
Enumerating Enumerable: A Cute Trick for Explaining inject / reduce / fold

Enumerating Enumerable

The next method I’m going to cover in Enumerating Enumerable — the series of articles in which I try to do a better job of documenting Ruby’s Enumerable module than does — is inject, a.k.a. reduce. Not only is it one of the trickiest methods to explain, it’s also one of the cornerstones of functional programming. I thought that I’d take a little time to explain what the function does.


The term inject comes from Smalltalk and isn’t terribly descriptive. I remember reading the documentation for it and being all confused until I saw some examples. I then realized that I’d seen this function before, but under two different names.


The Second-Best Accordion Picture Ever
Burning Man 1999: gratuitous nudity and even more gratuitous accordion!

The second name by which I encountered this function is reduce, and it was at Burning Man 1999. I was to start a new job the week after Burning Man, and I had to learn at least some basic Python by then. So along with my camping gear, accordion and a kilo of candy for barter, I also brought my laptop (a 233Mhz Toshiba Sattelite with a whopping 96MB of RAM) and O’Reilly’s Learning Python and noodled during the downtime (early morning and afternoon) on Python 1.6. When I got to covering the reduce function, I was confused until I saw some examples, after which I realized that I’d seen that function before, but under a different name.

(You may have also heard of reduce through Google’s much-vaunted MapReduce programming model.)


The first name by which I encountered this function is fold, or more specifically, “fold left” or “foldl”, and it was at the “Programming Paradigms” course I took at Crazy Go Nuts University. “Programming Paradigms” was a second-year course and had the reputation of being the most difficult course in the computer science curriculum. The intended purpose of this course was to provide students with an introduction to functional programming (these days, they use Haskell and Prolog, back then, it was Miranda). Its actual effect was to make most of the students swear off functional programming for the rest of their lives.

In spite of the trauma from this course, I ended up remembering a lot from it that I was able to apply, first to Python and now to Ruby. One of these things is a cute little trick for cememnting in your mind what fold does.

What Says

Before I cover that cute little trick, let’s take a look at what’s documentation has to say about Enumerable‘s inject method.

One thing you’ll find at is that as of Ruby 1.8.7 and later, inject gained a synonym: the more familiar term reduce.

As for the description of the inject/reduce method, I don’t find it terribly helpful:

Combines all elements of enum by applying a binary operation, specified by a block or a symbol that names a method or operator.

If you specify a block, then for each element in enum<i> the block is passed an accumulator value (<i>memo) and the element. If you specify a symbol instead, then each element in the collection will be passed to the named method of memo. In either case, the result becomes the new value for memo. At the end of the iteration, the final value of memo is the return value fo the method.

If you do not explicitly specify an initial value for memo, then uses the first element of collection is used as the initial value of memo.

(Yes, those stray <i> tags are part of the text of the description for inject. Hopefully they’ll fix that soon.)

This confusing text becomes a little clearer with some examples. The most typical example of inject/reduce/fold in action is the classic “compute the sum of the numbers in this range or array” problem. There are a number of approaches you can take in Ruby, all of which use inject/reduce:

=> 36

(1..8).reduce {|sum, number| sum += number}
=> 36

(1..8).reduce(0) {|sum, number| sum += number}
=> 36

The reduce method takes some kind of operation and applies it across the enumerable to yield a single result. In this case, the operation is addition.

Explaining how that operation is applied is a little trickier, but I do just that in the next section.

Demonstrating inject / reduce / fold With a Piece of Paper and Literal Folding

To explain what’s happening in the code above, I’m going to do use a piece of paper. I’ve folded it into 8 even sections and then numbered each section, as shown in the photo below:

Think of the paper as the range (1..8). We’re now going to compute the sum of the numbers in this range, step by step, using a literal fold — that is, by folding the paper. I’m going to start folding from the left side of the paper, and when I do, I’m going to add the numbers that I’m folding into each other.

In the first fold, I’m folding the number 1 onto the number 2. Adding these two numbers yields 3, which I write on the back of the fold:

For the second fold, I fold the first number 3 onto the second number 3. The sum of these two numbers is 6, and I write that on the back of the resulting fold:

I fold again: this time, it’s the number 6 onto the number 4, the sum of which is 10. I write that number down on the resulting fold:

Next, I fold 10 onto 5, yielding the number 15:

I then fold 15 onto 6, which gives me 21:

Next comes 21 folded onto 7, which makes for a sum of 28:

And finally, 28 folded onto 8, which gives us a final total of 36.

And there you have it: a paper-based explanation of inject/reduce/fold, as well as why I often refer to the operation as “folding”.


Google Chrome is Now Available for Download!

Downloading Google Chrome

I’m downloading Google Chrome as I write this. More later.


Enumerating Enumerable: Enumerable#include?

Enumerating Enumerable

Welcome to the eighteenth installment of Enumerating Enumerable!

In this series of articles, I’m going through the methods in Ruby’s Enumerable in alphabetical order, explaining what each does and providing examples. This is my attempt to make better documentation for Ruby’s Enumerable module than’s.

In this article, I cover the include? method.

In case you missed any of the previous articles, they’re listed and linked below:

  1. all?
  2. any?
  3. collect / map
  4. count
  5. cycle
  6. detect / find
  7. drop
  8. drop_while
  9. each_cons
  10. each_slice
  11. each_with_index
  12. entries / to_a
  13. find_all / select
  14. find_index
  15. first
  16. grep
  17. group_by

Enumerable#include? Quick Summary

Graphic representation of the "include?" method in Ruby's "Enumerable" module.

In the simplest possible terms Does the collection contain an item equal to this one?
Ruby version 1.8 and 1.9
Expects An argument containing the item to search for in the collection.
  • true if there is at least one item in the collection that is equal (using the == operator) to the argument.
  • false if no item in the collection is equal (using the == operator) to the argument.’s entry Enumerable#include?

Enumerable#include? and Arrays

When used on an array, include? iterates through it, comparing items in the array with the argument using the == operator. If any of these comparisons has a result of true, include? returns true. If you think of arrays as sets, you can think of include? as a set membership test.


# Here's a list of words (if they seem unfamiliar, go read
words = ["zoom", "schwartz", "profigliano", "butterman"]
=> ["zoom", "schwartz", "profigliano", "butterman"]

# Is "profigliano" in our list of words?
words.include? "profigliano"
=> true

# How about "kwyjibo"?
words.include? "kwyjibo"
=> false

Enumerable#include? and Hashes

include?, when used with a hash, behaves differently than you might expect. You might think that include? would return true if given a two-element array argument that matched an item in the hash, where the first element matched the key and the second element matched the corresponding value.

However, that is not the case. Instead, include? returns true if there is a key in the hash that is equivalent to the given argument when compared with the == operator. In other words, include?, when used with a hash, answers the question “Is there an item in this hash with this key?”


values = {"zoom" => 1, "schwartz" => 5, "profigliano" => 10, "butterman" => 25}
=> {"zoom"=>1, "schwartz"=>5, "profigliano"=>10, "butterman"=>25}

values.include? "schwartz"
=> true

values.include? ["schwartz", 5]
=> false

values.include? "kwyjibo"
=> false


Enumerating Enumerable: Enumerable#group_by

Enumerating Enumerable

Once again, it’s Enumerating Enumerable time! This is the latest in my series of articles where I set out to make better documentation for Ruby’s Enumerable module than’s. In this installment — the seventeenth in the series — I cover the group_by method.

In case you missed any of the previous articles, they’re listed and linked below:

  1. all?
  2. any?
  3. collect / map
  4. count
  5. cycle
  6. detect / find
  7. drop
  8. drop_while
  9. each_cons
  10. each_slice
  11. each_with_index
  12. entries / to_a
  13. find_all / select
  14. find_index
  15. first
  16. grep

Enumerable#group_by Quick Summary

Graphic representation of the "group_by" method in Ruby's "Enumerable" module.

In the simplest possible terms Break a collection into groups based on some given criteria.
Ruby version 1.9 only
Expects A block containing the criteria by which the items in the collection will be grouped.
Returns A hash where each key represents a group. Each key’s corresponding value is an array containing the members of that group.’s entry Enumerable#group_by

Enumerable#group_by and Arrays

When used on an array, group_by iterates through the array, passing each element to to the block. The result value of the block is the group into which the element will be placed.

Example 1

For the first example, I’ll use some code similar to the example given in’s writeup of group_by:

(0..15).group_by {|number| number % 3}
=> {0=>[0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15], 1=>[1, 4, 7, 10, 13], 2=>[2, 5, 8, 11, 14]}

In the code above, the numbers 0 through 15 are passed to the block, which receives each number as the parameter number. The group that each number is placed into is determined by the result value of the block, number % 3, whose result can be one of 0, 1 or 2. This means that:

  • The resulting hash will have three groups, represented by the keys 0, 1 and 2
  • The key 0‘s corresponding value is an array containing the numbers in the range (0..15) that are evenly divisible by 3 (i.e. the numbers for which number % 3 is 0.
  • The key 1‘s corresponding value is an array containing the numbers in the range (0..15) that when divided by 3 leave a remainder of 1 (i.e. the numbers for which number % 3 is 1.
  • The key 2‘s corresponding value is an array containing the numbers in the range (0..15) that when divided by 3 leave a remainder of 2 (i.e. the numbers for which number % 3 is 2.

Example 2

In the first example, the keys in the resulting hash are the same type as the values in the array whose contents we’re grouping. In this example, I’ll show that the keys in the resulting hash don’t have to be the same type as the values in the array.

simpsons = %w(Homer Marge Bart Lisa Abraham Herb)
=> ["Homer", "Marge", "Bart", "Lisa", "Abraham", "Herb"]

simpsons.group_by{|simpson| simpson.length}
=> {5=>["Homer", "Marge"], 4=>["Bart", "Lisa", "Herb"], 7=>["Abraham"]}

In the code above, each Simpson name is passed to the block, which receives it as the parameter simpson. The block’s result is the length of simpson, and this result is the group into which the name will go.

In the resulting hash:

  • Note that the keys are integers while the names in the groups are strings.
  • The key 5‘s array contains those names in Simpsons that are 5
    characters in length.
  • The key 4‘s array contains those names in Simpsons that are 4 characters in length.
  • The key 7‘s array contains those names in Simpsons that are 7 characters in length.

Example 3

In the previous two examples, the keys for the resulting array were calculated from the values in the initial array. In this example, I’ll demonstrate that the keys for the groupings can be determined in a completely arbitrary fashion that has nothing to do with the values:

# Put the Simpsons into randomly determined groups
simpsons.group_by{rand(3) + 1}
=> {3=>["Homer", "Bart", "Abraham", "Herb"], 1=>["Marge", "Lisa"]}

# Let's try that again. The results are very likely to be different:
simpsons.group_by{rand(3) + 1}
=> {1=>["Homer", "Bart"], 2=>["Marge", "Lisa", "Herb"], 3=>["Abraham"]}

# One more time!
simpsons.group_by{rand(3) + 1}
=> {2=>["Homer", "Bart", "Lisa"], 3=>["Marge", "Herb"], 1=>["Abraham"]}

Enumerable#group_by and Hashes

When used on a hash, group_by passes each key/value pair in the hash to the block, which you can “catch” as either:

1. A two-element array, with the key as element 0 and its corresponding value as element 1, or
2. Two separate items, with the key as the first item and its corresponding value as the second item.

Example 1

In this example, we’ll group the cast of Family Guy by the item that they’re bringing to a potluck dinner:

potluck = {"Peter" => "lasagna",
           "Lois"  => "potato salad",
           "Chris" => "lasagna",
           "Meg"   => "brownies",
           "Stewie" => "chateaubriand",
           "Brian" => "potato salad",
           "Evil Monkey" => "potato salad"}
=> {"Peter"=>"lasagna", "Lois"=>"potato salad", "Chris"=>"lasagna", "Meg"=>"brownies",
"Stewie"=>"chateaubriand", "Brian"=>"potato salad", "Evil Monkey"=>"potato salad"}

# Here's one way to do it:
potluck.group_by{|person, bringing| bringing}
=> {"lasagna"=>[["Peter", "lasagna"], ["Chris", "lasagna"]], "potato salad"=>[["Lois", "potato salad"],
["Brian", "potato salad"], ["Evil Monkey", "potato salad"]], "brownies"=>[["Meg", "brownies"]],
"chateaubriand"=>[["Stewie", "chateaubriand"]]}

# Here's another way to do it:
potluck.group_by{|person| person[1]}
=> {"lasagna"=>[["Peter", "lasagna"], ["Chris", "lasagna"]], "potato salad"=>[["Lois", "potato salad"],
["Brian", "potato salad"], ["Evil Monkey", "potato salad"]], "brownies"=>[["Meg", "brownies"]],
"chateaubriand"=>[["Stewie", "chateaubriand"]]}

Example 2

In the previous example, the groupings were based on a calculation performed on the objects in the original hash. In this example, the groupings will be random: a random number generator will determine whose car each potluck attendee will ride to the potluck dinner:

potluck.group_by {[:peters_car, :quagmires_car, :clevelands_car][rand(3)]}
=> {:peters_car=>[["Peter", "lasagna"], ["Chris", "lasagna"], ["Evil Monkey", "potato salad"]],
:quagmires_car=>[["Lois", "potato salad"], ["Meg", "brownies"], ["Stewie", "chateaubriand"]],
:clevelands_car=>[["Brian", "potato salad"]]}

# Let's try another random grouping
potluck.group_by {[:peters_car, :quagmires_car, :clevelands_car][rand(3)]}
=> {:peters_car=>[["Peter", "lasagna"], ["Meg", "brownies"]], :quagmires_car=>[["Lois", "potato salad"],
["Stewie", "chateaubriand"], ["Brian", "potato salad"], ["Evil Monkey", "potato salad"]],
:clevelands_car=>[["Chris", "lasagna"]]}

# One more time!
potluck.group_by {[:peters_car, :quagmires_car, :clevelands_car][rand(3)]}
=> {:peters_car=>[["Peter", "lasagna"], ["Chris", "lasagna"], ["Stewie", "chateaubriand"]],
:quagmires_car=>[["Lois", "potato salad"], ["Evil Monkey", "potato salad"]], :clevelands_car=>[["Meg", "brownies"],
["Brian", "potato salad"]]}


Blast from the Past: My Old Notes on the GNUtella Protocol

Found these photos while digging through my archives on the backup hard drive and thought you folks might find them interesting. They’re flipchart pages from either June 2000, back when I was working at Cory Doctorow’s startup, OpenCola. These are notes that I wrote on the GNUtella protocol; Chris Cummer and I worked off these notes to produce an app called COLAvision, which scored Gnutellanet for audio and video files, captured them and cued them up to be served as streams (oh, the assignments we got during the bubble…).

I expect to be doing a fair bit of doodling, since the b5media tech office walls are largely floor-to-ceiling whiteboards and I’ve also been diving into Dan Roam’s book, The Back of the Napkin, a book on solving problems and selling ideas with hand-drawn pictures on whiteboards, flipcharts, notepads, scrap paper or even — as the title implies — the back of a napkin (or serviette to you Brits out there).

Joey deVilla's GNUtella protocol notes, circa summer 2000.
My notes on the GNUtella protocol, part 1.

Joey deVilla's GNUtella protocol notes (part 2), circa summer 2000.
My notes on the GNUtella protocol, part 2.


Pair Programming Chairs

The development tool company Cenqua have a cute gag ad for a pair programming chair called the “PairOn” — an Aeron built for two:

Cenqua's "PairOn" chair

They list the PairOn’s “key features” as:

  • Fully unit-tested in our ego-free ergonomics lab
  • Essential office furniture for any eXtreme XP Pair (XXPP)
  • Fully adjustable via individual or pair control
  • Can be levered to standup-meeting height
  • 40-hour-week alarm buzzer built in
  • Available in a range of attractive colours

Here’s a pair programming chair that really exists: it’s a set of drawers that doubles as a stool:

TSOT's "Pair Programming" filing cabinate/chair

These are drawer sets mounted on some very good wheels and topped with well-padded upholstery. If you wanted to pair program with someone, you’d simply pull the drawer unit out from under their desk and sit on it. These things were surprisingly comfortable; I’ve spent upwards of two hours sitting on one of these with nary a complaint.

Alas, these aren’t available in stores. They were custom-built for a startup for whom I briefly worked, whose CEOs was more in love with the idea of running a start-up than actually running a start-up. Their last programmer recently ditched them, and I’m hoping to pick up one of these in their bankruptcy sale.


Taking IE8 Beta 2 for a Test Drive, Part 1: “Porn Mode” (a.k.a. InPrivate Browsing)

The IE8 USB key in my computer

Last night, I attended a special sneak preview for Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 organized by the folks at High Road Communications, who do the PR for Microsoft here in Toronto. Pete LePage, Product Manager of Internet Explorer Developer Division, did the presentation, and also present were Elliot Katz, Senior Product Manager for Microsoft Canada, Daniel Shapiro, Microsoft Canada’s Audience Manager, and my friend and fellow DemoCamp steward David Crow, Tech Evangelist for Microsoft Canada.

Let me get the disclosure part out of the way. Attending this event got me:

  • Free drinks and snacks during the presentation and a free dinner afterwards,
  • One Internet Explorer 8 gym water bottle with a tag inside it saying “BPA Free”,
  • and one 1GB USB key containing installers for IE8 (pictured in my laptop above) and the IE8 Evaluators’ Guide (a Word document that walks you through IE8’s features).

I’ve been to a couple of these Microsoft events before. The one about their “Windows Live” sites didn’t interest me at all, and the Vista one I attended was largely for people who did IT at companies with 1000 or more employees, which really isn’t my area of interest either (and the Vista preview installer they gave me resulted in disaster). This one was a considerably more interesting, as Pete put on a good presentation and it appears that Microsoft is making an effort to match the competing browsers.

Over the next little while, I’ll post articles covering my experiences as I take IE8 for a spin. In this article, I’ll mostly be talking about InPrivate Browsing, which is colloquially known as “Porn Mode”.

“Porn Mode”, a.k.a. “InPrivate Browsing”

The implementation of a browser session in which history, cache and other “trails of breadcrumbs” are deleted as soon as the session is over isn’t new: Apple’s Safari has a “Private Browsing” feature and there’s a Firefox extension that provides the same utility. However, for those not using Macs and especially those who aren’t the type to download and install Firefox and then install a plugin — and there are lots of these people out there — IE8 may be their first opportunity to try out such a feature.

Banking, Not Wanking

In his presentation, Pete was careful to take the “Banking, not wanking” approach when covering InPrivate Browsing, suggesting all sorts of non-saucy uses for the feature, including doing online banking, shopping for surprise presents for your spouse, surfing from a public terminal and so on. The Microsoft people present took my constant referring to it as “Porn Mode” in great stride, and I thank them for having a sense of humor about it.

The Problem

Convenience features like history, cache, automatic username and password field-filling are handy, but they sometimes have unintended consequences. For instance, suppose you, as a healthy, open-minded adult, like to look at videos featuring ladies without pants sitting on cakes at Let’s also suppose that a friend asks to borrow your computer for a moment to see a funny cat video at As your friend types in the letters for “” in the address bar, this happens:

Screen capture: A user starts to type in "" and as "you" is formed, my "" history appears.

This sort of browser-assisted embarrassment takes place more often than you might think. I’ve seen it happen firsthand, and it’s done everything from causing a little red-facedness to actually thwarting romantic possibilities. And you thought computers were supposed to make our lives easier!

The IE8 solution, InPrivate Browsing, is accessible through the Safety menu (shown below) or through the control-shift-P key combo:

Screen Shot: IE8's "Safety" menu, with "InPrivate Browsing" selected

This opens up a new, separate browser window for InPrivate Browsing, which does not keep “breadcrumbs” like history, cache data, cookies and so on. The address bar for InPrivate Browsing windows has the InPrivate logo as a visual cue that this particular session won’t leave a trail that will embarrass you or give away your secrets:

Screen Shot: A new "InPrivate Browsing" window appears

Maybe it’s me, but I think the “InPrivate” graphic in the address bar is a bit too subtle. Then again, a more obvious visual indicator (say, giving the InPrivate browser window a different color) might be an invitation to shoulder-surf.

Hey man, I had to see if it works, right?

Screen Shot: YouPorn's title page

I swear, I had to poke about the site a little bit in order to test if my History was being saved. It’s all in the name of application testing!

Screen Shot: Blurred-out YouPorn video page

After a little “research”, I closed not just the InPrivate Browsing window, but the whole browser, then started it up again. Then I proceeded to type “You” into the address bar. Under normal circumstances, my history would be there for all to see. But it wasn’t!

Screen shot: None of my InPrivate browsing history shows up

For those of you who need to clear the cache, cookies, history or other data for any reason, there’s also the Delete Browsing History item in the Safety menu:

"Safety" menu with "Delete Browsing History" item selected

And it provides a number of deletion options:

The "Delete Browsing History" dialog box

And there you have it: a quick tour of IE8’s much-snickered-about “Porn Mode”.

Keep watching the blog for more posts about IE8 as I use it more and cover its features. Perhaps I’ll cover the development tools next.