Current Events Tampa Bay Uncategorized

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur scene (Week of Monday, November 13, 2017)

Every week, I compile a list of events for developers, technologists, nerds, and tech entrepreneurs in and around the Tampa Bay area. We’ve got a lot of events going on this week, and here they are!

Do you have an tech or entrepreneurial event in or around the Tampa Bay area that you’d like to see listed here? Drop me a line about it at!


















How to “work the room” at DevFest Florida

If you managed to get a ticket to DevFest Florida, congratulations! It’s the Sunshine State’s biggest tech conference covering Googly matters, and it offers more bang for the buck than a lot of conferences that charge ten times as much. I’m looking forward to attending (and speaking at!) this event.

I’m sure that you’ve perused the schedules and picked out the ones that you’d like to attend (and hey, if you’re into Android development, I have some recommendations). But have you planned out how you’re going to work the room?

At DevFest — and hey, any conference you attend — you should keep in mind that while we spend a lot of energy on the presentations and sessions, the opportunity to meet and talk to the other people there is just as important. I’ve observed that some of the most important things I’ve learned at conferences didn’t happen at the presentation, but in the hallways, lounges, lunches, and social gathering, conversing with the other attendees. This observation is so common that it’s given rise to “unconferences” like BarCamp, whose purpose is to invert the order of things so that the conference is more “hallway” than “lecture theatre”.

It’s especially important to talk to people you don’t know or who are outside your usual circle. Books like The Tipping Point classify acquaintances with such people as “weak ties”, but don’t let the word “weak” make you think they’re unimportant. As people outside your usual circle, they have access to a lot of information that you don’t. That’s why most people get jobs through someone they know, and of those cases, most of the references came from a weak tie. The sorts of opportunities that come about because of this sort of relationship led sociologist Mark Granovetter to coin the phrase “the strength of weak ties”.

The best way to make weak ties at a conference is to work the room. If the phrase sounds like sleazy marketing-speak and fills your head with images of popped collars and wearing too much body spray, relax. Working the room means being an active participant in a social event and contributing to it so that it’s better for both you and everyone else. Think of it as good social citizenship.

If you’re unsure of how to work the room, I’ve got some tips that you might find handy…

Have a one-line self-introduction

A one-line self-introduction is simply a single-sentence way of introducing yourself to people you meet at a conference. It’s more than likely that you won’t know more than a handful of attendees and introducing yourself over and over again, during the conference, as well as its post-session party events. It’s a trick that Susan RoAne, room-working expert and author of How to Work a Room: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections In-Person and Online teaches, and it works. It’s pretty simple:

  • Keep it short — no longer than 10 seconds, and shorter if possible. It’s not your life story, but a pleasantry that also gives people just a little bit about who you are.
  • Make it fit. It should give people a hint of the cool stuff that you do (or, if you’re slogging it out in the hopes of doing cool stuff someday, the cool stuff that you intend to do.)
  • Show your benefits. Rather than simply give them your job title, tell them about a benefit that your work provides in a way that invites people to find out more. Susan RoAne likes to tell a story about someone she met whose one-liner was “I help rich people sleep at night”. That’s more interesting than “I’m a financial analyst”.

My intro will be something along the lines of “I’m a rock and roll accordion player, but in my side gig, I’m a mobile/AR app developer who helps design apps for Tampa’s coolest software company.”

How to join a conversation

At DevFest, you’ll probably see a group of people already engaged in a conversation. If this is your nightmare…

Click the photo to read the Onion article.

…here’s how you handle it:

  1. Pick a lively group of people you’d like to join in conversation. As people who are already in a conversation, they’ve already done some of the work for you. They’re lively, which makes it more likely that they’re open to people joining in. They’ve also picked a topic, which saves you the effort of having to come up with one. It also lets you decide whether or not it interests you. If they’re lively and their topic of conversation interests you, proceed to step 2. If not, go find another group!
  2. Stand on the periphery and look interested. Just do it. This is a conference, and one of the attendees’ goals is to meet people. Smile. Pipe in if you have something to contribute; people here are pretty cool about that.
  3. When acknowledged, step into the group. You’re in like Flynn! Step in confidently and introduce yourself. If you’ve got that one-line summary of who you are that I talked about earlier, now’s the time to use it.
  4. Don’t force a change of subject. You’ve just joined the convo, and you’re not campaigning. Contribute, and let the subject changes come naturally.

Feel free to join me in my conversational circles! I always keep an eye on the periphery for people who want to join in, and I’ll invite you.

More tips

Here’s more advice on how to work the room:

  1. Be more of a host and less of a guest. No, you don’t have to worry about scheduling or if the coffee urns are full. By “being a host”, I mean doing some of things that hosts do, such as introducing people, saying “hello” to wallflowers and generally making people feel more comfortable. Being graceful to everyone is not only good karma, but it’s a good way to promote yourself. It worked out really well for me; for example, I came to the first DemoCamp (a regular Toronto tech event back in the 2000s) as a guest, but by the third one, I was one of the people officially hosting the event.
  2. Beware of “rock piles”. Rock piles are groups of people huddled together in a closed formation. It sends the signal “go away”. If you find yourself in one, try to position yourself to open up the formation.
  3. Beware of “hotboxing”. I’ve heard this term used in counter-culture settings, but in this case “hotboxing” means to square your shoulders front-and-center to the person you’re talking to. It’s a one-on-one version of the rock pile, and it excludes others from joining in. Once again, the cure for hotboxing is to change where you’re standing to allow more people to join in.
  4. Put your coat and bag down. Carrying them is a non-verbal cue that you’re about to leave. If you’re going to stay and chat, put them down. When you’re about to leave, take your coat and bag and start saying your goodbyes.
  5. Show and tell. We’re geeks, and nothing attracts our eyes like shiny, interesting pieces of tech and machinery. It’s why I carry my accordion around; I think of it as a device that converts curiosity into opportunity (and music as well). I’ll be doing the same with my Windows Phone 7 device as well! Got a particularly funky laptop, netbook, smartphone or new device you just got from ThinkGeek? Got a neat project that you’ve been working on? Whatever it is, park yourself someplace comfortable in the hallway, show it off and start a conversation!
  6. Save the email, tweets and texts for later, unless they’re important.They’ll draw your attention away from the room and also send the message “go away”.
  7. Mentor. If you’ve got skills in a specific area, share your knowledge. Larry Chiang from GigaOm says that “It transitions nicely from the what-do-you-do-for-work question. It also adds some substance to party conversations and clearly brands you as a person.”
  8. Be mentored. You came to DevFest to learn, and as I said earlier, learning goes beyond the sessions. One bit of advice is to try and learn three new things at every event.
  9. Play “conversation bingo”. If there are certain topics that you’d like to learn about at DevFest, say Angular, Android, mixed reality, and so on, put them in a list (mental, electronic or paper) of “bingo” words. As you converse at the conference, cross off any of those topics that you cover off the list. This trick forces you to become a more active listener and will help you towards your learning goals. Yelling “BINGO!” when you’ve crossed the last item on the list can be done at your discretion.

See you at DevFest Florida!


DevFest Florida’s important but unrecognized achievement

Click the image to see it at full size.

In writing yesterday’s article about DevFest Florida 2017, I noticed something unusual while going over the speaker list: 13 out of 31 of the conference’s speakers are women. You’d expect this to be a notable thing in 1917 (remember, the 19th Amendment wasn’t ratified until 1920), but it’s sad that in 2017, a tech conference with 42% women speakers is still an unusual thing.

Also noteworthy: out of those 13, 8 are women of color. That’s also unusual.

Some people will brush off this observation as unimportant. Those people are not just part of the problem; they are the problem. 

I could write a long essay about how representation matters, but I’ve got work to do and a DevFest presentation to polish (mine’s at 3:00 p.m., and it’s on Android development for people who’ve been avoiding it). So I’ll leave you with these words of wisdom from Nigerian author and MacArthur Genius Grant awardee Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche and her TED talk, The Danger of a Single Story:

You should go watch her whole TED talk, but this should give you her thesis:

I’m a storyteller. And I would like to tell you a few personal stories about what I like to call “the danger of the single story.” I grew up on a university campus in eastern Nigeria. My mother says that I started reading at the age of two, although I think four is probably close to the truth. So I was an early reader, and what I read were British and American children’s books.

I was also an early writer, and when I began to write, at about the age of seven, stories in pencil with crayon illustrations that my poor mother was obligated to read, I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading: All my characters were white and blue-eyed, they played in the snow, they ate apples, bout the weather, how lovely it was that the sun had come out.

Now, this despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria. I had never been outside Nigeria. We didn’t have snow, we ate mangoes, and we never talked about the weather, because there was no need to.

My characters also drank a lot of ginger beer, because the characters in the British books I read drank ginger beer. Never mind that I had no idea what ginger beer was.

And for many years afterwards, I would have a desperate desire to taste ginger beer. But that is another story.

What this demonstrates, I think, is how impressionable and vulnerable we are in the face of a story, particularly as children. Because all I had read were books in which characters were foreign, I had become convinced that books by their very nature had to have foreigners in them and had to be about things with which I could not personally identify. Now, things changed when I discovered African books. There weren’t many of them available, and they weren’t quite as easy to find as the foreign books.

But because of writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye, I went through a mental shift in my perception of literature. I realized that people like me, girls with skin the color of chocolate, whose kinky hair could not form ponytails, could also exist in literature. I started to write about things I recognized.

Now, I loved those American and British books I read. They stirred my imagination. They opened up new worlds for me. But the unintended consequence was that I did not know that people like me could exist in literature. So what the discovery of African writers did for me was this: It saved me from having a single story of what books are.

Kudos to DevFest Florida for this accomplishment! I look forward to being there — and speaking as well! — this Saturday.

Current Events Tampa Bay Uncategorized

DevFest Florida will be a treasure trove of talks for Android developers!

I’m looking forward to spending this Saturday at DevFest Florida, the Sunshine State’s biggest technology conference on all things Google.

It’s put together by three Florida-based Google developer groups — Orlando’s, Melbourne’s, and Tampa Bay’s — and considering the ticket price (early birds got their tickets for $100 or even less; last-minute buyers could get in for $150), you get some serious conference bang for the buck. I’ve been to conferences that charged ten times as much, but didn’t offer as enticing a venue or a speaker/subject line-up.

To begin with, how many conferences have you been to in a building that looks like this?

There’s also an impressive line-up of speakers from Google, Mozilla, Microsoft, Shopify, Viacom Berlin, and more.

Better still, that line-up is 42% women, a percentage so high that it’s sadly the exception rather than the rule, even in 2017. I commend the DevFest Florida organizers for doing this (and you should too)!

I’m coming to DevFest Florida not just with an Android presentation, but a hankering to see a lot of Android presentations. If Android development’s your thing too, there’s a lot for you at this conference. Check out the schedule below, where I’ve highlighted the presentations that would be interesting to an Android developer…


Click the schedule to see it at full size.

There are not one, but two keynotes that are applicable to all developers, and then I’m planning on catching, and then lunch:

  • Kotlin: Uncovered by Victoria Gonda, because any Android coding I’m doing from here on will be in Kotlin, and
  • Espresso: A Screenshot is Worth 1,000 Words by Sam Edwards, because I’m curious about Espresso’s UI testing.

Early afternoon

Click the schedule to see it at full size.

I will be giving my presentation at 3:00 p.m., and its full title is Native Android development for people who’ve been avoiding it (cough) Web developers (cough), and it’s aimed at the web developer who’s been avoiding native development because they heard that it was nothing but pain, heartbreak, and frustration. That may have been the case a couple of years ago, but it’s a whole lot better now.

Also worth checking out for Android developers:

  • The new Android ViewModel in Action by Danny Preussler, where he takes a closer look at the official Android ViewModel,
  • RxJava in Baby Steps by Annyce Davis, where she covers reactive programming in Android with RxJava, and
  • If you don’t need an intro to Android native development, skip my talk and go to Make your app instant! by Yuliya Kaleda, which is happening at the same time. I need to learn about Android Instant Apps and am going to have to get my hands on the video of that talk, and maybe pick her brain at the speaker dinner.

Late afternoon

Click the schedule to see it at full size.

After the mid-afternoon break, which will have blondies, brownies, red velvet cupcakes and smoothies to re-energize us, there’ll be more. I’ll be supporting my fellow Sourcetoad coworker Connor Tumbleson and catching his Attacking an Android Application presentation at 5:00 p.m. This portion of the day is Android-rich with Connor’s talk, as well as these others:

  • Get a Room with Mark Murphy, who literally wrote the book on Android development — he’ll be talking about Google’s ORM engine/persistence library, Room. Anyone attending this session needs to greet him with “Oh hi, Mark!”
  • Video Processing on Android by Namrata Bandekar, where she covers the benefits of two leading media processing libraries, and how you can leverage them to enhance Android’s native MediaCodec API to accomplish these tasks.
  • Build a Faster UI with Constraint Layout by Scott Thisse, who’ll show you how to harness the power of the new default Activity layout, ConstraintLayout.
  • Developing iOS and Android apps with Flutter by Mike Traverso. He’ll talk about using Flutter and Dart to use a single codebase to write apps for Android and iOS.

DevFest Florida is a mind-blowing treasure trove of talks for the Android developer — and I haven’t even covered what’s in there for web devs! I’m so looking forward to this one, and I hope to see you there!

Current Events Tampa Bay Uncategorized

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur scene (Week of Monday, November 6, 2017)

Tampa Bay Tech Events - Week of Monday, November 6

Every week, I compile a list of events for developers, technologists, nerds, and tech entrepreneurs in and around the Tampa Bay area. We’ve got a lot of events going on this week, and here they are!

Do you have an tech or entrepreneurial event in or around the Tampa Bay area that you’d like to see listed here? Drop me a line about it at!

Monday, November 6

Tampa Bay SQL Business Intelligence and Analytics Meetup — Monday @ Microsoft


Tuesday, November 7


Network and Learn: Local company CEO to speak on success from A to Z — Station 2 Innovation - Tuesday, 5:30 pm


Wednesday, November 8

Thursday, November 9

Friday, November 10

Saturday, November 11

DevFest Florida: Disney's Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Saturday, November 11, 2017 - Organized by GDG Space Coast, GDG Central Florida, and GDG Sun Coast - SPonsored by SOurcetoad.


Sunday, November 12

Current Events Tampa Bay Uncategorized

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur scene (Week of Monday, October 30, 2017)

Every week, I compile a list of events for developers, technologists, nerds, and tech entrepreneurs in and around the Tampa Bay area. We’ve got a lot of events going on this week, and here they are!

Do you have an tech or entrepreneurial event in or around the Tampa Bay area that you’d like to see listed here? Drop me a line about it at!

Monday, October 30



Tuesday, October 31



Wednesday, November 1



Thursday, November 2



Friday, November 3


Saturday, November 4

Sunday, November 5


I’m presenting “Intro to Augmented Reality with ARKit” at Tampa Code Camp!

This Saturday, I’m speaking at Tampa Code Camp 2017, a free community event run by developers for developers. My topic will be ARKit, the framework for augmented reality programming for the iPhone and iPad.

Among the topics I’ll be covering in my presentation will be the ARKit equivalent of “Hello World”…

…a simple iPhone version of the 3D painting program Tilt Brush…

…a game where you have to poke the creepy floating eyeballs coming at you…

…and a baby version of IKEA’s “what if I put this couch here?” app:

(In the photo above, the mousepad and table are real; the cup is computer-generated.)

You can see this presentation and others at Tampa Code Camp this Saturday, October 28th at Keiser University. The event is free to attend — just register at so they know you’re coming!