Current Events Tampa Bay

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, August 16, 2021)

Here’s your weekly list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events — plus a little area tech news — for Tampa Bay and surrounding areas for the week of Monday, August 16 through Sunday, August 22, 2021.

This is a weekly service from Tampa Bay’s tech blog, Global Nerdy! For the past four years, I’ve been compiling a list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events happening in Tampa Bay and surrounding areas. There’s a lot going on in our scene here in “The Other Bay Area, on the Other West Coast”!

As far as event types go, this list casts a rather wide net. It includes events that would be of interest to techies, nerds, and entrepreneurs. It includes (but isn’t limited to) events that fall under the category of:

  • Programming, DevOps, systems administration, and testing
  • Tech project management / agile processes
  • Video, board, and role-playing games
  • Book, philosophy, and discussion clubs
  • Tech, business, and entrepreneur networking events
  • Toastmasters (because nerds really need to up their presentation game)
  • Sci-fi, fantasy, and other genre fandoms
  • Anything I deem geeky

I’m moving this list to Fridays so that you’ve got more time to plan for the upcoming week. Let me know if this change works for you (or if it doesn’t)!

By “Tampa Bay and surrounding areas”, this list covers events that originate or are aimed at the area within 100 miles of the Port of Tampa. At the very least, that includes the cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater, but as far north as Ocala, as far south as Fort Myers, and includes Orlando and its surrounding cities.

This week’s events

Monday, August 16

Tuesday, August 17

Wednesday, August 18

Thursday, August 19

Friday, August 20

Saturday, August 21

Sunday, August 22

Do you have any events or announcements that you’d like to see on this list?

Let me know at!

Join the mailing list!

If you’d like to get this list in your email inbox every week, enter your email address below. You’ll only be emailed once a week, and the email will contain this list, plus links to any interesting news, upcoming events, and tech articles. Join the Tampa Bay Tech Events list and always be informed of what’s coming up in Tampa Bay!

Current Events Entrepreneur Tampa Bay

“Funding Florida’s Growth”: Thursday, Aug. 12 at Embarc Collective

On Thursday, August 12th from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Embarc Collective, TiE Tampa Bay will host Florida’s Office of Financial Regulation Commissioner, Russell C. Weigel III in an event titled Funding Florida’s Growth. It will include a networking reception followed by their special guest speakers:

As the event page says:

The goal is to promote Florida’s economy by creating a self-sustaining, in-state capital market where many newly formed businesses can obtain seed or expansion capital. The desired outcome is to have Florida residents and businesses receive capital from within our state and ultimately remain in Florida and contribute to the state’s economy.

Visit the event page to find out more or to register for the event!

Current Events

The crypto amendment silliness is straight out of “The Simpsons”

From the Decrypt article Bitcoin Lobby Loses: Senate Rejects Revised Crypto Tax Provisions in Infrastructure Bill

The Senate rejected an amendment championed by the cryptocurrency industry that exempts non-custodial crypto actors from a crypto tax reporting requirement built into the $1 trillion infrastructure bill.

The amendment failed after Senator Richard Shelby attempted to tack on $50 billion in military infrastructure spending to it.

If this kind of silliness seems familiar, it’s because something similar played out in that episode of The Simpsons where a comet is headed straight for Springfield:

Mobile Programming

Android’s Camera2 API

This article is part of the Android August series, in which I’m writing an Android development-related article every day during the month of August 2021.

If you want to write an Android app that interacts with the camera beyond merely taking a picture or shooting some video, you’ll want to make use of the Camera2 API, which became available at API level 21 (a.k.a. Android 5.0, a.k.a. Lollipop), which goes all the way back to late 2014.

There are a number of recently published articles and documents that you can consult if you’d like to explore Camera2:

Mobile Programming

It’s time to get a head start with Jetpack Compose

This article is part of the Android August series, in which I’m writing an Android development-related article every day during the month of August 2021.

As I mentioned in the previous article in this series, the biggest development in the latest version of Android Studio (at least as far as I’m concerned) is that Jetpack Compose is now included, and therefore official.

Jetpack Compose is Android’s declarative UI, which puts it in the same general category as iOS’ SwiftUI or Facebook’s React.

Jetpack Compose is called declarative as opposed to imperative, which is often summarized as building UIs in a “this is what it should be like” way versus a “this is how it should be created”. It’s the difference between this…

// Imperative UI (Kotlin)
// ======================
val helloButton = Button()
helloButton.text = "Hello, World!"
val layout = Layout()

…and this:

// Declarative UI (Kotlin)
// =======================
Layout {
    Button("Hello, World!")

The first one specifies, step by step, how to build a simple UI, while the second simply says “this is the UI I want”.

This is a brand new way to build Android UIs, and it’s expected to become the standard way. Now is you chance to get a head start, and the following links can be your first steps.

Get Started with Jetpack Compose

If you want to learn Jetpack Compose, start here — at, where they’ve got a page of links on learning the basics.

Android Developers’ Jetpack Compose Tutorial

In this official tutorial direct from Android’s own creators, you’ll learn Jetpack Compose by building a screen for a chat app that features:

  • A list of expandable and animated messages
  • With each message containing an image and some text,
  • Using Material Design principles with a dark theme included

…and all in fewer than 100 lines of code.

Android Developers’ Jetpack Compose Basics

You’ll want to supplement the article above with this video, which also has you writing a list-based application using Jetpack Compose.

CODE Magazine’s A Practical Introduction to Jetpack Compose Android Apps

This article introduces Jetpack Compose in small steps, starting with a “Hello, World!” app. It goes from there to introduce key concepts such as state, modifiers, and layouts. Finally, you’re introduced to the list and are shown how to use it by building a list of famous comic book superheroes.

Current Events Tampa Bay

Grit Daily’s Congressional Startup Day: Wednesday at Industrious Tampa

This Wednesday, August 11th, is Congressional Startup Day, and the startup news hub Grit Daily is holding a celebratory in-person event at the gorgeous coworking space, Industrious Tampa from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.!

Congressional Startup Day used to be known as “Startup Week Across America”. It takes place in August for a specific reason: That’s when the U.S. Congress takes its annual recess, and when lawmakers go back to their home districts. It’s a great time for senators and representatives to get in touch with entrepreneurs in the places they represent, and for entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs to share their ideas with elected officials and discuss the importance of the businesses and opportunities they create.

The 4X Latina VC Summit is the main attraction of the Congressional Startup Day, and you can catch it in person or virtually. It will feature four of the global top ten Latina VCs talking about all things money and startups:

  • Consuelo Valverde, founder and managing partner of SV Latam Capital in San Francisco.
  • Miriam Rivera, CEO of Ulu Ventures, and early seed stage venture fund in Silicon Valley focused on IT startups.
  • Luciana Carvahlo, the VP of People and Performance at Movile, Latin America’s largest tech investment group and accelerator.
  • Amanda Jacobson, the Chief of Staff for Oyster Financial, a neobank for SMBs that’s co-headquartered in Mexico City and San Francisco.

Here’s the event’s agenda:

1:00 – 5:00 p.m.Grit Daily’s Congressional Startup Day at Industrious Tampa.
2:30 – 3:00 p.m.Latina VC Summit, with Ayurella Muller (Forbes Columnist) and Loralyn Mears, Ph.D. (Grit Daily)
3:30 – 4:00 p.m.One-minute startup pitch competition x 12, Grit Daily Royale.
4:20 – 4:40 p.m.“How to Raise Money.” A panel with Loralyn Mears, PhD. with Todd Belveal (WashLava)
4:45 – 5:00 p.m.Closing Keynote by Florida Legislature Representative Jackie Toledo.
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.VIP dinner. Inquire for tickets. Limited to 20. VIP only.

Want to know more about this event or register? See the event’s EventBrite page.

Mask Face Protective - Free photo on Pixabay

Remember, we’re in Florida, and we’re in the middle of an all-time high for COVID-19 cases. If you plan to attend the event in person, you should be fully vaccinated and mask up for the event. Alternately, you can attend the anchor event, the 4X Latina VC Summit, virtually.

Mobile Programming

What’s new in Android Studio Arctic Fox?

This article is part of the Android August series, in which I’m writing an Android development-related article every day during the month of August 2021.

If you haven’t updated Android Studio lately, you may not be aware that the newest revision, codenamed Arctic Fox, has been released on the stable channel. That means that it’s the official current version of Android Studio.

This new version packs a lot of interesting new goodies, but for me, the biggest development is built-in support for Jetpack Compose — the new declarative/reactive/state-driven way to build user interfaces — and the accessibility scanner for the Layout Editor.

To find out more, check out this video from Android Developers: