Click the graphic to contemplate its mysteries at full size.
As a graduate of both Catholic school and a computer science degree program, I have to salute @angealbertini, who created this, with a filet mignon on a flaming sword.
Click the graphic to contemplate its mysteries at full size.
As a graduate of both Catholic school and a computer science degree program, I have to salute @angealbertini, who created this, with a filet mignon on a flaming sword.
On Tuesday, I’ll be leading the Tampa iOS Meetup group through another exercise building an augmented reality app with ARKit. This time, we’ll build a simple version of IKEA Place, the app that lets you see how furniture in the IKEA catalog would look in the room you’re in.
Tampa iOS Meetups are “code along with me” exercises. I’ll provide you with a starter project, and together, we’ll build a working app. Note that this meetup requires you to bring the following:
Tampa iOS Meetup will take place this Tuesday, March 27th at the Sourcetoad office (2701 West Busch Blvd., suite 1018). We’ll provide omnivore and vegetarian pizza and drinks. If you want more details or to register (it’s free), visit our meetup page!
I’ll also be at the Synapse Innovation Summit, which takes over Amalie Arena this Wednesday and Thursday.
With 2,500 attendees catching the following over two days…
…it should be an interesting event.
Next week, I’m off to the D.C. area to do double speaking duty at RWDevCon,’s annual tutorial conference. RWDevCon 2018 is their 4th annual mostly-tutorials, high stuff-to-fluff ratio conference, and I’ll be there to do both a full-afternoon workshop and basic tutorial on building augmented reality apps for iOS with ARKit.
Every week, I compile a list of events for developers, technologists, tech entrepreneurs, and nerds in and around the Tampa Bay area. We’ve got a lot of events going on this week, and here they are!
Every week, I compile a list of events for developers, technologists, tech entrepreneurs, and nerds in and around the Tampa Bay area. We’ve got a lot of events going on this week, and here they are!
Along with a number of my Sourcetoad coworkers, I’m taking a couple of hours off to see Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak speak at USF this afternoon. It’s the inaugural event in USF Muma College of Business’ Thought Leader series. It will be moderated by the school’s dean, and promises to feature topics ranging from entrepreneurship to issues with the age of supercomputers in our pockets. Woz and the dean will accept questions submitted via Twitter using the hashtag #USFMumaTLS.
Seats for this event “sold out” (it’s in quotes because tickets were free) so quickly that they had to move it from its original venue at the Muma College of Business to the Sun Dome (USF’s sports arena), and once again, the newly-added seats were snapped up quickly.
I cut my programming teeth on an Apple ][ with AppleSoft BASIC and 6502 assembly language. The first computer I bought as a newly-graduated I’m-a-real-grownup-with-a-job person was an Mac Quadra 660AV, and the first computer I was assigned at my first job was a PowerMac 6100/66 “FrankenMac” (it had a Wintel card in it, so I could switch between Mac and Windows development with a keystroke). Decades later, my work and home machines are both MacBook Pros, and I’m not just cranking out software for Apple platforms, I’m even teaching people how to do the same at meetups and conferences. I come by my Apple sentimentality honestly.
I’m pretty sure that the odds of my being able to get an autograph from Woz are slim, but I’m bringing my original Apple ][ Reference Manual just in case:
Click the photo to see it at full size.
Every week, I compile a list of events for developers, technologists, tech entrepreneurs, and nerds in and around the Tampa Bay area. We’ve got a lot of events going on this week, and here they are!
Here’s part two of my notes from the 2-hour talk that npm COO Laurie Voss gave at Tampa Bay Startup Week, Stuff Everybody Knows (except you). Regular readers of this blog will know that when I take notes, I really take notes.
In case you missed part one, it’s here.