
What are Your Favorite Software Synths, Samplers and Sound Modules?

M-Audio Axiom 25 USB MIDI keyboard
My toy: M-Audio Axiom 25 USB MIDI keyboard

For my 40th birthday, the Ginger Ninja got me something I’d had my eye on for some time: a USB MIDI keyboard, specifically an M-Audio Axiom 25, a nice little unit with a lot of features. Prior to my picking up the accordion and getting the “Accordion Guy” nickname, I was a synth player for a good long time. I’ve been meaning to get back into it.

I still have a couple of old hardware synths: a Korg Wavestation A/D (a rackmount unit version of the Korg Wavestation) from my days at Crazy Go Nuts University and a Korg Poly-800 that my friend Steph gave to me when she moved out of town.

My last experience was software synths wasn’t all that hot: it was in the late 1990s, when computers and networking were a great deal slower. Software synths felt very “laggy” in comparison to my good ol’ reliable hardware, and after noodling with them for a while, I decided that I’d give technology some time to play catch-up. That time has come, and I’d like to ask any of you who are familiar with this stuff: what are your favorite software synths, samplers and sound modules?

I’m looking for a couple of things in software form:

  • A nice, decent general purpose synth/sampler. I expect I’ll be doing more sequencing than live performance, but you never know…
  • A “groove builder” or “Groovebox” in the spirit of the Roland MC-303

I’m currently on a PC laptop (running Ubuntu and when absolutely necessary, Vista), but I expect to buy a Macbook Pro sometime in the near future. I’d like to hear about what’s available for any platform. Let me know in the comments!


The Way Computers Were in the Seventies

Inspired by my earlier post on the Accordion Guy blog titled The Way Movies Were in the Seventies, I present to you this image showing the way computers were in the seventies:

The way computers were in the seventies: "A small digital computer designed for the businessman" and "a large computer installation"
Illustrations courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


Great Showdowns (of the 8-bit Era)

Can you identify the ’80s-era games depicted in Scott Campbell’s piece, Great Showdowns (of the 8-bit Era)?

Great showdowns of the 8-bit era


My Stack of Old Computer Books

While cleaning out my home office, I found a box books that I’ve been hanging on to for historical purposes and sentimental reasons.

First, this collection of Apple ][ manuals, back from when I had my first computer, an Apple //e. These manuals came with the original apple ][; my //e manuals must be kicking around somewhere…

Apple ][ Manuals

And from my university days, these books: the Adele Goldberg Smalltalk-80 series, Computer Systems in Business, which is rather quaint when read with today’s eyes, and Inside Macintosh from the System 7/8 era:

Smalltalk-80 books, "Computer Systems in Business", Inside Macintosh books

I know I’ve got Lubomir Bic’s The Logical Design of Operating Systems — from which I learned concurrent programming — stashed away, but I can’t seem to find it at the moment.


Pics from the Office

I was inspired by yesterday’s posting of the office space used by people developing the Boeing 787 Dreamliner to post photos of b5media’s tech team office. This is the old b5media office; the rest of the team — operations, content, marketing and advertising — are in an office across the hall.

The space is looking pretty zen right now, but I kind of like it. We’ll fill it up eventually.

You can click any of the thumbnails below to see the full-size photo:


Enumerating Enumerable: Enumerable#first

Enumerating Enumerable

Welcome to another installment of Enumerating Enumerable, my series of articles in I attempt to do a better job of documenting Ruby’s Enumerable module than In this installment, I cover the first method.

In case you missed any of the previous articles, they’re listed and linked below:

  1. all?
  2. any?
  3. collect / map
  4. count
  5. cycle
  6. detect / find
  7. drop
  8. drop_while
  9. each_cons
  10. each_slice
  11. each_with_index
  12. entries / to_a
  13. find_all / select
  14. find_index

Enumerable#first Quick Summary

Graphic representing the "first" method in Ruby's "Enumerable" module

In the simplest possible terms What are the first n items in the collection?
Ruby version 1.8 and 1.9
Expects An optional integer n that specifies the first n items of the collection to return. If this integer is not given, n is 1 by default.
Returns If first is applied to a collection containing m elements:

  • The first item in the collection, if m > 0 and no argument n is provided.
  • An array containing the first n items in the collection, if m > 0 and an argument n is provided.
  • nil if the collection is empty and no argument n is provided.
  • The empty array [] if the collection is empty and an argument n is provided.’s entry Enumerable#first

Enumerable#first and Arrays

When used on an array without an argument, first returns the first item in the array:

posts = ["First post!", "Second post!", "Third post!"]
=> ["First post!", "Second post!", "Third post!"]

# What's the first item in posts?
=> "First post!"

# Here's the equivalent using array notation:
=> "First post!"

When used on an array with an integer argument n, first returns an array containing the first n items in the original array:

# What are the first 2 items in posts?
posts.first 2
=> ["First post!", "Second post!"]

# Note that when you provide an argument of 1,
# the result is still an array -- with just one element.
# If you want a scalar, don't use an argument.
posts.first 1
=> ["First post!"]

# Here's the equivalent using array slice notation:
=> ["First post!", "Second post!"]

=> ["First post!", "Second post!"]

When used on an empty array, first returns:

  • nil if no argument n is provided
  • The empty array, [], if an argument n is provided

=> nil

[].first 2
=> []

Enumerable#first and Hashes

In Ruby 1.8 and previous versions, hash order is seemingly arbitrary. Starting with Ruby 1.9, hashes retain the order in which they were defined, which makes the first method a little more applicable.

When used on a hash without an argument, first returns the first item in the hash as a two-element array, with the key as the first element and the corresponding value as the second element.

# Let's see what stages of partying our friends are in
party_stages = {"Alice" => :party_mineral,
                "Bob"   => :party_animal,
                "Carol" => :party_reptile,
                "Dave"  => :party_vegetable}
=> {"Alice"=>:party_mineral, "Bob"=>:party_animal, "Carol"=>:party_reptile, "Dave"=>:party_vegetable}

# Who's the first partier and what state is s/he in?
=> ["Alice", :party_mineral]

When used on a hash with an integer argument n, first returns an array containing the first n items in the hash, with each item represented as a two-element array:

party_stages.first 2
=> [["Alice", :party_mineral], ["Bob", :party_animal]]

# Note that when you provide an argument of 1,
# the result is still an array -- with just one element.
# If you want a scalar, don't use an argument.
party_stages.first 1
=> [["Alice", :party_mineral]]

When used on an empty hash, first returns:

  • nil if no argument n is provided
  • The empty array, [], if an argument n is provided

=> nil

{}.first 2
=> []


Now THIS is a Cool Office!

I used to envy the office space that local Ruby heroes Unspace have (they’re just down the street from b5), but now I envy the office space used by the people working on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner:

Boeing 787 under construction
Click to see a larger version.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.