorithm — it was just enough for that night’s session. In the next session, we’ll refine the algorithm so that it matches Wordle’s!

Want to become a better programmer? Join us at the next Think Like a Coder meetup!

Meetups Programming

Slides from the upcoming “Let’s figure out how to code Wordle” meetup

Here are the first 15 slides from the upcoming Think Like a Coder! meetup, which happens ONLINE on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. EST! The first slide summarizes what we’re going to be doing in JavaScript and Python.

The mission of Think Like a Coder! is to turn Tampa Bay into a place packed with skilled, successful coders.

And no, you don’t have live in Tampa Bay or anywhere nearby to participate in this meetup — I just happen to live in the Tampa Bay area.

One of the biggest challenges in coding is making the leap from knowing the theory — if statements, for and while loops, functions, classes, and so on — and the actual practice of using those things to make working applications.

Many jobs involve following the same procedure every day. The steps are laid out for you, and are often documented in a 3-ring binder (Neal Stephenson talks about 3-ring binders in his cyberpunk novel, Snow Crash). You don’t have to think about them. You succeed when you follow procedure, and you excel when you can follow procedure quickly.

Coding falls into that category of jobs where there isn’t a clearly documented procedure for every little thing. You have to figure out how to accomplish the goal.

This photo in the slide above from the film Apollo 13, where engineers had to figure out how to improvise a way to remove excess carbon dioxide from the ship’s air, using only the stuff that the astronauts had on hand. You can read more about it in the article The Greatest Space Hack Ever.

Yes, you need to know your programming language keywords. Sometimes, it even helps to know what’s happening at the processor level.

See that diagram on the left of the slide above? That’s what your computer is actually doing, under the hood. If you like, I can talk about it at an upcoming meetup.

You need to know how to apply those fundamentals, and that comes with practice.

You also need to learn how to see patterns and similarities, which will help you come up with solutions. For instance, did you know that Mortal Kombat is essentially a fancier version of Rock-Paper-Scissors?

With all that preamble out of the way, it’s time to tell you what we’re doing Tuesday evening at the meetup.

In case you haven’t yet played “Wordle”, here it is, summarized on a single slide, including a screenshot of the game I played on Saturday.

Sure, it’s a hot topic right now because everyone’s posting their Wordle scores on social media and because its developer just sold it to the New York Times in a “low seven-figures” deal, but it’s also good coding practice.

The meetup will run from 7:00 p.m. EST (UTC-5) to 9:00 p.m., so we’re NOT going to build a complete Wordle game. There just won’t be time, once you factor in introductions, setup, and Murphy’s Law.

What we WILL build — or more accurately, we’ll ***figure out how to build it*** — is the “referee”, or the thing that takes the player’s guess, compares it to the actual word, and provides the feedback.

That thing will be a function that takes two inputs — a guess word and a goal word — and outputs a value that represents those colored blocks. It’s a little trickier than you might think, and you’ll find out why…

Join us this Tuesday, February 8th at 7:00 p.m. EST (UTC-5) for Think Like a Coder! and let’s figure out how to code Wordle!

Meetups Programming

Okay, NOW do you want to figure out how to code “Wordle”?

In case you hadn’t heard yet, Wordle, that game that’s cause everyone to post their score tables all over social media…

…has been bought by the New York Times. For “an undisclosed price in the low-seven figures.”

Now I can’t promise that my upcoming Meetup will carve a direct path to your becoming a millionaire, but what it will do is help you sharpen those programming skills that could help you build career and financial security.

You may have memorized the bits and pieces of programming from your university, high school, boot camp, online class, or book. But there’s a difference between that knowledge and applying it to turn those bits and pieces into actual working programs.

That’s what my Meetup, Think Like a Coder!, is all about. In our next session — happening online on Tuesday, February 8 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern — we’re going to figure out how to write the underlying game engine behind Wordle, including:

  • What goes into building Wordle?
  • How do you break down a problem like programming Wordle into smaller easier-to-handle problems?
  • How do you tell the player which letters are “right letter, right place,” “right letter, wrong place,” and “completely wrong letter”?

Here’s the fun part: I haven’t completely written a working Wordle program yet. That’s because we’re going to figure it out as a group, just like you’d have to figure out how to turn an idea for an application into that application, which is something you’ll have to do in a developer job.

If you’re looking to get into coding or sharpen your coding skills, you’ll want to catch this session. It’ll be beginner friendly, but there will be some challenges if you’re more experienced (basic scoring is simple, but Wordle scoring has some interesting challenges). Join us at “Think Like a Coder” and learn how to think like a coder!

Current Events Meetups Tampa Bay

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, October 18, 2021)

Here’s your weekly list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events — plus a little area tech news — for Tampa Bay and surrounding areas for the week of Monday, October 18 through Sunday, October 24, 2021.

This is a weekly service from Tampa Bay’s tech blog, Global Nerdy! For the past four years, I’ve been compiling a list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events happening in Tampa Bay and surrounding areas. There’s a lot going on in our scene here in “The Other Bay Area, on the Other West Coast”!

As far as event types go, this list casts a rather wide net. It includes events that would be of interest to techies, nerds, and entrepreneurs. It includes (but isn’t limited to) events that fall under the category of:

  • Programming, DevOps, systems administration, and testing
  • Tech project management / agile processes
  • Video, board, and role-playing games
  • Book, philosophy, and discussion clubs
  • Tech, business, and entrepreneur networking events
  • Toastmasters (because nerds really need to up their presentation game)
  • Sci-fi, fantasy, and other genre fandoms
  • Anything I deem geeky

By “Tampa Bay and surrounding areas”, this list covers events that originate or are aimed at the area within 100 miles of the Port of Tampa. At the very least, that includes the cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater, but as far north as Ocala, as far south as Fort Myers, and includes Orlando and its surrounding cities.

This week’s events

This list includes in-person events as well as online events. The COVID-19 numbers are dropping sharply, but be smart and responsible — get your shots, mask up in crowds, and we can get back to what passes for normal sooner!

Monday, October 18

i-Tech Support, Inc.Google Certified Educator Level 1 and 2 Bootcamp9:00 AM to 3:30 PM EDT
Orlando Unity Developers GroupVirtual Event: Create a LEGO Video Game 3 Days Class Series – Day 110:00 AM
Foundation of Associated Industries of Florida2021 Florida Cyber ForumTue, Oct 19, 2021, 3:30 PM EDT
Wesley Chapel, Trinity, New Tampa Business ProfessionalsLutz, Wesley Chapel, New Tampa Virtual Networking Lunch11:30 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netVirtual Networking Lunch11:30 AM
Christian Professionals Network Tampa BayLive Online Connection Meeting- Monday11:30 AM
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners of Sarasota & BradentonVirtual Networking Lunch Monday & Wednesday11:30 AM
Entrepreneurs Empower EmpireOffice Hour12:00 PM
Amtgard of Brandon – Falling FirePractice4:00 PM
West Orange Comics & Video GamesMagic Mondays5:00 PM
Tampa Bay Geek AssociationLowry Parcade 🎮🕹🏆5:30 PM
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || UX/UI Design: Wireframes and Prototypes6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || UX/UI Design: Wireframes and Prototypes6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Tampa TabletopMonday Feast & Game Night6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!MTG: Commander Open Play (At Critical Hit Games)6:00 PM
Toastmasters Division GRadiant Ridge Toastmasters6:00 PM
Board Game Meetup: Board Game BoxcarWeekly Game Night! (Lazy Moon Location)6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesMTG: Commander Open Play6:00 PM
Beginning Web DevelopmentWeekly Learning Session6:00 PM
Toastmasters, Division DACE Advanced Toastmasters Fall Contests6:00 PM
Thoughtful WritingPhilosophy in Writing6:00 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Off the Wagon Kitchen & Brewery Smartphone Trivia Game Show6:30 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s Guild[Online HISTORIC] DDAL05-06 – Beneath the Fetid Chelimber6:30 PM
Toastmasters District 48North Port Toastmasters Meets Online!!6:30 PM
Orlando StoicsONLINE: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek (Part 2)7:00 PM
Toastmasters Division ELakeland (FL) Toastmasters Club #22627:00 PM
Davenport Book ClubOctober Book Club – The Guest List7:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsAnime Watch Party7:00 PM
Think Like a Coder!How I use Python and Jupyter Notebook to make the Tampa Bay Tech Events List7:00 PM
Library Book Clubs – OCLSVirtual Event: Hiawassee Book Club7:00 PM
Nerd Night OutNerdBrew Party Game Night7:00 PM
Central Florida AD&D (1st ed.) Grognards GuildWorld of Greyhawk: 1E One-Shots7:30 PM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar | Intro to UX/UI Design: User Research8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar | Intro to UX/UI Design: User Research8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT
Thinkful Tampa | Careers in TechThinkful Webinar | Intro to UX/UI Design: User Research8:00 PM

Tuesday, October 19

Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netVirtual Networking Breakfast Tuesday & Thursday’s in October7:30 AM
BNI LegendsBNI Legends – Business Networking7:30 AM
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners of Sarasota & BradentonTuesday/ Thursday Zoom Breakfast meeting!7:30 AM
Young Professionals of Tampa Bay Networking GroupTampa Young Professionals Virtual Networking Tuesday & Thudsday7:30 AM
Tampa Bay Latin ChamberCafé Con Conexiones7:30 AM to 9:30 AM EDT
BNI Abundance – Winter Park Professional Networking GroupBNI Abundance – Networking, Introductions, and Business Referrals8:00 AM
The 360 Exchange – Winter Garden LocationThe 360 Exchange – Where Referrals Come Full Circle8:00 AM
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Intro to Data Science: The Art of Visualizations9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Intro to Data Science: The Art of Visualizations9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT
Splunk Palm Harbor.conf21 Virtual9:00 AM
E-Community Connect GroupE-Community Networking – Maitland, FL – Online9:00 AM
Orlando Unity Developers GroupVirtual Event: Create a LEGO Video Game 3 Days Class Series – Day 210:00 AM
Block Co-op – Crypto Blockchain Orlando & Beyond ClubFree Crypto Set-up Workshop -Limited to 5 Seats Only10:30 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Meetings & MixersUpper Pinellas, Oldsmar,Safety Harbor, Westchase Business networking lunch11:00 AM
SWAT Networking – Successful Women Aligning TogetherSWAT Networking Bradenton Luncheon11:00 AM
Pasco County Young Entrepreneurs MeetupProfessional Business Networking Lunch Glory Day’s New Tampa11:30 AM
Wesley Chapel, Trinity, New Tampa Business ProfessionalsNew Tampa Networking Lunch at Glory Day’s Grill New Tampa11:30 AM
TampaBayNetworkersJoin the BAYSIDE GROUP for great networking!11:30 AM
Network Professionals Inc. of South Pinellas (NPI)NPI Seminole Referral Pros Chapter – Exchange Qualified Business Referrals11:30 AM
Dr. Phillips Chamber of CommerceLadies Entrepreneurs of Dr. Phillips12:00 PM
Manatee River Business Exchange ClubGreat group for referrals – Several new members – WE are growing!!!12:00 PM
Toastmasters, Division DPost Toasters Toastmasters Club12:00 PM
Downtown SRQ Happy Hour NetworkingHappy Hour Networking is just that – Networking during Happy Hour!4:00 PM
Free Video Production Classes – TV/InternetSocial Video Marketing Tips(ONLINE CLASS)-FREE for Hillsborough County Residents4:15 PM
South Florida Photographic SocietyLight Study Pro, Intermediate Lighting for Pro Portrait/Commercial Photographer.4:30 PM
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || UX/UI Design: Creating A Design System6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || UX/UI Design: Creating A Design System6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Tampa HackerspaceWeekly Open Make Night6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Card Game Night at Hammerfall Games and Collectibles6:00 PM
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyMeet & Greet at O’Keefe’s Family Restaurant6:00 PM
Tampa Entrepreneurship GroupEntrepreneurship Collaboration at HCC InLab6:00 PM
Tampa Bay SQL Server User Group (TBSSUG)TBSSUG Monthly Meeting6:00 PM
The Tampa Chapter of the Society for the Exploration of PlayCool Stuff Games: Board game night6:00 PM
Tampa Drones MeetupMicro Drone Night @ AMRoC Fab Lab6:30 PM
Saint Petersburg Book Club Meetup GroupOct Book Club6:30 PM
Black Orlando Tech (BOT)Salesforce Administration Cohort6:30 PM
Toastmasters District 48Spirited Toastmasters6:30 PM
Tampa Investor/Training MeetupTampa Bay Investor Training6:30 PM
Brews N Board GamesBoard Game Night at Castle Church Brewing6:30 PM
West Pasco Toastmasters Club Weekly Meeting6:30 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Moose Lodge 2117 Smartphone Trivia Game Show6:30 PM
The Sarasota Creative Writers Meetup GroupThe Sarasota Creative Writers6:30 PM
Toastmasters Division EToast of Celebration Toastmasters6:45 PM
Toastmasters Division GSpanglish Toastmasters Club 77037317:00 PM
Library Book Clubs – OCLSLet’s Talk: Geoengineering the Climate: Podcast Discussion Group7:00 PM
Orlando Young SharksRooftop Young Professionals Mastermind7:00 PM
Suncoast GamersBoard Games for fully vaxed7:00 PM
St. Pete Beers ‘n Board Games for Young AdultsSt. Pete Beers ‘n Board Games Meetup for Young Adults7:00 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s Guild[Online SEASONAL] Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden – DM Canon (Tier 2)7:00 PM
TampaBay TimebanksMonthly Meeting in Tampa7:00 PM
SWFL 20s and 30s Social GroupGeneral Knowledge Trivia at The Standard (Downtown Fort Myers)7:00 PM
Women’s Prosperity Network | Volusia CountyOnline | Zoom Networking with a Twist!7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Coalition of ReasonOnline: Tampa Bay Technology Center (TBTC) Monthly Meeting7:00 PM
Orlando Writer’s Critique GroupOrlando Writer’s Critique Group7:00 PM
Shut Up & Write!® TampaOnline Event: Shut Up & Write on Zoom7:45 PM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar | Data Analytics: Tools Of The Trade8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar | Data Analytics: Tools Of The Trade8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT
Thinkful Tampa | Careers in TechThinkful Webinar | Data Analytics: Tools Of The Trade8:00 PM

Wednesday, October 20

Cigar City ToastmastersCigar City Toastmasters 
Valencia College-Center for Accelerated TrainingValencia College-Advanced Manufacturing Tours 
Business Networking for Entrepreneurs of ColorVirtual Business Networking & Professional Development7:00 AM
Network Professionals Inc. of South Pinellas (NPI)NPI St. Pete Sunrise Chapter – Exchange Qualified Business Referrals7:30 AM
Manasota East Exchange ClubWeekly Meeting7:30 AM
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyCoffee & Photography at O’Keefe’s Restaurant9:00 AM
North Tampa Networking GroupBusiness networking9:00 AM
Suncoast Photo & Video Drone ClubVeterans Memorial Park Oldsmar9:30 AM
Orlando Unity Developers GroupVirtual Event: Create a LEGO Video Game 3 Days Class Series – Day 310:00 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Meetings & MixersBrandon Networking Professionals Networking Lunch11:30 AM
Young Professionals of Tampa Bay Networking GroupBrandon Business Professionals Carrabba’s Italian Grill11:30 AM
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners of Sarasota & BradentonVirtual Networking Lunch Monday & Wednesday11:30 AM
Wesley Chapel, Trinity, New Tampa Business ProfessionalsLutz, Wesley Chapel, New Tampa Virtual Networking Lunch11:30 AM
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Intro To Data Analytics: Excel Basics12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Intro To Data Analytics: Excel Basics12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT
Christian Professionals Network Tampa BayOnline Networking 3rd. Wednesday12:00 PM
Business to Business Networking GroupB2B Networking Event12:00 PM
Success Strategies for Business OwnersFine Tuning Your Business – BMC12:00 PM
TampaBayNetworkersPinellas Sales Force12:00 PM
Tampa Bay WaVETampa Bay Wave CORE Program “Ask Me Anything” Session12:00 PM
Pasco County Young Entrepreneurs MeetupWednesday Business Networking Lunch New Port Richey at Widow Fleatchers12:30 PM
Heart of Agile St. Pete – Tampa – OrlandoHeart of Agile Weekly Coffee Corner12:30 PM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netNew Port Richey Professional Business Networking Lunch Widow Fletchers12:30 PM
Free Video Production Classes – TV/InternetDigital Video Editing Class (ONLINE CLASS) -FREE for Hillsborough residents only1:00 PM
Network After Work Tampa – Networking EventsLinkedIn Profile Page and Content Creation Mastery Workshop3:00 PM
Brandon BoardgamersBoard Gaming – In Person5:00 PM
The Tampa Chapter of the Society for the Exploration of PlayPlaying Games in the Alley5:00 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s Guild[HISTORIC] Storm King’s Thunder Tier 2 – DM Robert5:00 PM
Sarasota Business Exchange ClubWe ARE meeting again at CineBistro5:30 PM
Tampa Gaming GuildWednesday Board Game Night5:30 PM
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Learn Digital Marketing With Thinkful6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Learn Digital Marketing With Thinkful6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Critical Hit GamesBoard Game Night6:00 PM
Continuous Improvement Network (CI Net)C.I.NET MeetUp – Let’s Chat6:00 PM
West Orange Comics & Video GamesVS. System Wednesdays6:00 PM
SWFL Hackerspace Beer, Bits & BytesHackerspace Meetup at Millenial Brewing Company6:30 PM
SWFL CodersCode Collab: Hacktoberfest 2021 🎃 ONLINE6:30 PM
Central Florida CitySecCigarCitySec Meetup7:00 PM
MakerFX MakerspaceOrlando 3D Printing Meetup7:00 PM
Tampa Hackerspace3D Printing Orientation: Models and Slicers7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Wednesday Night DnD at Hammerfall Games and Collectibles7:00 PM
Orlando 3D Printing Meetup3rd Wednesdays: 3D Printing Hangout & Factory Tour7:00 PM
Tampa Bay stock market & real estate investing & networkingPasco County – stock market & real estate investing & networking7:00 PM
Black Orlando Tech (BOT)AWS Cloud Cohort7:00 PM
Toastmasters District 48Carrollwood Toastmasters Meetings now conducted Online using Zoom7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Bitcoin[Virtual] Tampa Bay Bitcoin Meetup: News, Markets, & Community7:00 PM
The Pinellas County Young “Professionals”Wednesday Walkin’7:00 PM
Central Florida AD&D (1st ed.) Grognards GuildNew Beginnings & Old Rivalries7:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsGames & Grog – Party Games Social Night7:00 PM
GDG SunCoastAndroid Study Jams7:00 PM
The Psych Book Club for MillennialsThe Four Agreements Book Discussion7:30 PM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar | Intro to HTML & CSS: Build Your Own Website8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar | Intro to HTML & CSS: Build Your Own Website8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT
Orlando Lady Developers MeetupCode challenge bi-weekly coding session8:00 PM
Thinkful Tampa | Careers in TechThinkful Webinar | Intro to HTML & CSS Build Your Own Website8:00 PM

Thursday, October 21

Brandon free Business Networking Events Meetup GroupQuarterly strategy meeting8:00 AM
The 360 Exchange SEMINOLE!The 360 Exchange SEMINOLE!8:00 AM
TampaBayNetworkersSun Coast Networking Meeting8:30 AM
Orlando Unity Developers GroupUnity Fundamentals Class Series – Class 5 – Controlling Animations in Unity10:00 AM
Power Business NetworkingPower Business Networking Thursday 11:45 am 2021 10 2111:45 AM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Intro To Data Analytics: Tableau Basics12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Intro To Data Analytics: Tableau Basics12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT
Microsoft Tech Talks – FloridaMicrosoft VIVA1:00 PM
Orlando Board Gaming Weekly MeetupSouth Orlando Board Gaming Meetup3:30 PM
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyFCCP Weekly Photo Assignment 42: Silhouette5:00 PM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Free Crash Course: JavaScript Fundamentals6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Free Crash Course: JavaScript Fundamentals6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Tampa SEO & Internet Marketing Meetup with Steve ScottOptimizing Your Site for Multiple Languages with Steve Scott6:00 PM
Dr. Phillips Chamber of CommerceDr. Phillips Chamber Business After Hours6:00 PM
Brandon and Seffner area AD&D Group1st ed AD&D Campaign.6:00 PM
Southwest Florida Board Game MeetupMeetup to Play Board Games6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Microsoft 365 User GroupPragmatic Governance for Microsoft Teams6:00 PM
West Orlando WordPress MeetupThe Business of Building WordPress Sites with Geno Quiroz6:00 PM
We Write Here Black and Women of Color Writing GroupVirtual Writing Get Downs6:00 PM
Tampa Bay AgileLean Beer for All Things Agile (Tampa)6:00 PM
Pasco Options And Derivatives Trading Meetup GroupMonthly Squawk Box Futures and Options Educational Meeting6:00 PM
Power Couples & Singles of OrlandoThrive Thursday LIVE6:30 PM
Tampa Bay Data Science GroupTBDSG: Your Presentation Title HERE!6:30 PM
Bradenton Photo GroupClose-up, Macro Photography and Focus Stacking6:30 PM
Riverview Card, Dice, Dominos and Misc Social Game NightCARD NIGHT — Exploding Kittens!! Bring a Snack and Your Drink of Choice!7:00 PM
Business Networking for Entrepreneurs of ColorVirtual Business Networking & Professional Development7:00 PM
Tampa Devs3rd Thursday Foodtrucks @ Channelside7:00 PM
Drunk’n Meeples the Social Tabletop (Board) GamersTHURSDAY Game Night @ de Bine Brewing Co.7:00 PM
The Pinellas County Young “Professionals”CHARITY MEETUP @ DRACULAS WINE BAR7:00 PM
Tampa Hackerspace3D Printer Orientation: Printing at Tampa Hackerspace (THS Members only)7:00 PM
Orlando Lady Developers Meetup[repeating] Server-side Development Study Group – AWS 12 week series8:00 PM
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || UX/UI Design: Designing A UX Case Study9:00 PM to 10:30 PM EDT
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || UX/UI Design: Designing A UX Case Study9:00 PM to 10:30 PM EDT

Friday, October 22

RGAnetwork.netInternational Professional Networking JOIN us to grow your business 
RGANetwork.netProfessional Business Networking in East Tampa/ Sabal Park at Cafe Delanie 
Winter Park Toastmasters – Learn while having FUN!Improve your communication, listening, and leadership skills7:15 AM
Dr. Phillips Chamber of CommerceFriday Weekly Leads Group of Dr. Phillips FACE-To-FACE Networking8:30 AM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Bootcamp Alumni Success Secrets9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Bootcamp Alumni Success Secrets9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT
Project Codex: Orlando Junior DevelopersVirtual Coffee9:00 AM
TampaBayNetworkersNetworkers of Integrity and Excellence11:15 AM
Meeple Movers Gaming GroupLet’s Play Games ONLINE on Fridays!5:30 PM
Tampa Gaming GuildFriday Board Game Night5:30 PM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Intro to JavaScript: Build a Virtual Pet6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Intro to JavaScript: Build a Virtual Pet6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Bruton Memorial LibraryHow to Get Started in Astronomy | Craig MacDougal 
Orlando Adventurer’s Guild[Online HISTORIC] Canon’s Custom Campaign Moonsea Tour – DM Canon (Tier 3)7:00 PM
Simplicity BrandonD&D Adventurers League7:00 PM
► Tampa Bay Young Professionals GroupEvening Hangout on the Waterfront7:30 PM
Geekocracy!The Spice Must Flow: Dune at AMC West Shore7:45 PM
Gen GeekDune8:00 PM

Saturday, October 23

Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Intro to HTML & CSS: Build Your Own Website9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Intro to HTML & CSS: Build Your Own Website9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT
West Coast Photo Group34th Annual All British Field Meet & Autojumble9:00 AM
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyLightroom Class at O’Keefe’s in Clearwater — Class 5 of 89:00 AM
Orlando Lady Developers MeetupCode with me – learning sessions weekly on Saturdays10:00 AM
CS Lewis Book ClubOrganizational Meeting10:00 AM
Tampa HackerspaceWood Shop Lathe 101 (Members Only)10:00 AM
Orlando YouTube Meetup GroupOrlando YouTube Group Meetup (October 2021)10:00 AM
James Corwin Johnson Photo ExperienceIntro to Digital Photography Class: Only $2010:00 AM
CS Lewis FansGet started meeting10:00 AM
Tampa Gaming GuildWestern Empires at TGG10:30 AM
Oviedo Middle Aged Gamers (OMAG)Bravo Group Campaign Continues11:00 AM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Intro to Data Science: Python Fundamentals12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Intro to Data Science: Python Fundamentals12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT
Tampa Bay Coalition of ReasonOctober – Center for Inquiry’s SHARE Book Club12:00 PM
Writers 4 All Seasons Tampa BayWriters 4 All Seasons Tampa Bay Zoom meeting1:00 PM
Tampa Bay Geek AssociationReplay Museum 🕹🥇1:00 PM
Central Florida Florida Foam Fighting (Fumetsu)Fighter Practice! (Newbies welcome)2:00 PM
WordSmitten Writing WorkshopMeet John Grisham’s Marketing Consultant, John D. Pitts – Amazing!2:00 PM
Bradenton Photo GroupLight Basics – Working with Flash2:30 PM
Orlando StoicsIN PERSON: Lived Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius (Part 4)5:00 PM
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Learn Data Science with Thinkful6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Learn Data Science with Thinkful6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Simplicity BrandonCall for Duty Cold War Zombie Apocalypse Tournament7:00 PM
Gen GeekUndead In The Water8:00 PM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Bootcamp Alumni Success Secrets9:00 PM to 10:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Bootcamp Alumni Success Secrets9:00 PM to 10:30 PM EDT

Sunday, October 24

Shut Up & Write!® St. PetersburgShut Up & Write! – October 24th at the Station House in St Pete10:00 AM
Continuous Improvement Network (CI Net)C.I.NET MeetUp – Kayaking at Weedon Island – Networking on the Water10:30 AM
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Data Science Fundamentals: The Pandas Library12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Data Science Fundamentals: The Pandas Library12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT
Tampa Bay Geek AssociationMain Event – Arcades & Fun1:00 PM
Book Reading and DiscussionTRUTH – degrees of probability – Books?2:00 PM
Dialogue and Human Experience.What does the phrase “Be Real” mean to you?2:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsTaps & Drafts2:00 PM
Toastmasters, Division DWeekend Toastmasters3:00 PM
Thinkful OrlandoThinkful Webinar || Learn Technical Project Management with Thinkful6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Thinkful TampaThinkful Webinar || Learn Technical Project Management with Thinkful6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT
Orlando Adventurer’s GuildOctober New Player Nights – Various DMs (Tier 1)6:00 PM
Lithia Dungeons & Dragons And Gaming Guild5E (ish) AD&D – Humble Beginnings Campaign (Trouble in Elm).6:00 PM
Tampa HackerspaceLet’s Learn to Turn Pens!7:00 PM

Do you have any events or announcements that you’d like to see on this list?

Let me know at!

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Current Events Meetups Programming

Tonight’s developer meetups (Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021)

Here are the developer meetups in Tampa Bay and surrounding areas that I think you might find interesting and useful. All of them are online!

Women Who Code Tampa — Lightning Talks (6:30 p.m.)

From their Meetup page:

Ever wanted to give a tech talk? Did you build something cool and want to share it? Want to workshop a presentation? Then this event is perfect for you!

A lightning talk is a short presentation. For this event, we are looking for about 6 people to give 10 minute talks with about 5 minutes for questions at the end of the presentation. We are looking for both technical and non technical talks related to programming, career support, education, or other relevant topics. Preference will be given to those giving their first presentation, but we will accept any level.

Tonight’s topics:

  • Breaking to Building: Bug Bounty Hunting for Developers (Justin Hurt)
  • How to Get Hired Fast After Tech Bootcamps (John Swartz)
  • The Importance of Hiring Women in Tech (Angelica Chadwick)
  • Git: Rewriting History with Interactive Rebase (Lydia Hendricks)
  • Life Lessons with Leonardo da Vinci (Vicki Tiller)
  • 3 Tips to Seed Up Your Website (Tameera Corporal)

For more details about this event, see its Meetup page.

Suncoast Developers Guild’s Open Code (7:00 p.m.)

Hey, Tampa Bay developers — come meet your local peers at Suncoast Developers Guild’s Open Code! It’s where local people who work with code can get together, bounce ideas off each other, ask questions or look for help, and get to know each other. This is the kind of get-together that makes a city a tech hub.

From their Meetup page:

We don’t have any particular format, and we won’t be doing any presentations. But we do a brief round of introductions at about 7:15 just to help break the ice and get to know each other a bit.

For more details about this event, see its Meetup page.

GDG SunCoast — Android Study Jams (7:00 p.m.)

From their page:

Each week we will learn a bit more in our journey to become Android developers.

We begin by building different Android apps with the Kotlin programming language. This includes creating multiple layouts and adding user interactivity to our Android apps. We define navigation paths and start an external activity. You will learn how handle complex lifecycle situations and add logging.

We continue our journey by learning about architecture components, such as ViewModel and LiveData. We create a database using the Room library. And display a list of clickable items with RecyclerView. We will load and display data from the internet. Making our app more accessible for all users.

In the final weeks we learn the more advanced techniques of building Android apps using libraries, testing, Jetpack and more to increase the quality of your app

For more details about this event, see this page.

Orlando Elixir Users Group — Functional Data Structures in Elixir (7:00 p.m.)

From their Meetup page:

In this talk, presented by AJ, we will learn how Elixir lays out structures in memory, and how it behaves when we transform data immutably. Then, we’ll use this knowledge to guide how we choose data structures for a real world app.

For more details about this event, see its Meetup page.

Current Events Meetups Programming

Tonight @ St. Pete .NET Meetup: “Get Git in 45 minutes with Jesse Liberty”

Want to make sure that you really understand Git and all its workings? Want to learn from someone who really knows their stuff? Then join tonight’s St. Pete .NET Meetup virtual session with Jesse Liberty, who’ll start with the basics, but ramp up to cover advanced topics such as rebasing, interactive rebasing, and bisect (which is for finding the commit that broke your code).

When I needed to brush up on my C++ during the dot-com boom, I had Stroustrup’s book, but it was this Jesse Liberty C++ book that was my true guide…

…and when I got a developer relations job at Microsoft in late 2008 and had to relearn C# in a hurry, I turned to this Jesse Liberty book:

So along with his Microsoft and Xamarin MVP credentials, and his courses for Pluralsight, LinkedIn Learning, and Packt, there’s also my endorsement (for what it’s worth) that he can teach tricky tech topics in a way that makes it “stick”.

Catch Get Git in 45 minutes with Jesse Liberty ONLINE at St. Pete .NET Meetup, tonight at 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.!

Career Meetups

The power of friendship

Having skills is only part of the game. Because life is a team sport, connections matter too!

Want to harness the power of friendship?

Then you’ll want to catch this online panel, State of The Tampa Tech Scene, where you’ll find me and other organizers behind Tampa’s influential startups and meetups talking about the current state of technology and the tech industry, as well as how you can get involved and grow your network. Find out more on the event’s Meetup page.