
You’d be crazy to miss out on T-Mobile’s crazy (and limited-time) “free line” deal

If you have at least two active T-Mobile “lines”, you’re eligible for an additional FREE line that remains yours and free of charge for as long as you’re a T-Mobile customer. This is a limited-time offer, so I’m scurrying down to my nearby T-Mobile shop as soon as I’ve finished posting this article.

T-Mobile know that people get into all sorts of shenanigans when getting stuff for free is involved, so there are some limitations. You can’t have canceled an existing line in 2017 and then apply for the free line.

I’m off to get a line for my Moto G4 (the Android developer’s best bang for the buck), my backup and Android development phone, just so I no longer have to keep moving my SIM card between it and my iPhone.

As Chris Mills put it in BGR:

“If you’re eligible, you should sign up for the extra line just in case you ever want to add a tablet, a friend, or just leave a mobile hotspot burning data for no good reason other than that you can.”


Build your first app for GM’s Next Generation Infotainment (NGI) in-car platform

When we say “internet of things,” we’re really talking about the combination of computing power and sensor technologies in places where they haven’t traditionally been, including that most traditional of everyday technologies, the car. While cars have been “hackable” for decades, only now are they getting computing platforms that third-party developers can build on: Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, and now, GM’s Next Generation Infotainment, or NGI for short.

NGI gives developers the ability to write apps for the in-car infotainment consoles located in the center dashboard of a number of GM vehicles, like the one pictured above. Using the NGI SDK, developers have access to:

  • An 800-pixel high by 390-pixel wide touchscreen to receive input from and display information to the user
  • The voice system to respond to user commands and provide spoken responses to the user
  • Data from nearly 400 sensors ranging from the state of controls (buttons and the big dial) to instrumentation (such as speed, trip odometer, orientation) to car status information (Are there passengers in the car? Are the windows open or closed?) and more.
  • The navigation system to get and set navigation directions
  • The media system to play or stream audio files
  • The file system to create, edit, and delete files on the system
  • An inter-app communication system so that apps can send messages to each other

The SDK allows you to build and test apps for GM cars on your own computer. It comes with an emulator that lets you see your apps as they would appear on the car’s display, simulate sensor readings, and debug your app with a specialized console.

Best of all, you probably already have the skills to build apps with the NGI SDK: you write apps using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

Getting and installing GM’s NGI SDK

First: if you don’t already have Node.js installed on your computer, do it now. The SDK uses it (as does just about every web development framework that matters these days, so you might as well install it).

To start developing apps for GM’s new cars, go to the NGI SDK site — — and register:

Once you’ve registered, log into the site, and download the latest version of the SDK install package from the downloads page:

The download will be a compressed .tgz file. Uncompress it; it will uncompress into a directory named package.

Open a terminal and install the SDK by entering the following on the command line:

npm install -g <PATH_TO_INSTALL_PACKAGE>

(…and no, don’t enter <PATH_TO_INSTALL_PACKAGE> literally — replace that with the full directory path where you downloaded the SDK install package. In my case, that full directory path was /Users/joey/Downloads/package, so I typed npm install -g/Users/joey/Downloads/package on my command line.)

Once the installer has done its dance, you can confirm that it installed successfully by entering this on the command line:

ngi --help

…which should result in the following being displayed on your terminal window:

Now you’re ready to start building NGI apps!

Getting started building NGI apps

If you’re like me, you’re probably itching to see the docs. You can fire up a local copy of the NGI documentation via the command line by entering the following:

ngi docs

This will open a new browser window that will look like this:

Starting a new project is pretty simple and not all that different from the way that many web development frameworks do it. You create a new directory, navigate to that directory, and run ngi init:

mkdir hello-gm
cd hello-gm
ngi init

This will appear in your terminal:

Answer the short list of questions that appear. You can either type in your own response, or just press Return to accept the default value (displayed in parentheses in gray text):

When you reach the “What type of network connectivity is required?” question, use the arrow keys to select the “None (all app data is local)” option. This is a simple example, after all:

When you reach the “What category of app is this?” question, use the arrow keys to select the “General” option:

After this step, you’ll have an empty project, ready for coding. You should see something like this in your terminal:

You now have a working project. You can run it in the emulator by staying in your project directory and entering this on the command line:

ngi serve

An emulator named Electron will appear. It has this icon:

and the emulator should look like this:

You’ll find the HTML source for this screen in the /src directory — it’s the index.html file. Here are its contents:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My First App</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

    <!-- Base css, but you'll likely want to keep them -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css" type="text/css">

    <!-- Your custom files -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css" type="text/css">

    <script src="GMLIB/system.js"></script>
    <script src="GMLIB/info.js"></script>
    <!-- Uncomment libraries as you need them: -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/comm.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/io.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/media.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/monitor.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/nav.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/phone.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/ui.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/util.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/voice.js"></script> -->

    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="close"><img src="images/close.png" onclick="gm.system.closeApp()" alt="close"></div>
      <div id="main">

        <!-- Remove all code inside #main and add your own! -->
        <h1>My First App</h1>
          Your VIN is: <span id="vin"></span>


    <!-- Your app code: -->
    <script src="js/app.js"></script>

As you can see, all visible markup goes in the main div.

Let’s build a simple speedometer app. It will receive speed data and display it as shown below:

We’ll need to make changes in 3 files: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Leave the emulator running, and let’s start with the HTML file, /src/index.html. Change its contents to the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello World</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

    <!-- Base css, but you'll likely want to keep them -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css" type="text/css">

    <!-- Your custom files -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css" type="text/css">

    <script src="GMLIB/system.js"></script>
    <script src="GMLIB/info.js"></script>
    <!-- Uncomment libraries as you need them: -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/comm.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/io.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/media.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/monitor.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/nav.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/phone.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/ui.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/util.js"></script> -->
    <!-- <script src="GMLIB/voice.js"></script> -->

    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="close"><img src="images/close.png" onclick="gm.system.closeApp()" alt="close"></div>
      <div id="main">

        <div class="instruments">
          <div id="speed">??</div>
          <div id="units">---</div>

        <span id="mph">mph</span>
        <label class="switch">
          <input id="unitSwitch" type="checkbox" onclick='changeUnits(this);'>
          <div class="slider round"></div>
        <span id="kmh">km/h</span>


    <!-- Your app code: -->
    <script src="js/app.js"></script>

Save the file. The emulator should now look like this:

Let’s now edit the app’s CSS file, /src/css/app.css. Change its contents to the following:

#main {
  text-align: center;

#close {
  position: absolute;
  top: 90px;
  right: 0;
  width: 64px;
  height: 64px;
  overflow: hidden;
  z-index: 1000;
#close img {
  width: 100%;

@media (min-width: 801px) {
  #close {
    top: 104px;

#speed {
 font-size: 8em;
 line-height: .8em;

#mph {
  font-size: 2em;

#kmh {
  font-size: 2em;

/* The switch - the box around the slider */
.switch {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 60px;
  height: 34px;

/* Hide default HTML checkbox */
.switch input {display:none;}

/* The slider */
.slider {
  position: absolute;
  cursor: pointer;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  background-color: green;
  -webkit-transition: .4s;
  transition: .4s;

.slider:before {
  position: absolute;
  content: "";
  height: 26px;
  width: 26px;
  left: 4px;
  bottom: 4px;
  background-color: white;
  -webkit-transition: .4s;
  transition: .4s;

input:checked + .slider {
  background-color: #2196F3;

input:focus + .slider {
  box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3;

input:checked + .slider:before {
  -webkit-transform: translateX(26px);
  -ms-transform: translateX(26px);
  transform: translateX(26px);

/* Rounded sliders */
.slider.round {
  border-radius: 34px;

.slider.round:before {
  border-radius: 50%;

Save the file. The emulator should now look like this:

And finally, let’s edit the app’s Javascript, located in /src/js/app.js. Change its contents to the following:

var useMetricUnits = true

function showSpeed(data) {
  console.log("showSpeed - metric? " + useMetricUnits)
  var speed = data.average_speed
  if ( speed !== undefined ) {
    var speedText = document.getElementById('speed')
    speed = useMetricUnits ? speed : Math.round(speed * 0.621)
    speedText.innerHTML = speed

function changeUnits(checkbox) {
  console.log("Changed!" + checkbox.checked)
  useMetricUnits = checkbox.checked, ['average_speed'])
}, ['average_speed'])

Save the file. The emulator should now look like this (the speed reported my be different):

It’s time to simulate some car sensor data. You can do this by using the Signal Panel, which you access by clicking on this icon, located in the row of icons at the bottom of the emulator:

This window will appear:

This panel will let you simulate the nearly 400 data signals available to NGI. The one we want is called average_speed. Search for it by typing average_speed into the Find a vehicle Signal… text box:

…and click on the average_speed selection when it appears. An average_speed panel will appear, which will let you enter a speed reading via a slider or text box:

Note that average_speed reports its speeds in kilometers/hour. I’ve done the metric math for you and provided a CSS toggle switch that lets you change the display between miles and kilometers per hour.

Play around with the average_speed values, and see how that affects what you see on the screen.

If you’ve done even the smallest bit of JavaScript coding, everything in /src/js/app.js should be familiar to you except for two function calls, namely…

1. [, failure], signals)

This method does a one-time query of the car’s systems for one or more “signal values” — that is, readings from the nearly 400 readings that the car can provide, including speed. It takes these arguments:

  • success: The method to call if the signal values can be retrieved. This method should accept a single parameter: a JavaScript object containing the retrieved values.
  • failure (optional): The method to call if the signal values cannot be retrieved.
  • signals: An array of strings containing the names of the signal values to be retrieved.

2. [, failure][, signals][, options])

Where does a one-time query of the car’s systems for signal values, makes a continuous query. You can think of it as setting up a method as a “listener” for signal values. It takes these arguments:

  • success: The method to call if the signal values can be retrieved. This method should accept a single parameter: a JavaScript object containing the retrieved values.
  • failure (optional): The method to call if the signal values cannot be retrieved.
  • signals: An array of strings containing the names of the signal values to be retrieved.
  • options: An instance of the vehicleDataOptions object. One property of vehicleDataOptions is wait, which specifies the number of milliseconds between success callbacks. The default value for wait is 2000. returns an integer value that identifies the “watch” operation that it was used to initiate. You can use that ID to cancel the “watch” operation with the method, where watchID is the ID of the “watch” operation that you want to cancel.

And there you have it — your first NGI app!

And in case you were wondering: of course I set up a GitHub repo for this project! It’s called hello-gm and it lives on my GitHub.

Join us at the Makers Hustle Harder Hackathon in Tampa, February 27 – March 4, 2017!

If you’d like to find out more about the NGI SDK, building apps for GM’s in-car infotainment systems, and win prizes, come to the Makers Hustle Harder hackathon, which takes place in Tampa on the week of February 27th, 2017!

Tampa is the first of 3 U.S. cities where GM will be hosting Makers Hustle Harder, and it’s a chance for you to learn more about GM’s in-car IoT platform and see what you can do with it. There’ll be a kickoff meeting tonight at Tampa Hackerspace, remote work all week, and a final all-day session at Tampa Hackerspace on Saturday, March 4.

For more details, see my previous post, or visit the Tampa Hackerspace Meetup page for this event. I’ll be there — will you?

Current Events Tampa Bay Uncategorized

Try out GM’s in-car infotainment API at the “Makers Hustle Harder” hackathon in Tampa this week!

General Motors is hosting “Makers Hustle Harder” hackathon events in just three cities in the U.S., Tampa is one of them, and it’s happening this week! This is Tampa Bay developers’ chance to try out GM’s NGI (Next Generation Infotainment) API, which lets you build infotainment applications for the touchscreen interfaces on GM vehicles, with access to real-time data from over 350 data sources.

Makers Hustle Harder is an all-week event that starts with a kickoff meeting on Monday, February 27 at 6:00 p.m. at Tampa Hackerspace. That’s when teams (2 to 4 developers per team) will be finalized and participants will get an introduction to the hackathon, as well as NGI.

From Tuesday, February 28th through Friday, March 3rd, teams will work remotely on the their projects. Participants will be able to get live support from the GM teams from 6:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. on those days.

The final day of the hackathon will be an in-person event at Tampa Hackerspace on Saturday, March 4th from 9:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., with people putting the finishing touches on their projects and making final pitches at 4:00 p.m..

The grand prize will be a trip to GM headquarters in Detroit for all the members of the winning team. There will also be prizes for runners-up.

GM’s NGI SDK in action. Click the photo to read TechCrunch’s story on it.

Apps written using the NGI SDK are written on Node.js using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, and run on 8-inch (diagonal) touchscreen in GM vehicles. GM’s native APIs give developers access to all sorts of car info, including:

  • Instrument panel measurements, such as trip odometer, orientation, and vehicle speed
  • GPS and navigation data
  • Audio playback and streaming
  • Status information, such as presence of passengers or if the windows are open or closed
  • Vehicle features, such as radio or backup camera
  • Performance and maintenance data, such as oil life and tire pressure
  • Warning indicators, such as a burnt-out lightbulb or low washer fluid
  • Internet data via OnStar’s 4G LTE

The NGI SDK also has a system that simulates real vehicle data so that you can test your apps on your development machine.

GM’s Director of Application Ecosystem and Development Ed Wrenbeck says that the NGI SDK makes it possible for developers to create apps ready for testing in as little time as a week. He also says that the API opens up a world of possibilities: “If you were somebody like a map provider, for example, you could actually read the suspension data coming off the vehicle and use it to determine where potholes were at in the street, for example. Just one example of some of the unusual ways that you can use data that GM provides uniquely, that other OEMs just don’t provide via their infotainment systems.”

Heavy Metal Racing, an NGI-based racing videogame that uses the Corvette’s steering wheel as a controller.

Here’s a video showing highlights from an earlier NGI hackathon:

How to participate

  1. Make sure you register for the hackathon at the official registration page.
  2. It would also help with planning if you RSVP at the pages for Monday’s kickoff meeting and Saturday’s full-day event.
  3. Get GM’s NGI SDK and documentation from their developer site.
  4. Assemble a team beforehand or find a team that needs developers at Monday’s kickoff. Each team must have at least one representative present at the kickoff.

How software projects are managed

The earliest instance of this that I can find is from Mikko Leskelä’s Twitter feed.

I’ve heard a lot of jokes about building software, but this one’s new to me! And yes, it’s funny because it’s true — we’ve all seen projects where the one thing that seems to be set in stone is the delivery date.


The Uber story that everyone’s talking about right now, and some helpful background info

If you haven’t read Susan Fowler’s article, Reflecting on One Very, Very Strange Year at Uber, open a new tab and read it now. She worked at Uber as a site reliability engineer, when site reliability engineering was a new team at the company, and “things were just chaotic enough that there was exciting reliability work to be done.” It’s a story that starts with great promise, and devolves into one of harassment, circling the wagons boy’s club-style, and an HR department even more abominable than the stereotypical one.

Among her experiences, she lists:

  • A manager was asking women working at Uber for sex. “On my first official day rotating on the team, my new manager sent me a string of messages over company chat. He was in an open relationship, he said, and his girlfriend was having an easy time finding new partners but he wasn’t.”
  • The manager wasn’t disciplined because it was a “first offence” and he was a “high performer”. “When I reported the situation, I was told by both HR and upper management that even though this was clearly sexual harassment and he was propositioning me, it was this man’s first offense, and that they wouldn’t feel comfortable giving him anything other than a warning and a stern talking-to.”
  • Fowler talked to other women at Uber and found they’d be asked for sex by the same manager. “It became obvious that both HR and management had been lying about this being ‘his first offense,’ and it certainly wasn’t his last.”
  • She tried to transfer to another department, but her transfer was blocked because of her “undocumented performance problems”. “I pointed out that I had a perfect performance score, and that there had never been any complaints about my performance. I had completed all OKRs on schedule, never missed a deadline even in the insane organizational chaos, and that I had managers waiting for me to join their team … I kept pushing, until finally I was told that ‘performance problems aren’t always something that has to do with work, but sometimes can be about things outside of work or your personal life.’”
  • Her manager threatened her with dismissal for reporting issues to HR. “California is an at-will employment state, he said, which means we can fire you if you ever do this again. I told him that was illegal, and he replied that he had been a manager for a long time, he knew what was illegal, and threatening to fire me for reporting things to HR was not illegal. I reported his threat immediately after the meeting to both HR and to the CTO: they both admitted that this was illegal, but none of them did anything. (I was told much later that they didn’t do anything because the manager who threatened me ‘was a high performer’).”

These are just the “highlights” of her story; you should really read the whole thing.

Before you dismiss her story…

There will be people who will dismiss Fowler’s claims, saying things like: “I’ve seen women in tech that accused their male-dominated teams in sexism just because they couldn’t keep up with the rest of team”. That’ll be a hard claim to make of Fowler, as she now works for Stripe, who have a pretty thorough vetting process (I’ve been through it), and considering that she’s taken her skill and experience at Uber and distilled it into the O’Reilly book Production-Ready Microservices.

Uber’s CEO promises to go after the real culprits

Y’know, just like this guy promised to devote his life to going after his wife’s real killer.

Months of talking to Uber HR did her no good, but posting an article on her blog got a quick reaction from Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, who released this statement:

“I have just read Susan Fowler’s blog. What she describes is abhorrent and against everything Uber stands for and believes in. It’s the first time this has come to my attention so I have instructed Liane Hornsey our new Chief Human Resources Officer to conduct an urgent investigation into these allegations. We seek to make Uber a just workplace and there can be absolutely no place for this kind of behavior at Uber — and anyone who behaves this way or thinks this is OK will be fired.”

It’s a lovely statement, but you’ve got to take into account things that Kalanick has said, the kind of company culture he’s engendered (remember, company culture is largely a top-down thing), and the things that execs have done under that culture, including casually threatening journalists with smear campaigns.

Uber board member Arianna Huffington tweeted this announcement soon after:

“No coincidence”

Here’s a notable tweet in response to Rigetti Fowler’s article:

In case you were wondering, the photo of the sour-looking portly gentleman is of Auric Goldfinger from the James Bond Book and film, who has this to say about coincidences:

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

Let’s replace enemy action with established patterns of behavior at Uber, and look at what’s publicly known about the company, shall we?

But that was just dinner party talk!

At a dinner party in November 2014 thrown by Uber at a time when they were trying to convey to the public that they weren’t as bad as the media made them out to be, Uber Senior VP Business Emil Michael suggested countering negative reports with a smear campaign. He suggested spending “a million dollars” to hire opposition researchers and journalists to look into “your personal lives, your families” and as Buzzfeed (who had an editor in attendance at that shindig) puts it: “give the media a taste of its own medicine.”

When someone at the dinner countered that a plan like that would be a problem for Uber, Michael replied: “Nobody would know it was us.”

Ben Smith, Buzzfeed’s Editor-in-Chief  wrote:

Michael was particularly focused on one journalist, Sarah Lacy, the editor of the Silicon Valley website PandoDaily, a sometimes combative voice inside the industry. Lacy recently accused Uber of “sexism and misogyny.” She wrote that she was deleting her Uber app after BuzzFeed News reported that Uber appeared to be working with a French escort service. “I don’t know how many more signals we need that the company simply doesn’t respect us or prioritize our safety,” she wrote.

At the dinner, Michael expressed outrage at Lacy’s column and said that women are far more likely to get assaulted by taxi drivers than Uber drivers. He said that he thought Lacy should be held “personally responsible” for any woman who followed her lead in deleting Uber and was then sexually assaulted.

Then he returned to the opposition research plan. Uber’s dirt-diggers, Michael said, could expose Lacy. They could, in particular, prove a particular and very specific claim about her personal life.

Michael ended up having to apologize to Sarah Lacy publicly…

…but when he called her to talk off the record and explain his comments, she quite astutely refused: “You threaten my family and you want to chat off record? Um no.”

If you check LinkedIn, you’ll see that Michael is still Uber’s SVP of Business.

When leaving a highly-valued company and a whole lot of un-vested stock options seems like the better option

In a July 2016 article in Pando, Sarah Lacy wrote about the departure of Renee Atwood, who was then the head of Uber HR:

Renee Atwood is either the least self interested person in Silicon Valley or she knows something about Uber the rest of us don’t.

Until Wednesday, Atwood was the head of HR for Uber, a job she’d taken after four years at Google. Hers should have been the easiest job in Silicon Valley: Head of HR for the highest valued, more anticipated IPO candidate we’ve seen since Facebook. The unicorn-iest unicorn in an era of more than 150 unicorns.

She joined Uber in 2014– when the company’s valuation was a “mere” $13 billion, compared to near $70 billion today. Smart bet. When she joined Uber had just 600 employees– what Google had in year five. Today it has more than 5,000. By all metrics she seems to have done an amazing job in a period of insane hyper growth.

So let’s recap:

  • After years at Google Atwood jumps to the next hottest thing: Check!
  • In just two years the value of the company she joined has jumped from $13 billion to close to $70 billion indicating a massive, massive payday coming for her: Check!
  • She’s the gatekeeper between every young aggressive candidate who wants to be part of the hottest company in all startups and her only job is to vet the right ones: Check!

That story sounds like a senior manager’s Silicon Valley dream.

And then what happened Wednesday? Atwood announced she was leaving Uber…. For Twittter.


Not Airbnb. Not even a troubled decacorn like Dropbox or Pinterest. Not even a still surging goliath like Facebook.

Twitter. The company that can’t seem to keep a head of product. The place “with no plan B.” Atwood left what should be the easiest job in HR in Silicon Valley for what should be one of the hardest. It’s like leaving as Facebook’s head of HR just before the IPO to go to Yahoo. Even without knowing the specifics of her contract at either place it’s safe to say Renee Atwood just turned down a major potential payday for one of the most thankless jobs in tech.

Sources close to the situation confirm that Atwood was not pushed. She was recruited away by Twitter. The sound you just heard was Uber CEO Travis Kalanick punching the wall in his famous “war room.”

Where to start with the news other than that it’s a colossally bad sign for Uber?

“A couple of female engineers…they don’t do much hardcore backend work or anything”

Here’s a tweet from 2015:

The person who tweeted deleted their original account and now has a protected one, because the whistleblowing in the tech and corporate worlds seems to follow this pattern:

  1. The whistle is blown.
  2. People rally around the whistleblower at first.
  3. Soon, the “Did the whistleblower go too far?” stories appear.
  4. And then, everyone attacks the whistleblower.

Dear Uber recruiter…

Tess Rinearson, an engineer at the blockchain network-building company Chain, was getting an email from an Uber recruiter often enough that she has a boilerplate response that reads as follows:

Thanks for reaching out. I really do appreciate that you took the time to check out my writing, and I’m sure the technical problems you’re solving are genuinely interesting.

However, I am a woman, and Uber’s track record on women scares me. The latest, on women who have been assaulted via Uber, felt particularly jarring. But also: The gendered attacks on a prominent woman in tech, the sexualized ads in France

I just don’t think I’d be a culture fit.

(And, as a backend engineer, it doesn’t seem like a place I’d get a lot of respect, either.)

Alex Kras’ interview at Uber

It opens with…

A little less than a year ago I had the “pleasure” to interview at Uber. I didn’t know much about the company at the time, other than that they were big. I was looking for work already and Uber’s recruiter reached out to me, so I figured to give it a shot.

…and closes with:

Hopefully Uber will be able to grow up into a professional and respectful place of employment. Until then I am sticking with Lyft, even if it costs me a few dollars extra.

Messy and rambunctious, but it’s the future!

When Chris Messina announced his new job as Uber’s Developer Experience Lead in January 6, 2016, he wrote:

Uber is not without controversy and misunderstanding. I see this, know this, and am vigilant about this. Facebook too, in its early days, was not without controversy. The future arrives in mysterious and abrupt ways, and in the present, is often a messy and rambunctious guest.

…Uber has certainly had its fair share of criticism in its pursuit of the future, but it is not nostalgic. It is competitive, fierce, and entrepreneurial — and these are traits that I’ve found in most of the companies that I’ve rooted for over the past ten years living and working in Silicon Valley.

I interpreted this as “They have a reputation for being terrible, but the future is made by terrible people! Stock options ahoy!

He announced his resignation exactly a year later with the standard farewell platitudes. A better indication of why he left appears in a tweet he made yesterday in response to Fowler’s article:

Not Cool, Uber: How Uber treats its drivers (and remember, they’re not employees)

Illustration by Susie Cagle. Click to see the source.

It’s not just Uber’s well-compensated techies who are treated badly; the drivers are even worse off, as shown in Dave Craige’s January 2016 article, Not Cool, Uber.

The false promises of big bucks for drivers

It wasn’t that long ago that Uber was telling the Washington Post that an UberX driver working 40 hours a week makes a median wage of almost $75,000 in San Francisco and over $90,000 in New York City. The New York Post followed up with a report that said that once you factor in the 20% “skim” that the company makes, sales tax, a worker’s compensation payment to the Black Car Fund, and expenses, New York UberX drivers make 30 cents an hour more than New York cabbies.

Also in late 2014, BuzzFeed’s Johana Bhuiyan made an arrangement with Uber’s New York General Manager Josh Mohrer to take rides with 11 randomly-selected UberX drivers and review their pay statements. She got 8 pay statements — 2 of the drivers weren’t comfortable disclosing that information, and “Uber did not provide pay statements for the last driver”.

She found that the expenses take a significant slice of an UberX’s driver’s money, and once you factor them in, an UberX driver is making cabbie wages — or less.

To help their driver partners (remember, they’re not employees) get cars, they partnered with a predatory auto title loan company

Until 2015, Uber had a relationship with Santander Bank, who provided financing for “driver-partners” (not employees) who needed cars, but had to drop it when it became clear that Santander was making expensive subprime loans and illegally repossessing cars financed for U.S. Armed Forces veterans.

In late 2015, they partnered with Westlake Financial, whose subsidiary Wilshire Consumer Credit, has a reputation for providing predatory auto title loans and had been hit with $44 million in fines and restitution by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for “deceiving consumers by calling under false pretenses, and using phony caller ID information, falsely threatening to refer borrowers for investigation or criminal prosecution, and illegally disclosing information about debts to borrowers’ employers, friends, and family.”

And if you think Uber treats their tech employees and drivers (who aren’t really employees) badly, wait until you see what they’ve done to the competition!

They’re not above sabotaging the competition. In August 2014, Uber gave 177 “brand ambassadors” burner phones and credit cards to order and then cancel rides from their competitor, Lyft. As you might expect, Uber denied that they’d never get involved in these sorts of shenanigans, but leaked documents indicate that Uber was indeed behind the plot.

In a 2014 Vanity Fair profile, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick admitted to playing a tried-and-true trick in order to derail Lyft’s fundraising round:

The most recent target that Kalanick has had in his crosshairs is rival ride-sharing app Lyft, which attaches giant pink mustaches to the grilles of its cars. Kalanick readily admits to trying to tamper with a recent fund-raising round that Lyft was doing.

“We knew that Lyft was going to raise a ton of money,” says Kalanick. “And we are going [to their investors], ‘Just so you know, we’re going to be fund-raising after this, so before you decide whether you want to invest in them, just make sure you know that we are going to be fund-raising immediately after.’ ”

Worth watching: Cracked’s video, Why Uber is a Terrible Company Run by Maniacs

If you haven’t watched it yet, take a 12-minute break and watch this insightful people from the people at Cracked:

Had enough Uber yet?

As superstar programmer David Heinemeier Hansson writes in his blog:

Uber is what you get when you take Silicon Valley’s most toxic values, add billions of dollars in venture capital, and spice it with endless adoration from a fawning tech press. The resulting cocktail has turned as putrid as it’s been potent. And the inebriated corporate culture of Uber is acting as reckless and callous as a dangerous drunk.

If you feel like canceling your Uber account after reading Fowler’s story and all the background info above, the steps for doing so are listed above. As he writes (the emphasis is mine):

So it’s time for the consumers of Uber to do what its board, venture capitalist-backers, and royal protectors never will: Impose real consequences on Uber for its appalling behavior. Because without the approval of riders, Uber is nothing. None of the billions of dollars in funding will do anything to save them, if enough people say “enough” and stop using the app.

I get that may well be a bit inconvenient at times. And alternatives like Lyft may not be squeaky clean either. But these are all excuses for people trying to avoid the bare minimum a consumer can do when faced with a company that repels it: Stop buying. It’s really that simple. You don’t have to print any signs, you don’t even have to go to a rally, just #DeleteUber, and you’ll sleep just that tiny bit better tonight.


Programming t-shirt of the day

Thanks to Guy Barrette for the find!


What the Sex Pistols’ 1976 gig and Tampa Bay Startup Week 2017 have in common

I’m going to start with a controversial statement: in theory, Tampa Bay Startup Week 2017 should amount to nothing.

Good — I’ve got your attention now.

It’s an easy argument to make. Tampa Bay’s cities — Tampa, St. Pete, and Clearwater — don’t have the sort of entrepreneurial or tech cachet that other places, from the usual suspects Silicon Valley, Austin, and Seattle to upstarts like Raleigh and Boulder. They’re overshadowed by other Floridian cities: Miami and Orlando, places that are known even internationally. The bay geographically fractures the area, and the locals see the bridges as barriers that prevent them from visiting their nearby sister cities. What could the well-intentioned team behind Tampa Bay Startup Week 2017 possibly hope to accomplish?

If we — the organizers and we, the people for whom they organize this annual event — play our cards right, their accomplishments could be bigger than anyone dreamed. This sort of thing has been done before, quite notably in 1976, at a seemingly unremarkable event in a failing city in England that would later be known as “The Gig That Changed the World”.

Manchester, 1976: The Gig That Changed the World

The Free Trade Hall in Manchester, England.

You could draw a number of parallels between Manchester, England and Detroit, Michigan, especially in the 1970s. Both were cities that grew to become industrial powerhouses in the first part of the 20th century, and both saw their fortunes decline drastically and become bleak urban wastelands after World War II. Both would also end up changing the course of music history in unexpected ways.

The Sex Pistols.

In June of 1976, a still relatively unknown band called the Sex Pistols played a concert at Manchester’s Lesser Free Trade Hall. There were a mere 42 people, which is respectable for a band that plays at your local bar on a Tuesday night, but it doesn’t seem like the sort of gig that would “change everything”, until you consider who was in attendance and what they did afterwards:

The headlining act (the Sex Pistols) and the organizers (who’d go on to form the Buzzcocks) of this poorly attended, seemingly insignificant gig were so influential that they’d end up in Jack Black’s lesson in School of Rock…

You can see the Sex Pistols and Buzzcocks listed under “Punk”. Click here to see the full blackboard.

…and the concertgoers from that gig would go on to build the foundations of alternative rock and influence a lot of people who took up the electric guitar, synthesizer, or turntables.

In theory, this concert should’ve amounted to nothing, but in the end it changed everything in the music world.

The Gig That Changed the World brought together people with similar interests who were passionate about what they did. Its attendees saw that popular music was changing, and after being inspired by a group of troublemakers, decided that they could be part of that change. They went on to create music their way, and they made their mark on the world.

Tampa / St. Petersburg 2017: The week that could change the world

The people behind Tampa Bay Startup Week (the 2015 team is pictured above) may not look punk rock, but they’ve most certainly got its DIY, “we have an idea and we’re going for it” spirit. Like the Pete Shelley and Howard Devoto organizing the Sex Pistols gig, they’re a band of troublemakers putting on an event on a shoestring budget (yes, Chase is sponsoring, but without them, the budget would likely go from shoestring to none), and at the moment, it isn’t being noticed by most of the world outside “the other bay area”.

Like the music scene in Manchester the mid-late 1970s, the work-life dynamic in Tampa Bay in the mid-late 2010s is undergoing some big changes:

The team at Tampa Bay Startup Week have done their part by organizing their event for Tampa and St. Pete, just as Shelley and Devoto did back in 1976 by bringing the punk rock to Manchester. How the rest of the story ends is up to us.

I’ll repeat what I said at the start of this article: In theory, Tampa Bay Startup Week should amount to nothing. In practice, and as shown by music history, if we take inspiration from the event, make friends and connections, and take action, it could be that gathering that changed the world.

Further reading

Visit Tampa Bay Startup Week’s site to find out what’s up this week!

For those of you who’d like to know more about The Gig That Changed Everything, here’s the BBC’s special on the event, titled I Swear That I Was There:

This article is the 2017 revision of an article I posted in 2015.