
“The Flappening” (or: my fixed version of “Flappy Bird” in Swift)

For a while, FlappySwift — an implementation of Flappy Bird put together by the folks at as part of a Swift development course — was the go-to GitHub repo for understanding both Swift and Sprite Kit. Then, Xcode 6 beta 7 happened and…

xcode beta 7 broke everything

At the beginning of the beta period, many of Apple’s APIs returned values as implicitly unwrapped optionals, which I suspect was a quick and dirty way to get a large number of APIs Swift-compatible. As the beta period went on, they started changing the APIs for optional conformance, which means that:

  • If an API call was going to return a value that might be nil, it would do so as an optional, and
  • if an API call would never return a nil value, it would do so as a non-optional.

A lot of the APIs were updated for optional conformance in Xcode 6 beta 7, including Sprite Kit, which means that suddenly a lot of Swift game code broke. Any code that expected to be using PhysicsBody! objects was suddenly dealing with PhysicsBody? objects and therefore wouldn’t run thanks to a crop of PhysicsBody? does not have a member named [SomeMember] errors.

I explained how to fix this problem in an article titled Why your Swift apps broke in Xcode 6 beta 7 and the GM versions, and how to fix them, but I thought I’d do one better.

I decided to fork the FlappySwift repo, make the necessary fixes, and post the resulting working new version on GitHub.

Now there’s a Swift version of Flappy Swift that will compile under the Xcode 6 GM and the optional-conformant APIs. Enjoy!


Mobile device roundup: BlackBerry Passport’s American-cheese-sized screen, “Bendghazi”, no Edge for you, and the FBI’s concerns about phone encryption

BlackBerry Passport’s big screen

blackberry passport american cheese

The Canadian BlackBerry Passport meets American cheese…and dirty fingernails.

Nothing conveys the size of the BlackBerry Passport’s screen as well as this photo from Charlie Wells’ recent tweet:



The current kerfuffle in mobile technology goes by the name “Bendgate” (or my favorite, “Bendghazi”), in which a number of users have reported that their brand-new iPhone 6 Plus devices would have a tendency to warp and bend while in their pockets.

I’ll leave it to tech videographer extraordinaire Marcus Brownlee to explain it in detail:

In response, the Apple PR machine has given tours of their iPhone torture-testing facilities:

In a story on The Verge, Josh Lowensohn reports that 30,000 iPhone 6 units — 15,000 of the 4.7″ iPhone 6 and 15,000 of the 5.5″ iPhone 6 Plus — underwent testing at Apple’s labs, where he saw phone undergoing all manner of stresses that they might undergo in regular (and some not-so-regular) everyday use. Apple report that they’ve received a mere 9 complaints.

Whether or not your bent iPhone 6 is your fault, chances are that if you take your bent iPhone 6 to the Genius Bar at your local Apple Store, they just might replace it, given their mandate and training to provide maximum customer satisfaction.

No Galaxy Note Edge for you!

samsung galaxy note edge
Remember Samsung’s Galaxy Note Edge, which we wrote about in our article covering the IFA trade show? It turns out that despite all the promotion, it’s a concept device.

galaxy edge edge

The phablet, which boasted a screen that curved around its right edge, with the curve acting as a second screen that could be viewed from its side, is a limited edition device whose primary purpose is simply to, as PC World puts it, “scream ‘First!'”. According to them, there will be limited sales in South Korea next month, and only way you’ll have a chance of getting one in the U.S. is either by being very lucky or knowing someone high up in Samsung US.

FBI director “very concerned” about new Apple and Google smartphone privacy features

fbi director james comey

In response to announcements from Apple and Google about enabling encryption on their mobile operating systems that would keep out both thieves and law enforcement, FBI director James Comey expressed his concern:

“I like and believe very much that we should have to obtain a warrant from an independent judge to be able to take the content of anyone’s closet or their smart phone. The notion that someone would market a closet that could never be opened — even if it involves a case involving a child kidnapper and a court order — to me does not make any sense.”

The Verge provides some valuable perspective in their article on the subject in these two paragraphs, which we’ll close with:

If this fight sounds familiar, it’s because much of the 90s was spent on exactly this legal question, a fight that’s now known as the Crypto Wars. PGP founder Phil Zimmermann almost went to jail over it. Of course, because it was the 90s, the fight was over desktop hard drives rather than phones, but when the dust settled, the courts ruled it was completely legal and large, reputable companies like Microsoft and Apple started offering full-disk encryption services without anyone making a fuss about it. Julian Sanchez has a great rundown of how it happened and why it was a good decision, but the general punchline is that it’s hard to build a backdoor that can only be used by the good guys.

It should also be pointed out that Comey’s refreshing enthusiasm for warrants is not shared across all federal agencies. Surveillance of this type frequently happens under a much lower legal standard, whether it’s a subpoena, a National Security Letter or plain old FISC-approved bulk collection. In fact, programs like that are the biggest reason Apple implemented this encryption in the first place, trying to placate concerns over unauthorized government data collection. Unfortunately for Comey, just invoking kidnapped children isn’t enough to undo 20 years of legal precedent.


Why your Swift apps broke in Xcode 6 beta 7 and the GM versions, and how to fix them

xcode beta 7 broke everything

If you had Swift projects that worked perfectly fine under Xcode 6 beta 6, you might find that they no longer work under beta 7 or the GM versions. This article will show you how to fix them, and why they broke.

For example, the FlappySwift game on GitHub — “Flappy Bird”, implemented in Swift — worked fine in Xcode 6 beta 6 and earlier, but is rife with errors in the present version of Xcode:

flappyswift code screencap

Click the screen capture to see it at full size.

Most of the errors are of the form “[SomeClass]? does not have a member named [SomeMember]”. The fix is simple — use optional chaining to fix the problem. For example, code like this:

pipeDown.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: pipeDown.size)
pipeDown.physicsBody.dynamic = false
pipeDown.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = pipeCategory
pipeDown.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = birdCategory

should be changed to:

pipeDown.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: pipeDown.size)
pipeDown.physicsBody?.dynamic = false
pipeDown.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = pipeCategory
pipeDown.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = birdCategory

Note the addition of a ? — the optional chaining operator — to physicsBody when accessing one of its members. Make changes like this to FlappySwift’s code (it won’t take longer than a couple of minutes), and it’ll work again.

What happened?

It’s not as if Apple didn’t tell you what happened. It’s all spelled out in the Xcode 6 beta 7’s release notes:

A large number of Foundation, UIKit, CoreData, SceneKit, SpriteKit, Metal APIs have been audited for optional conformance, removing a significant number of implicitly unwrapped optionals from their interfaces. This clarifies the nullability of their properties, arguments and return values of their methods. This is an ongoing effort that started shipping in beta 5. These changes replace T! with either T? or T depending on whether the value can be null or not null, respectively.

It’s perfectly understandable if you read that and this was your reaction:

beavis and butt-head wtf

We’ll translate this into plain language, but first, let’s do a quick review of non-optional, optional, and implicitly unwrapped optional variables.

Non-optionals, optionals, and implicitly unwrapped optionals: a quick review

optional 1 In Swift, a variable whose type that doesn’t have any punctuation is guaranteed to contain a value of that type. For example, a variable of type String is guaranteed to contain a string value, even if that string is a zero-length string (“”). It will never be nil (nil means that the variable doesn’t contain a value), and you can start performing string operations on its value immediately.

Of course, there are times when you want a variable that might not contain a value at the moment, to indicate that you haven’t yet recorded a value or to denote that there’s no connection to another object. That’s what optionals are for: optional 2 Variables in Swift whose type ends with a question mark — ? — are called optionals, and they’ll either contain a value of that type or nil (which means that it contains no value). You’ll need to perform a check to see if contains a value or is empty first, and you’ll need to unwrap it before you can use its value.

For example, a variable of type String? will contain either a string value or nil. An often-cited example for showing optionals in action starts with a Dictionary with String keys and values, like the one below:

let airports = [
  "YYZ" : "Toronto Pearson",
  "YUL" : "Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau",
  "TPA" : "Tampa",
  "SFO" : "San Francisco",
  "ORD" : "Chicago O'Hare"

This dictionary lets you look up the name of an airport given its three-letter code like so:

let airportName = airports[airportCode]

You might think that the type of airports[airportCode] is String, but it’s not — it’s String?. That’s because the value of airports[airportCode] will be either:

  • a String value, if the value for airportCode corresponds to one of the dictionary’s keys: YYZ, YUL, TPA, SFO, or ORD, or
  • nil, if the value for airportCode isn’t one of the dictionary’s keys, such as LAX.

With optionals, you’ll write code that first checks to see whether or not they contain a value, and if they do, unwrap them with the ! operator. Here’s an example that continues with our dictionary:

if airports[airportCode] != nil {
  // We CAN'T do string operations on airports[airportCode] since
  // not a string, but an optional. We have to unwrap it first
  // with the ! operator.
  let airportName = airports[airportCode]!

  // We CAN do string operations with airportName, since it IS a string.
  let phrase = "The airport's name is: " + airportName
else {
  println("Airport name unknown.")

This sort of check is going to happen quite often, so Swift’s designers added the “iflet” shorthand to save reduce the amount of code you have to write:

// If airports[airportCode] isn't nil, assign its value to airportName,
// which is a string.
if let airportName = airports[airportCode] {
  let phrase = "The airport's name is: " + airportName
else {
  println("Airport name unknown.")

You can also unwrap an optional by assigning its value to an implicitly unwrapped optional:

optional 3 Variables in Swift whose type ends with an exclamation mark — ! — are called implicitly unwrapped optionals, and they’re optionals you don’t have to unwrap in order to access the value they hold. When you want to work with the contents of an optional, you can either use the ! operator to unwrap it, or you can assign its value to an implicitly unwrapped optional, like so:

var tampaAirport: String! = airports["TPA"]

in which case tampaAirport is a String! variable. It’s still an optional, but you can use it as if it were a regular string variable. It’s still an optional, and it can be nil. There’s a coding convention that promises that by the time you need to access an implicitly unwrapped optional’s contents, it’ll hold a value.

This “it may have been nil at one point, but I promise it’ll contain a value by the time you use it” property of implicitly unwrapped optionals make them useful for instance variables whose values can’t be set when they’re declared. For example, suppose we need variables to store the width and height of the screen — values that we can’t know in advance:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

  // We want instance variables to hold the screen's width and height,
  // but we won't know what values to set them to until the app is running.
  // So we'll declare them as implicitly unwrapped optionals.
  var screenWidth: CGFloat!
  var screenHeight: CGFloat!
  override func viewDidLoad() {

    // NOW we can fill those screen width and height variables!
    let screenSize = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
    screenWidth = screenSize.width
    screenHeight = screenSize.height

  // (the rest of the class goes here)

That’s the review. Now let’s look at why your code broke.

Why your code broke after Xcode 6 beta 7 and later

This long answer on Stack Overflow explains implicitly unwrapped optionals exist. Long story short, they’re a practical compromise that allows Swift, which purposely doesn’t have null pointers, to work with iOS’ existing APIs, which were written with Objective-C, its pointers, and its conventions in mind.

There were a number of iOS APIs that were returning values as implicitly unwrapped optionals because they’re as close as you get to pointers in Swift: they can either hold a reference or nil, and you can access them directly without unwrapping them. Over time, Apple have been updating these APIs so that they followed the rules for optionals — if they might return nil, return the value as an optional, otherwise, return the value as a non-optional. Hence the term “optional conformance”. With the release of Xcode 6 beta 7, and after that, Xcode 6 GM, most of the APIs now conform to the rules for optionals. If an API call returns a value that could be nil, it’s no longer returned as an implicitly unwrapped optional, but as an optional. Here’s a snippet of code from my “Simple Shoot ‘Em Up” game that worked in Xcode 6 versions prior to beta 7. It assigns physics bodies to missile sprites:

// Give the missile sprite a physics body.
// This won't work on Xcode 6 beta 7 or GM!
missile.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: missile.size.width / 2)
missile.physicsBody.dynamic = true
missile.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = missileCategory
missile.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask  = alienCategory
missile.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = 0
missile.physicsBody.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = true

It used to work when the SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius) initializer returned an object of type SKPhysicsBody!, which granted access to its properties. As of Xcode 6 beta 7 and later, SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius) returns an object of type SKPhysicsBody?. You need to unwrap it to get at its properties, which you can do through optional chaining, as shown below:

// Give the missile sprite a physics body.
// This won't work on Xcode 6 beta 7 or GM!
missile.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: missile.size.width / 2)
missile.physicsBody?.dynamic = true
missile.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = missileCategory
missile.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask  = alienCategory
missile.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = 0
missile.physicsBody?.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = true

My suggested general guideline is that if you’re dealing with an API call or property that returns a pointer, you’re dealing with an optional that you’ll need to unwrap. You can always check the type of an entity in Xcode by putting your cursor over it and alt-clicking:

returning a pointer


I think the new sysadmin might be a little strict…

cat o nine cat-5 tails

Photo via AcidCow. Click to see the source.

…if the cat o’ nine cat-5 tails is any indication.


BlackBerry Passport reviews

blackberry passport

The BlackBerry Passport is about the size and shape of a passport, and like the document after which it’s named, its purpose is serious. Aimed squarely at a user base that BlackBerry calls “Power Professionals”, it’s a device that’s strictly business and getting work done.

Priced at $600 unlocked ($250 when subsidized by a carrier), it’s what The Verge describes as “the biggest, squarest, most in your face BlackBerry the company has ever produced” and “the culmination of everything BlackBerry has ever done, a productivity powerhouse more comfortable in the boardroom than in the living room”.

blackberry passport dimensions

It’s a phone that’s closer to square than a rectangle, heavier than most phones (even the largest ones), and seems to be meant to go into the breast pocket of a suit, blazer, or — for the most casual of their audience — a sport jacket. It won’t easy go into your pants pocket unless you’ve saved your ’90s wardrobe and have a pair of cargo pants handy.

blackberry passport 2

One reason people have remained loyal to BlackBerry is the physical keyboard, and as the New York Times puts it, the keyboard is the star. Here’s what they have to say about using it:

The physical keys are limited to letters, backspace, return and the space bar. All other keys appear as a virtual keyboard on the screen. When you’re typing, suggested words appear above those virtual keys.

The physical keyboard is touch-sensitive; you can flick up on the keyboard to select an autocomplete word, for example. You can also scroll up and down on the keyboard, which evokes that beloved BlackBerry trackpad and keeps the screen pleasingly smudge-free.

But using the actual keyboard isn’t as easy as I remember. The keys are stiff and take some work to press. Even after several weeks of use, I felt slow. I typed more like a hunt-and-peck newbie than the “power professional” BlackBerry says are its primary targets.

In a speed test, it took me 15.7 seconds to type “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” on the physical keyboard — although auto-correct typed “The suck brown fox.” The same phrase took 9.3 seconds on Android and 8.3 seconds on an iPhone 5S and the sentence was accurately auto-corrected on both.

When I used the BlackBerry’s swipe upward trick to choose every word in the sentence, the time was reduced to 8.8 seconds — still slower than the iPhone even though the phone knew every word I was going to use.

blackberry passport 4

Here’s what Engadget has to say about the keyboard and how it works when you use the Passport in landscape mode:

Landscape mode would normally seem silly on a square device with a physical keyboard, but the phone’s engineers added a neat trick. As briefly mentioned earlier, the three-row keyboard doubles as a trackpad, and this comes in handy in several ways. In landscape, it lets you scroll through websites, feeds and other content without having to reach onto the screen. (Sure, it doesn’t feel quite as awkward to hold this way, as long as you prop the bottom of the phone up with your pinky finger.) It also adds gestures to your typing experience; three word predictions will pop up on a virtual bar at the bottom of the screen, and you can swipe up from below that word to choose it, which eliminates the need to stop what you’re doing to tap on the screen. You can also swipe left to delete a full word and use the pad to move the cursor around.

The phone is also missing a physical number row, which ends up being the weirdest part of the experience. Instead, BlackBerry offers a virtual row at the bottom of the screen that dynamically changes based on the context of what you’re typing. When composing an email, for instance, the “to” field will pull up different keys than the “subject” field. Some apps or fields will pull up a dedicated number row, but most just hide it so you have to tap on the symbol button to access them. (Another alternative is to swipe down on the right side of the board; this pulls up a virtual three-row keyboard that acts as a hotmap, so you can press X to type 7 or E to type 2.)

After a little bit of use, the keyboard actually feels more comfortable to use than I expected, but it definitely will require an adjustment period. I get thrown off anytime I have to switch from the tactile keyboard to tapping on the hard screen, and it’s difficult to get used to the small space bar and lack of physical symbol or number keys. Still, it didn’t take long before I found myself getting into a groove.

blackberry passport 3

The Passport has specs that are either on par or better than the competition’s flagship phones:

  • A 2.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon chip as its processor (the Samsung Galaxy S5, LG G3, HTC One M8, and Sony Xperia Z3 use a similar chip running at a speed of 2.5GHz)
  • 3 GB RAM (the Galaxy S5 has 2GB, and the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus make do with 1GB)
  • A 453 pixels-per-inch screen (the Galaxy S5’s screen is 442 ppi; the iPhone 6 is 326 ppi and 6 Plus is 401 ppi)
  • 32GB of storage, expandable to 64GB with a 32GB microSDXC card
  • 13MP rear-facing camera with LED flash and optical image stabilization (the Galaxy S5’s rear camera is 16MP; the iPhone 6’s is 8MP)
  • and a big battery rated at 3,450 mAh — their site boasts a 30-hour battery life, based on a “mixed usage scenario”

The Passport runs BlackBerry OS 10.3, which the New York Times describes as Android-like, and the similarity goes farther: it will sideload Android apps written for Android 4.3 or earlier (Android 4.4, a.k.a. “KitKat”) apps are not yet supported. You’ll also be able to install apps from Amazon’s Appstore, which expands the app selection. Among the apps available right now are Waze (road navigation and user-reported traffic reports, recently acquired by Google), Netflix, and FitBit.

blackberry passport 5

Just as iOS has Siri, Android has Google Now, and Windows Phone has Cortana, BlackBerry Passport has an assistant feature that you can talk to: BlackBerry Assistant. It observes your usage patterns and behavior, and makes smart suggestions (such as knowing the people you’re most likely to email). The New York Times review says it has a tendency to get in the way, asking “are you sure?” where Siri or Google Now would’ve already followed through with your command.

blackberry passport 6

Here’s what the current crop of reviews have to say in conclusion:

The New York Times:

Thus was my experience throughout — small inefficiencies that slowed me down. The cursor doesn’t always appear in text fields when it should, the lack of a “home” button is annoying, and despite top-of-the-line specs, I found performance — like swiping between apps and screen responsiveness — a bit slow. Sometimes the touch screen just didn’t respond.

Ultimately, the BlackBerry Passport feels different, daring and promising, but not enough to entice most people away from better-known devices if they have the option.

There will be definitely some who dare to be different and who choose brand loyalty above all. To them I say, you’ll love the BlackBerry Classic.


For current BlackBerry users, and businesses using the company’s devices, the Passport brings some nice additions and the choice of a wide-screen phone. But if you’re already invested in other platforms, there’s no reason to switch.


Overall, my first impressions of the Passport are better than I expected. The device is built well and the keyboard is comfortable, but be prepared for a few odd stares from those around you. That said, I have plenty of reservations: I’m not sold on BlackBerry’s solution to the phone’s one-handed dilemma, and although the app situation is better than it was a year ago, it’s still not great.

The Verge:

I do a lot of work on my phone. It’s second only to my laptop when it comes to getting my job done. The BlackBerry Passport should be the right phone for me: it was designed from the ground up to get work done.

But despite getting a number of things right, like awesome battery life and a solid construction, the Passport got in the way of getting work done more than it helped. Nobody would really argue that iOS is a super productive platform, but my iPhone offers the tools I need to get my job done, and the Passport does not. BlackBerry admits that many of its Power Pro users are still likely to carry two phones, even with the Passport. But if I can get my job done with just one device, why bother carrying two?

That’s the struggle that BlackBerry is facing — no matter how much it tries to put the emphasis back on “doing work,” people do work with apps on their phones. Awkward dimensions and confusing interfaces aside, the Passport’s biggest failure is that it just doesn’t have what I need to get my job done. And it certainly can’t replace all of the other things I do with my smartphone, like play games and watch video.

That isn’t to say it won’t be right for some people — I’m sure there are a few people who would love a device like the Passport (perhaps Power Pros that have no interest in YouTube and don’t use any of Google’s services). Those people will put up with its shortcomings just to have a big screen and a hardware keyboard (however flawed it might be). The Passport is a shrine to everything BlackBerry has done over the last 15 years, but none of that is very relevant in today’s world. It’s apparently the best that BlackBerry can do, but that’s not enough.

this article also appears in the GSG blog


Programmer quote of the day

date time coding

Joe Wright wins the internets today:

Thanks to Leigh Honeywell for the find!


The post-opening weekend iPhone 6 / 6 Plus news roundup

A record-breaking 10 million iPhone 6 / 6 Plus units sold on opening weekend

ten million iphones

Apple announced that it sold over 10 million iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus smartphones in the first three days of their general availability in the U.S., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and the U.K. (China is notably absent from this list; the new iPhones will go on sale there later this year).

“Sales for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus exceeded our expectations for the launch weekend,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook in Apple’s press release, “and we couldn’t be happier.”

tampa apple store sept 20 2014

The crowd at the Apple Store in Tampa, Saturday, September 20, 2014.
Click the photo to see it at full size.

A couple of observations about that 10 million number

Farhad Manjoo, tech journalist at the New York Times, made a couple of observations about this news and the milestone of selling 10 million units. First, about the difference between this year’s iPhone 6 / 6 Plus release and last year’s iPhone 5S / 5C release…

…and secondly, about the difference in expectations between this year and 2007, the year the iPhone was first released:

The first iPhone 6 retail purchase and drop on the sidewalk, caught on video

Thanks to the magic of time zones, the first in-store iPhone purchase was made in Perth, Australia by Jack Cooksey. He also made his way into the record books by being the first person to drop a newly-purchased iPhone 6:

AnandTech posts their preliminary iPhone 6 / 6 Plus benchmark performance tests

iphone 6 sunspider

Anandtech say that they’re still working on their full review of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but have decided to sate the public appetite for iPhone 6-related news by releasing some of the results of their benchmark performance tests. Among the results they posted were their browser benchmarks, which they say “can serve as a relatively useful proxy for CPU performance”. The numbers are good, with the iPhone 6 placing at or near the top of most tests.

iphone 6 google octane

The only exception to Apple doing very well on the benchmarks was the 3DMark 1.2 Unlimited – Physics test, where it placed near the bottom:

iphone 6 3dmark physics

Of note is the iPhone 6’s battery life in the tests:

iphone 6 web browsing battery life

AnandTech write:

\As one can see, it seems that Apple has managed to do something quite incredible with battery life. Normally an 1810 mAh battery with 3.82V nominal voltage would be quite a poor performer, but the iPhone 6 is a step above just about every other Android smartphone on the market.

Simply put, Apple know their power management, and for you, that means more bang for the battery.

Businessweek’s post-presentation interview with Tim Cook

tim cook and iphone 6 plus

Bloomberg Businessweek has posted their interview with Tim Cook about the iPhone 6 and the Apple Watch that they made on the day after their September 10th presentation.

Photos in different lands — Iceland and Disneyland — with the iPhone 6

austin mann iphone 6 photo

Smartphones aren’t just for work, but for the rest of your life, including being your primary camera. The iPhone 6 seems to be an excellent camera for not just personal snapshots as shown when TechCrunch took two to Disneyland (example below), but even for professional work as the photos of Iceland by Austin Mann (an example of which is shown above).

techcrunch disneyland

this article also appears in the GSG blog