All dressed up for a 📱 PHONE ☎️ interview. Sure, they won’t know I’m dressed up, but I’LL KNOW.
…wait until your IoT grill does it.
I need to look up this grill to see what its embedded controller does. Aside from…
…what else does it do that needs an update, never mind an update big enough to interfere with cooking?
During the Information Security week of the UC Baseline cybersecurity program, the instructors asked us a lot of questions whose answers we had to look up. As a way to maximize participation, we were encouraged to share lots of links of the class’ Slack channel, which also functioned as a backchannel, as well as a way to chat with the students who were taking the course online.
The links that we shared in class were valuable material that I thought would be worth keeping for later reference. I’ve been spending an hour here and there, gathering them up and even organizing them a little. The end result is the list below.
Since these are all publicly-available links and don’t link to any super-secret UC Baseline instructional material, I’m posting them here on Global Nerdy. Think of this list as a useful set of security-related links, something to read if you’re bored, or a peek into what gets discussed during the InfoSec week of the UC Baseline course!
Once again, here’s the weekly list of events for events for Tampa Bay techies, entrepreneurs, and nerds. Every week, on GlobalNerdy.com and on the mailing list, I scour the announcements for events that are interesting to or useful for those of you who are building the future here in “The Other Bay Area, on The Other West Coast”.
This list covers events from Monday, August 24 through Sunday, August 30, 2020.
I’ve opted to list only those events that I can confirm are happening online. I’m not yet listing in-person events, as we’re still in the middle of a pandemic in one of the hardest-hit states in one of the hardest-hit countries in the world. We’re also just about to see the mandated return of students to schools, which will likely exacerbate the situation.
Events — especially virtual, online ones — can pop up at the last minute. I add them to the list as I find out about them. Come back and check this article from time to time, as you might find a new listing that wasn’t there before!
No tech, entrepreneur, or nerd online events have been posted…yet!
Let me know at joey@joeydevilla.com!
If you’d like to get this list in your email inbox every week, enter your email address below. You’ll only be emailed once a week, and the email will contain this list, plus links to any interesting news, upcoming events, and tech articles.
Join the Tampa Bay Tech Events list and always be informed of what’s coming up in Tampa Bay!
The class portion of UC Baseline — the cybersecurity training program offered by The Undercroft, Tampa Bay’s security guild — ended yesterday with the final day of Python 101, which marks the end of classes. Every weekday for the past five weeks, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., I’ve been in a classroom (masked and socially distanced, of course), studying and furiously taking notes in the following classes:
Course | Instructor |
Hardware 101 (5 days) |
Tremere |
Networking 101 (5 days) |
TreyCraf7 |
Linux 101 (3 days) |
Cochise |
Windows 101 (2 days) |
Turtle |
Infosec 101 (5 days) |
KobyBeefcake TheCleverShark |
Python 101 (3 days) |
KobyBeefcake |
There are still two more days in the program. Today is the “Get a Job” career fair. The Undercroft have gathered a series of recruiters, security companies, and agencies to talk to us, including:
The presentations are quite good — I’m pretty impressed by the representatives I’ve seen so far.
I’m also dressed and masked for the occasion:
Today, August 19th, is Whyday! I wrote a longer post about it earlier this week, but if you want the short version, it’s this: It’s a day to celebrate creativity and whimsy using technology.
Whyday is named after the engimatic programmer/artist who operated under the name “Why the Lucky Stiff” (or _why for short), and his story is told in this video:
My favorite quote from _why, which he Tweeted before he took down his Twitter account:
when you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
In the spirit of _why, let’s all use this day to start a creative project or try something new!
Find out more about Whyday ay whyday.org.
My new Android phone, a Motorola One Hyper, which I wrote about a couple of weeks ago, came out of the box with Android 10.
When it came time to set the passcode to unlock the phone, I found out that the longest device unlock passcode that even the most recent version of Android will accept is 16 characters. That was the case five years ago, and it’s still the case today.
Android’s “Choose Lock Password” screen is part of AOSP (Android Open Source Project), which means that its source code is easy to find online. It’s ChooseLockPassword.java, and the limitation is a constant defined in a class named ChooseLockPasswordFragment
, which defines the portion of the screen where you enter a new passcode.
Here are the lines from that class that define passcode requirements and limitations:
private int mPasswordMinLength = LockPatternUtils.MIN_LOCK_PASSWORD_SIZE; private int mPasswordMaxLength = 16; private int mPasswordMinLetters = 0; private int mPasswordMinUpperCase = 0; private int mPasswordMinLowerCase = 0; private int mPasswordMinSymbols = 0; private int mPasswordMinNumeric = 0; private int mPasswordMinNonLetter = 0;
Note the values assigned to these variables. It turns out that there are only two constraints on Android passcodes that are currently in effect:
, which is set to the value stored in the constant LockPatternUtils.MIN_LOCK_PASSWORD_SIZE
. This is currently set to 6.mPasswordMaxLength
, which is set to 16.As you might have inferred from the other variable names, there may eventually be other constraints on passcodes — namely, minimums for the number of letters, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbol characters, numeric characters, and non-letter characters — but they’re currently not in effect.
16 is a power of 2, and to borrow a line from Snow Crash, powers of 2 are numbers that a programmer would recognize “more readily than his own mother’s date of birth”. This might lead you to believe that 16 characters would be some kind of technical limit or requirement, but…
…Android (and in fact, every current non-homemade operating system) doesn’t store things like passcodes and passwords as-is. Instead, it stores the hashes of those passcodes and passwords. The magic of hash functions is that no matter how short or long the text you feed into them, their output is always the same fixed size (and a relatively compact size, too).
For example, consider SHA-256, from the SHA-2 family of hash functions:
String value | Its SHA-256 hash |
(empty string) | e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 |
x | 2d711642b726b04401627ca9fbac32f5c8530fb1903cc4db02258717921a4881 |
Chunky bacon! | f0abf4f096ac8fa00b74dbcee6d24c18cfd8ab5409d7867c9767257d78427760 |
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass… and I’m all out of bubblegum! | 3457314d966ef8d8c66ee00ffbc46c923d1c01adb39723f41ab027012d30f7fd |
(The full text of T.S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock) | 569704de8d4a61d5f856ecbd00430cfe70edd0b4f2ecbbc0196eda5622ba71ab |
No matter the length of the input text, the output of the SHA-256 function is always the same length: 64 characters, each one a hexadecimal digit.
Under the 16-character limit, the password will always be shorter than the hash that actually gets stored! There’s also the fact that in a time when storage is measured in gigabytes, we could store a hash that was thousands of characters long and not even notice.
My guess is that the Android passcode size limit of 16 characters is purely arbitrary. Perhaps they thought that 16-character passwords like the ones below were the longest that anyone would want to memorize:
TvsV@PA9UNa$yvNN sDrgjwN#Vc^pmjL4 argmdKAP?!Gzh9mG <Wea2CKufNk+UuU8 EmNv%LN9w4T.sc76
The problem is that it doesn’t account for (theoretically) more secure yet easier to remember passwords of the “correct horse battery staple” method described in the webcomic xkcd, which can easily make passwords longer than 16 characters:
Based on usability factors, there is a point after which a password is just too long, but it’s not 16 characters. I think that iOS’ 37-character limit is more suitable.