Entrepreneur Tampa Bay

Find out more about Tampa’s tech and startup scene

If you want the most up-to-date overview of Tampa Bay’s startup scene, you’ll want to check out Startup Guide: Tampa Bay.

Dan Holahan, member Experience Manager at Embarc Collective.

It was just published yesterday, and it’s written by Dan Holahan of Embarc Collective, a startup accelerator/incubator/coworking space located near downtown Tampa.

Dan’s writeup covers:

  • A quick summary of “The Other Bay Area”
  • Tampa Bay’s capital landscape
  • Notable Tampa Bay startup fundraising deals that took place in the last six months
  • Tampa Bay’s startup funders
  • Tampa Bay startups to watch
  • Local incubators, accelerators, and startup hubs
  • Coworking spaces in the area
  • Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur conferences
  • Tampa Bay community and event organizers
  • Local tech media and podcasts (and I cover more in my recent article on Tampa Bay tech podcasts)
  • Local startup job listings
  • Tampa Bay city initiatives aimed at entrepreneurs

The Latest on Tampa’s Tech Scene was published in October 2020 and features a number of Tampa Bay-based entrepreneurs, organizations, and activities, including:

Here’s a video showcase 50 innovators and companies making their mark in Tampa’s tech and startup scene:


Here are a couple of articles showing how well Tampa rates against other startup hubs around the world:


Want to know more about what companies in Tampa Bay are worth watching? These two articles are a good start:


You need two key ingredients to build a startup scene: nerds and rich people. I’ve pointed you to articles about the nerds, so here’s one about the rich people who’ll fund the nerdery:

Need more convincing that Tampa Bay is the right place for your tech startup? These might help:

Current Events Tampa Bay

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, January 18, 2021)

Welcome to the third week of 2021! Here’s your list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events for the Tampa Bay area for the week of Monday, January 18 through Sunday, January 24, 2020.

“Tampa Bay area” means “Within 100 miles of the Port of Tampa”

By “Tampa Bay”, this list covers events that originate or are aimed at the area within 100 miles of the Port of Tampa. At the very least, that includes the cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater, but as far north as Ocala, as far south as Fort Myers, and includes Orlando and its surrounding cities.

This list is sticking to online events for now

For the time being, this list will include only those events that can be attended online because…

  • 1 in 14 Americans has contracted COVID-19 (23.6 million cases out of a population of 328 million, which is 1 million more than last week).
  • 1 in 835 Americans has died from COVID-19 (393,000 dead out of a population of 328 million, which is 20,000 more than last week).

…and we’re still experiencing a post-holiday spike that has a number of ICUs across the country running at maximum capacity.

We live in the age of broadband and ubiquitous computing — make the best use of it. Stay safe, stay connected, skill up, and #MakeItTampaBay!

This week’s events

Monday, January 18

Tuesday, January 19

Wednesday, January 20

Thursday, January 21

Friday, January 22

Saturday, January 23

Sunday, January 24

Do you have any events or announcements that you’d like to see on this list?

Let me know at!

Join the mailing list!

If you’d like to get this list in your email inbox every week, enter your email address below. You’ll only be emailed once a week, and the email will contain this list, plus links to any interesting news, upcoming events, and tech articles.

Join the Tampa Bay Tech Events list and always be informed of what’s coming up in Tampa Bay!

Podcasts Programming Tampa Bay

Lots to listen to on Tampa Bay’s tech podcasts

It’s been a while since I last published a list of podcast episodes from Tampa Bay tech podcasts. So if you’re looking for something technical to listen to that’s also from “The Other Bay Area, on The Other West Coast”, there’s a lot on this list!

In the last list, I went from newest podcast series to longest-running; this time, I’m reversing the order.

Thunder Nerds

Of the podcasts in this roundup, Thunder Nerds — “A conversation with the people behind the technology, that love what they do… and do tech good” — has been around the longest, with 274 episodes over five seasons to date. You’ve probably seen the hosts at local meetups and conferences; they’re Sarrah Vesselov, Frederick Philip Von Weiss, and Brian Hinton.

Auth0 logoThunder Nerds is sponsored by a company that’s near and dear to me, Auth0! That’s partly because they have a great authentication, authorization, and identity service, and partly because I work there in my role as a Senior R&D Content Engineer!

274 – 🧑🏽‍🍳 Learn to Cook Code at Hackathons with Vincent Tang
In this episode, we get to speak with fullstack developer, tech educator, and speaker, Vincent Tang. We discuss the value of learning from hackathons, and how to get started in the tech industry. We also discuss Vincent’s new podcast Code Chefs.

The 6 Figure Developer

At the time I’m writing this, The 6 Figure Developer — hosted by John Callaway, Clayton Hunt, and Jon Ash — has posted 178 episodes. It’s…

…a show dedicated to helping developers to grow their career. Topics include Test Driven Development, Clean Code, Professionalism, Entrepreneurship, as well as the latest and greatest programming languages and concepts.

  • 178 – Identity with Christos Matskas
    Microsoft Identity for developers and Security in the Cloud! Christos is a developer, speaker, writer, and Microsoft Program Manager for Microsoft Identity, doing advocacy at scale.
  • 177 – F# and FP with Phillip Carter
    Phillip Carter joins us on the latest episode of The 6 Figure Developer Podcast to talk F# and Functional Programming. Phillip is a software person by trade. He currently works for Microsoft, focusing on .NET languages and compilers and tooling, with a heavy emphasis on F#. He likes doing other things too, like riding snowboards and bikes.
  • 176 – REST APIs with Irina Scurtu
    Irina is a Software Architect, a Microsoft MVP, and .NET Group Community Lead at Endava. She’s also a Microsoft Certified Trainer and founder of dotnetdays Romania.
  • 175 – Dave Glick: Statiq Sites and Open Source
    Dave has been professionally developing software for almost two decades. He is passionate about open source, .NET, and the intersection of the two.
  • 174 – DevOps Engineering with Ken Mugrage
    Ken is Tech Principal for the Office of the CTO @ThoughtWorks. He’s passionate about #ContinuousDelivery and #DevOps. He’s now focused on future tech.
  • 173 – bUnit: A Blazor Testing Lib w/ Egil Hansen
    Principal Developer at Delegate. A Microsoft MVP & .NET Foundation member. Creator of the Blazor Testing Library #bUnit. Egil joins us to talk all about bUnit – a Testing Library for Blazor Components.
  • 172 – Rob Richardson: .NET 5, Pipelines, & Testing
    Rob is a software craftsman building web properties in ASP.NET and Node, React and Vue. He’s a Microsoft MVP, published author, frequent speaker at conferences, user groups, and community events, and a diligent teacher and student of high quality software development.
  • 171 – Jeremy Sinclair: Win Insider, .NET on ARM
    Jeremy is an enthusiastic developer with over 10 years of development experience. He’s also part of the #WindowsInsiders community and a Windows Insider MVP.
  • 170 – Michael Jolley on JavaScript, TS, Blazor, etc.
    From his early days with lincoln logs to building custom ERP systems, Michael has always been a builder. With nearly 20 years experience designing & developing software, he loves sharing his knowledge with others and watching them excel. While still building custom applications for clients today, Michael has been spending considerable time pouring into others via his live-coding sessions on Twitch and talks at conferences & meet-ups. When not in full-geek mode, Michael is a husband of nearly 20 years, father to three awesome kids, musician, and football fanatic.
  • 169 – Welcome Back Ash! Self Care in Covid Times
    We’re so happy to have Jon Ash back! Ash was taking some time for self care, family, and personal projects. In this episode we welcome him back and hear all about what he’s been working on.
  • 168 – Oqtane and OSS with Shaun Walker
    Shaun Walker is the original creator of Oqtane and DotNetNuke, web application frameworks which have the earned the recognition of being among the largest, most successful, pioneering Open Source projects native to the Microsoft platform. He has 25+ years professional experience in architecting and implementing enterprise software solutions for private and public organizations. Based on his significant community contributions he has been recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) as well as an ASPInsider for over 10 consecutive years. He was recognized by Business In Vancouver in 2011 as a leading entrepreneur in their Forty Under 40 business awards, and is currently the Chair of the Project Committee for the .NET Foundation. Shaun is currently a Technical Director and Enterprise Guildmaster at Cognizant Softvision. Shaun joined us to talk about his newest project, Oqtane, a Modular Application Framework for Blazor, as well as Open Source Software, and The .NET Foundation!
  • 167 – Manage Cloud Cost with Omry Hay
    Omry is Co-Founder and CTO at env0, the first self-service cloud management platform for infrastructure as code (IaC) architecture.
  • 166 – The State of Python with Michael Kennedy
    Michael is the founder and host of Talk Python To Me, a weekly podcast about Python and related software developer topics. He is a the founder and chief author at Talk Python Training where many leading Python developer courses are available online. Michael is an entrepreneur, a father of three girls, a husband, a student, and a teacher. You can find him in his hometown of Portland, OR.
  • 165 – Kode Vicious, George Neville-Neil
    Writing as Kode Vicious, George has spent more than 15 years sharing advice and insights as a “coder with attitude” in ACM’s Queue magazine. He is a software engineer, author and security nerd with other varied interests who speaks several languages including Japanese.
  • 164 – .NET MAUI with Auri Rahimzadeh
    Auri joins us to talk about .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI). Auri A. Rahimzadeh is an accomplished technophile writer and author. He has written three books: Hacking the PSP, Geek My Ride, and co-authored Hacking Digital Cameras. Rahimzadeh has contributed to many digital entertainment technology standards, including HDTV and DVD, and is former west coast research director at The Envisioneering Group, a prominent consumer electronics research firm. Having taught side by side with Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, Auri continues to share a passion for technology education for children and teens. Currently Mr. Rahimzadeh is owner of Auri’s Ideas in Fishers, Indiana, and an instructor at Eleven Fifty Academy, a non-for-profit technology education bootcamp.

The Mike Dominick Show

The Mike Dominick Show is the second-newest of the podcasts in this list, and it has an open source focus.

Friends That Code

Friends that Code is the newest podcast on this list, and it’s hosted by Mike Traverso, whom locals may know from the Tampa Bay Google Developers Group meetup and other Google-y events. In this podcast, he showcases…

…some amazing people I know that just happen to write code for a living. Whether they started off intending to code or just happened into it, we get to hear about the types of people you’ll meet, things you’ll get to do, jobs you’ll have along the way, and advice from some awesome coders along the way!

  • 26 – Imposter Syndrome: You Do Belong Here & other affirmations and ways to beat imposter syndrome
  • 25 – I owe a world famous video game designer 70 cents with Graeme Devine
    Video game lover, developer, designer, producer, Godfather of games on CD-Roms, and man partly responsible for a Christmas shortage of gold Zelda cartridges. Ladies and gentlemen, todays guest is Graeme Devine!

  • 24 – Preparing for better opportunities. Oh! and pinball too with Stacy Devino
    Developer, Google Developer Expert, Community Organizer, Conference Speaker, Mentor, Sneaker fan and Mistress of Android. Ladies and Gentlemen, todays guest is Stacy Devino!

  • 23 – Having every job imaginable in technology with Joey deVilla
    Developer, former Evangelist, former CTO, Author, Community Organizer, Conference Speaker, Accordion Guy and Developer again. Ladies and gentlemen, today’s guest is Joey deVilla!

  • 22 – Coding a secure, community driven, open sourced Smash Bros moves app with Kento Kawakami
    Nintendo enthusiast, Video game lover, graphic designer, photographer, App developer and spanking new software developer. Ladies and gentlemen, todays guest is Kento Kawakami!

  • 21 – Mentoring developers & fostering the community with Maggie Negm
    Software developer, volunteer, and mentor to newer software developers and all around good person. Ladies and gentlemen, todays guest is Maggie Negm!

  • 20 – Dialoging with an Android Developer with Huyen Tue Dao
    Developer, Architect, Fantastic Conference Speaker, Google Developer Expert in Android & Kotlin, YouTube Producer and On-Air Talent… Ladies and gentlemen, today’s guest is Huyen Tue Dao!

  • 19 – Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready with Jerome Hardaway
    Developer, Air Force Veteran, Tech Evangelist, Founder and Executive Director at Vets Who Code and Captain America of web development! Ladies and gentlemen, today’s guest is Jerome Hardaway!

  • 18 – Development is just another creative outlet with David Khourshid
    Developer, Conference Speaker, Author, Javascript framework creator, Twitch streamer and moonlighting piano player. Ladies and gentlemen, todays guest is David Khourshid!

  • 17 – Creating creativity, turning static into fantastic with Erica Jacobs
    Designer, Illustrator, Volunteer, Celebrator of women in the design and tech community, Creator of the Neon Swan Awards and Creative Mind extraordinaire. Ladies and gentlemen, todays guest is Erica Jacobs!

  • 16 – ABC’s of success: Authenticity, Balance and Communication with Bill Conyea
    Developer, CTO, Investor, Technology Staffer and Entrepreneur. Ladies and gentlemen, today’s guest is Bill Conyea!

Current Events Process Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay Product Owner Meetup tonight: Stakeholder Management — Tips from FBI Hostage Negotiators

Poster for the 1998 film “The Negotiator”, featuring Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey.
If you haven’t seen this underappreciated 1998 film, check it out.

Looking for an interesting online meetup to attend tonight? I’ll be checking out Tampa bay Product Owner Group’s meetup, which has an intriguing title: Stakeholder Management — Tips from FBI Hostage Negotiators. It happens tonight from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Zoom.

(Here’s the Zoom link for the event.)

Here’s the description of the event, taken straight from their Meetup page:

Product Management IS Stakeholder Management. Influencing and Negotiating is a big part of the role.

In this session, you will learn modern negotiation techniques applied to Stakeholder Management. This is a fun spin on Stakeholder management using the negotiation techniques Chris Voss outlines in “Never Split the Difference.” We explore modern negotiation techniques, then apply them to real-life scenarios.

We examine Mirroring, Labeling, Getting to Yes, and Open-Ended Questions in realistic Product and Stakeholder scenarios. We think we learn by applying, so this will have an interactive element to it!

Stay on top of Tampa Bay tech events!

Banner for the Tampa Bay tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events mailing list.Want to know when events like the one above are happening? Join the Tampa Bay Tech Events list and always be informed of what’s coming up in Tampa Bay!

Current Events Tampa Bay

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, January 11, 2021)

Take me to this week’s events

Welcome to the second week of 2021! Here’s your list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events for the Tampa Bay area for the week of Monday, January 11 through Sunday, January 17, 2020.

By “Tampa Bay”, this list covers events that originate or are aimed at the area within 100 miles of the Port of Tampa. At the very least, that includes the cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater, but as far north as Ocala, as far south as Fort Myers, and includes Orlando and its surrounding cities.

For the time being, this list will include only those events that can be attended online because…

  • 1 in 15 Americans has contracted COVID-19 (22.3 million cases out of a population of 328 million)
  • 1 in 880 Americans has died from COVID-19 (373,000 dead out of a population of 328 million)

…and we’re experiencing a post-holiday spike that has a number of ICUs across the country running at maximum capacity.

We live in the age of broadband and ubiquitous computing — make the best use of it. Stay safe, stay connected, skill up, and #MakeItTampaBay!

This week’s events

Monday, January 11

Tuesday, January 12

Wednesday, January 13

Thursday, January 14

Friday, January 15

Saturday, January 16

Sunday, January 17

Do you have any events or announcements that you’d like to see on this list?

Let me know at!

Join the mailing list!

If you’d like to get this list in your email inbox every week, enter your email address below. You’ll only be emailed once a week, and the email will contain this list, plus links to any interesting news, upcoming events, and tech articles.

Join the Tampa Bay Tech Events list and always be informed of what’s coming up in Tampa Bay!

Hardware Mobile

It’s the 14th anniversary of the original iPhone Stevenote!

On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs said this near the beginning of the Stevenote where he introduced the original iPhone:

Three things: A widescreen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone, and a breakthrough internet communications device.

An iPod. A phone. And an internet communicator.

An iPod! A phone! Are you getting it?!

These are not three separate devices. This is one device…

Today is the 14th anniversary of that keynote. It caused Google to go back to the drawing board with Android. It led to the redefinition of the mobile phone and the downgrading or demise of the big hardware players of the day (BlackBerry, Motorola, Nokia, and Palm). It changed Microsoft’s trajectory, and brought about the end of Flash. It redefined the boundaries of personal computing and the web. For better and worse, it changed the way we communicate, navigate, “vegetate”, and relate.

Happy anniversary, iPhone!

Recommended reading

Hardware How To

What to do when the USB-C ethernet adapter for your Mac doesn’t work out of the box [UPDATED]

I recently got a Mokin 10-in-1 USB-C dongle for use with my work computer, a 2019 16″ MacBook Pro, whose only connectors are 4 Thunderbolt/USB-C ports and a 3.5 mm audio jack.

The dongle worked like a charm out of the box with the notable exception of one part: The Ethernet port. I had a pretty good guess why this was happening and how to fix it.

TL;DR: You need a driver — here it is!

Here’s the installer for version 1.0.22 of the macOS driver, which works for macOS 10.9 through 10.15. Unzip it, run it, and then go to the section titled Step 4 below.

The longer explanation

The problem and the plan

Most dongle vendors are integrators. They may manufacture the cases and simpler electronics, but they purchase lot (or all of) the fancier tech from manufacturers, such as networking chips.

Here’s a pic showing a Mokin dongle and its internals:

From Mokin’s site. Tap to view at full size.

My plan was to find the manufacturer of the networking chip inside my dongle, then find their webpage, then hopefully find a driver.

Here’s what I did.

Step 1: Identify the vendor

With the dongle plugged into my MacBook, I opened the Apple menu and selected About This Mac. This window appeared:

I clicked the System Report… button, which opened the System Report window:

This window provides a run-down of the hardware, software, and networking on your Mac. Its Hardware list provides information about the hardware in and attached to the computer. A lot of peripherals have information such as vendor IDs encoded to them, and you can use System Report to find it.

I expanded the Hardware menu and selected the USB item. The USB Device Tree list appeared in the window’s right pane.

I then went through the USB 3.1 Bus entries in the USB Device Tree list in search of an entry containing the word LAN. Once I found that entry, I clicked on it, which then caused its details to appear in the lower part of the right pane.

I found the information that I needed: the Vendor ID, and better still, an actual vendor name: Realtek.

This shouldn’t have been a surprise: Realtek, a chip manufacturer in Taiwan, has had the majority share of the ethernet controller market since the early 2000s. They also have a good chunk of the sound chip market, so I’m no stranger to their drivers or their distinctive “crab” logo.

Step 2: Search for the vendor’s site, and in particular, the page containing the driver you need

Now that I had a vendor name, I did a search with using the search term realtek lan 10/100/1000 driver mac. This was my first result:

What if you don’t have a vendor name, but just a vendor ID number?

In the case where you just have a vendor ID number and no name, you should consult a USB ID database, such as the one at The SZ Development:

I decided to see if I could find the driver using this route.

I entered the vendor ID reported by my Mac, 0x0BDA, in the Vendor ID field and the reported product ID, 0x8153, in the Product ID field. I clicked Search and got these results:

  • USB 10/100/1000 LAN
  • RTL8153 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

The links that the site provides aren’t all that useful. You’ll get much farther if you simply include the result text with the words driver and mac as your search term.

Doing that took me to the same page as the previous method:

Step 3: Install the driver

From the Realtek page I found, I downloaded the installer that applied to me and ran it. It worked without a problem.

(They would be well-served by a team that could do a half-decent job localizing the language on their installer.)

Step 4: Enable wired networking

With the driver installed, it’s time to make wired networking happen!

Open System Preferences. To add wired networking, you’ll need to add a new networking service, which you do by clicking the + button at the bottom of the menu on the left side of the window:
You’ll be asked to select the interface and provide a name for the new networking service. Select USB 10/100/1000 LAN from the Interface menu, and enter whatever you like for in the Service Name field. I entered “Wired” for mine:

I clicked the Create button, which created the service and dismissed the dialog box. The new service, named Wired, appeared in the menu on the left side, with Not Connected as its subtitle.

I clicked the Apply button…

…and the Wired service went from Not Connected to Connected:


Now it was time to test the connection. I shut off wifi and ran on my wired connection. The results shown below are for my work computer, which uses a VPN that I need to always keep on (or there will be. consequences):

That’s a good deal faster than I get on wireless, and I’m sure I’ll get better speeds on my personal computer when it’s not on a VPN.