
Enumerating Enumerable: Enumerable#drop

Enumerating Enumerable marches on!

This is the seventh article in my series in which I try to do a better job of documenting Ruby’s Enumerable module than does. If you’ve missed the other articles in the series, they’re listed below:

  1. all?
  2. any?
  3. collect / map
  4. count
  5. cycle
  6. detect / find

In this installment, I cover a method added in Ruby 1.9: drop.

Enumerable#drop Quick Summary

Graphic representation of the \"drop\" method in Ruby\'s \"Enumerable\" module

In the simplest possible terms Given a collection and a number n, create an array made of the items of the collection with the first n items removed.
Ruby version 1.9 only
Expects The number of elements to remove from the start of the collection.
Returns An array made up of the remaining items, if there are any./td>’s entry Enumerable#drop

Enumerable#drop and Arrays

With an array, drop takes a number n as an argument and returns an array created by removing the first n elements of the array. The resulting array is made up of the remaining elements.

# These are the favourite bands of RubyFringe organizer
# Meghan Katleen Millard's, according to her Facebook profile
meghans_fave_bands = ["Afghan Whigs", "Bjork", "Charles Mingus",
"Deerhunter", "Electrelane", "Francois Hardy", "Godspeed You Black Emperor!"]
=> ["Afghan Whigs", "Bjork", "Charles Mingus", "Deerhunter", "Electrelane",
"Francois Hardy", "Godspeed You Black Emperor!"]

# Let's lose the first 5
meghans_fave_bands.drop 5
=> ["Francois Hardy", "Godspeed You Black Emperor!"]

# The original array is not affected
=> ["Afghan Whigs", "Bjork", "Charles Mingus", "Deerhunter", "Electrelane",
"Francois Hardy", "Godspeed You Black Emperor!"]

Enumerable#drop and Hashes

With an hash, drop takes a number n as an argument and returns an array created by removing the first n elements of the array (drop is only in Ruby 1.9 and later, where hashes keep the order in which they were defined, so its results are predictable). The resulting array is made up of the remaining elements, with each element converted into a two-element array where element 0 is the key and element 1 is the corresponding value.

# Here's a hash of the first five U.S. states
# (in terms of alphabetical order) and their capitals.
# This example is in Ruby 1.9, which means that
# the hash keys will stay in the order in which
# they were defined.
states_and_capitals = {"Alabama" => "Montgomery", \
                       "Alaska"  => "Juneau", \
                       "Arizona" => "Phoenix", \
                       "Arkansas" => "Little Rock", \
                       "California" => "Sacramento"}
=> {"Alabama"=>"Montgomery", "Alaska"=>"Juneau", "Arizona"=>"Phoenix",
"Arkansas"=>"Little Rock", "California"=>"Sacramento"}

# Let's remove the first 3
states_and_capitals.drop 3
=> [["Arkansas", "Little Rock"], ["California", "Sacramento"]]

# The original hash is not affected
=> {"Alabama"=>"Montgomery", "Alaska"=>"Juneau", "Arizona"=>"Phoenix",
"Arkansas"=>"Little Rock", "California"=>"Sacramento"}

Enumerable#take: Enumerable#drop’s Evil Twin

I’ll cover take in detail in a later installment, but for now, an example should suffice:

meghans_fave_bands = ["Afghan Whigs", "Bjork", "Charles Mingus",
"Deerhunter", "Electrelane", "Francois Hardy", "Godspeed You Black Emperor!"]
=> ["Afghan Whigs", "Bjork", "Charles Mingus", "Deerhunter", "Electrelane",
"Francois Hardy", "Godspeed You Black Emperor!"]

# drop(n) removes the first n elements
=> ["Electrelane", "Francois Hardy", "Godspeed You Black Emperor!"]

=> ["Afghan Whigs", "Bjork", "Charles Mingus", "Deerhunter"]


Windows Vista is Like Paris Hilton Playing Audrey Hepburn

It’s been five months since I’ve been using a Windows Vista-based computer as my primary machine (after having used a Mac for years). My opinion can best be summarized with a “Successories”-style poster utilizing that horrible new photo of Paris Hilton attempting to channel Audrey Hepburn:

Windows Vista: es, it looks pretty and all dressed up, but it’s still full of big, gaping holes.

If work won’t provide me with a Mac laptop, I may end up just buying one myself. The refurbished ones are available at pretty good prices.

In case you’re too young to get the reference in the Paris Hilton photo, here’s the original — it’s a still from a scene in Breakfast at Tiffany’s:

Audrey Hepburn with a cigerette holder in \"Breakfast at Tiffany\'s\"


Enumerating Enumerable: Enumerable#detect/Enumerable#find

Here’s another article in the Enumerating Enumerable series, in which I attempt to improve upon’s documentation for the Enumerable module, which I find rather lacking. If you’ve missed the previous articles in the series, I’ve listed them below:

  1. all?
  2. any?
  3. collect / map
  4. count
  5. cycle

This installment covers a method that goes by two names: detect or find. I personally prefer find, as it’s shorter and the term I tend to use for its function.

Enumerable#detect/Enumerable#find Quick Summary

Graphic representation of the \"detect\" or \"find\" method in Ruby\'s \"Enumerable\" module.

In the simplest possible terms What’s the first item in the collection that meets the given criteria?
Ruby version 1.8 and 1.9
  • A block containing the criteria.
  • An optional argument containing a proc that calculates a “default” value — that is, the value to return if no item in the collection matches the criteria.
Returns The first item in the collection that matches the criteria, if one exists.
If no such item exists in the collection, detect/find returns:

  • nil is returned if no argument is provided
  • the value of the argument, if one is provided.’s entry Enumerable#detect / Enumerable#find

Enumerable#detect/Enumerable#find and Arrays

When used on an array without an argument, detect/find passes each item from the collection to the block and…

  • If the current item causes the block to return a value that doesn’t evaluate to false, detect/find stops going through collection and returns the item.
  • If no item in the collection causes the block to return a value that doesn’t evaluate to false, detect/find returns nil.

In the examples that follow, I’ll be using the find method. detect does exactly the same thing; it’s just that I prefer find.

# Time to establish my "old fart" credentials
classic_rock_bands = ["AC/DC", "Black Sabbath", "Queen", \
"Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes", "Scorpions", "Van Halen"]
=> ["AC/DC", "Black Sabbath", "Queen", "Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes",
"Scorpions", "Van Halen"]

# Of the bands in the array, which is the first one
# whose name is longer than 8 characters?
classic_rock_bands.find {|band| band.length > 8}
=> "Black Sabbath"

# Which is the first one whose name is exactly
# 5 characters long?
classic_rock_bands.find {|band| band.length == 5}
=> "AC/DC"

# The order of items in the array can affect "find"'s result.
# Let's put the array into reverse sorted order:
=> ["Van Halen", "Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes", "Scorpions", \
"Queen", "Black Sabbath", "AC/DC"]

# Again: which is the first band whose name
# is longer than 8 characters?
=> "Van Halen"

# Again: which is the first band whose name
# is exactly 5 characters?
=> "Queen"

# If no band in the array meets the criteria,
# "find" returns nil.
# There are no bands in the list with names shorter
# than 5 characters...
classic_rock_bands.find {|band| band.length < 5}
=> nil

Using the optional argument is a topic big enough to merit its own section, which appears later in this article.

Enumerable#detect/Enumerable#find and Hashes

When used on a hash and a block is provided, detect/find passes each key/value pair in the hash to the block, which you can “catch” as either:

  1. A two-element array, with the key as element 0 and its corresponding value as element 1, or
  2. Two separate items, with the key as the first item and its corresponding value as the second item.

When used on a hash without an argument, detect/find passes each item from the collection to the block and…

  • If the current item causes the block to return a value that doesn’t evaluate to false, detect/find stops going through collection and returns the item.
  • If no item in the collection causes the block to return a value that doesn’t evaluate to false, detect/find returns nil.

years_founded = {"AC/DC" => 1973, \
                 "Black Sabbath" => 1968, \
                 "Queen" => 1970, \
                 "Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes" => 1967, \
                 "Scorpions" => 1965, \
                 "Van Halen" => 1972}
# Ruby 1.8 re-orders hashes in some mysterious way that is almost never
# the way you entered it. Here's what I got in Ruby 1.8:
=> {"Queen"=>1970, "AC/DC"=>1973, "Black Sabbath"=>1968, "Scorpions"=>1965,
"Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes"=>1967, "Van Halen"=>1972}

# Ruby 1.9 preserves hash order so that hashes keep the order in which
# you defined them. Here's what I got in Ruby 1.9:
=> {"AC/DC"=>1973, "Black Sabbath"=>1968, "Queen"=>1970,
"Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes"=>1967, "Scorpions"=>1965, "Van Halen"=>1972}

# Which band is the first in the hash to be founded
# in 1970 or later?
years_founded.find {|band| band[1] >= 1970}
# In Ruby 1.8, the result is:
=> ["Queen", 1970]
# In Ruby 1.9, the result is:
=> ["AC/DC", 1973]

# Here's another way of phrasing it:
years_founded.find {|band, year_founded| year_founded >= 1970}

Using Enumerable#detect/Enumerable#find with the Optional Argument

detect/find‘s optional argument lets you specify a proc or lambda whose return value will be the result in cases where no object in the collection matches the criteria.

(Unfortunately, a complete discussion of procs and lambdas is beyond the scope of this article. I highly recommend looking at Eli Bendersky’s very informative article, Understanding Ruby blocks, Procs and methods.)

I think that the optional argument is best explained through examples…

# Once again, the array of classic rock bands
classic_rock_bands = ["AC/DC", "Black Sabbath", "Queen", \
"Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes", "Scorpions", "Van Halen"]

# Let's define a proc that will simply returns the band name
# "ABBA", who are most definitely not considered to be
# a classic rock band.
default_band = {"ABBA"}

# Procs are objects, so using a proc's name alone isn't sufficient
to invoke its code -- doing so will simply return the proc object.
=> #<Proc:0x00553f34@(irb):31>
# (The actual value will be different for you, but you get the idea.)

# To call a proc, you have to use its "call" method:
=> "ABBA"

# What we want to do is use "default_band" as a proc that
# provides a default value in the event that detect/find doesn't
# find a value that matches the critera.

# detect/find calls the "call" method of the object you provide
# as the argument if no item in the collection matches the
# criteria in the block.

# There *is* a band in the array that comes after
# "Led Zeppelin" alphabetically: Queen.
classic_rock_bands.find(default_band) {|band| band > "Led Zeppelin"}
=> "Queen"

# The last band in the array, alphabetically speaking,
# is Van Halen. So if we ask detect/find to find a band that
# comes after Van Halen, it won't find one.
# Without the argument, detect/find returns nil,
# but *with* the argument, it will invoke the "call"
# method of the object you provide it.
classic_rock_bands.find(default_band) {|band| band > "Van Halen"}
=> "ABBA"

# Let's try something a little fancier. This time, we'll use a lambda.
# The differences between procs and lambdas are very fine -- I suggest
# you check Eli Bendersky's article for those differences.

# Let's create a lambda that when called,
# returns the name of a randomly-selected pop singer.
random_band = lambda do
    fallback_bands = ["Britney Spears", "Christina Aguilera", "Ashlee Simpson"]

# Let's give it a try...
classic_rock_bands.find(random_band) {|band| band > "Van Halen"}
=> "Britney Spears"

classic_rock_bands.find(random_band) {|band| band > "Van Halen"}
=> "Ashlee Simpson"

classic_rock_bands.find(random_band) {|band| band > "Van Halen"}
=> "Christina Aguilera"

classic_rock_bands.find(random_band) {|band| band > "Led Zeppelin"}
=> "Queen"

To see a “real” application of detect/find's optional argument, see this Ruby Quiz problem.


Enumerating Enumerable: Enumerable#cycle

Welcome to another installment of Enumerating Enumerable, my series of articles in which I attempt to improve upon’s documentation for the Enumerable module. So far, I’ve covered the following methods in this series:

  1. all?
  2. any?
  3. collect / map
  4. count

In this installment, I’m going to cover a method added into Enumerable in Ruby 1.9: Enumerable#cycle. It’s particularly poorly-documented in, and there isn’t much written about it anywhere else.

Enumerable#cycle Quick Summary

Graphic representation of the \"cycle\" method in Ruby\'s \"Enumerable\" class.

In the simplest possible terms Given a collection, creates an infinitely-repeating ordered source of its items.
Ruby version 1.9 only
Expects An optional block to act on the items in the infinitely repeating until the break statement is encountered.
Returns An Enumerable::Enumerator that acts as the infinite source of the collection’s items.’s entry Enumerable#cycle

Enumerable#cycle and Arrays

When used on an array and a block is provided, cycle passes each item to the block. Once the last array item has been passed to the block, cycle starts over again at the beginning of the array. cycle goes through the array forever unless it encounters a break statement in the block.

# This example is a slightly fancier version of the example
# you'll see at
days_of_week = %w{Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday}
=> ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]

# This will print the days of the week over and over,
# forever until you stop it with control-c.
days_of_week.cycle {|day| puts day}
=> Monday

# The cycle can be broken with the "break" statement
days_of_week.cycle do |day|
    puts day
    break if day == "Friday"
=> Monday
=> nil

The better use for cycle is when you use it to create an object that spits out the next item in a repeating sequence.

# Let's create an enumerator that we can use to give us
# days of the week in a repeating sequence.
days = days_of_week.cycle
=> #

# Enumerator's "next" method gives us the next day of the week
=> "Monday"
=> "Tuesday"
=> "Wednesday"

# Enumerator's "rewind" method resets the enumerator back
# to the first item
=> # "Monday"


# If you keep going, the enumerator will "wrap around" back
# to the beginning
=> "Saturday"
=> "Sunday"
=> "Monday"

How about one more example? We’ll use Enumerable‘s zip method, an array of dinner items and the “days of the week” cycle object to create a meal plan:

# Here's an array of international cuisine
dinners = ["Jerk chicken", "Lamb vindaloo", "Chicken fried steak", \
"Yeung Chow fried rice", "Tonkatsu", "Coq au Vin", "Chunky bacon", \
"Pierogies", "Salisbury steak", "Bibim Bap", \
"Roast beef", "Souvlaki"]
=> ["Jerk chicken", "Lamb vindaloo", "Chicken fried steak",
"Yeung Chow fried rice", "Tonkatsu", "Coq au Vin", "Chunky bacon",
"Pierogies", "Salisbury steak", "Bibim Bap",
"Roast beef", "Souvlaki"]

# Let's draw up a mean plan! {|daily_meal| p daily_meal}
=> ["Monday", "Jerk chicken"]
["Tuesday", "Lamb vindaloo"]
["Wednesday", "Chicken fried steak"]
["Thursday", "Yeung Chow fried rice"]
["Friday", "Tonkatsu"]
["Saturday", "Coq au Vin"]
["Sunday", "Chunky bacon"]
["Monday", "Pierogies"]
["Tuesday", "Salisbury steak"]
["Wednesday", "Bibim Bap"]
["Thursday", "Roast beef"]
["Friday", "Souvlaki"]

# If we want to store our meal plan, we can do it this way
meal_plan = []
=> [] {|daily_meal| meal_plan << daily_meal}
=> nil

=> [["Monday", "Jerk chicken"], ["Tuesday", "Lamb vindaloo"],
["Wednesday", "Chicken fried steak"], ["Thursday", "Yeung Chow fried rice"],
["Friday", "Tonkatsu"], ["Saturday", "Coq au Vin"],
["Sunday", "Chunky bacon"], ["Monday", "Pierogies"],
["Tuesday", "Salisbury steak"], ["Wednesday", "Bibim Bap"],
["Thursday", "Roast beef"], ["Friday", "Souvlaki"]]

Enumerable#cycle and Hashes

When used on a hash and a block is provided, collect and map pass each key/value pair in the hash to the block, which you can “catch” as either:

  1. A two-element array, with the key as element 0 and its corresponding value as element 1, or
  2. Two separate items, with the key as the first item and its corresponding value as the second item.

Each key/value pair is passed to the block, where the operation in the block is performed on the item. Once the last hash item has been passed to the block, cycle starts over again at the beginning of the hash. cycle goes through the hash forever unless it encounters a break statement in the block.

# Here we'll take the example for "cycle"
# but apply it to a hash of the crew of the Enterprise-D
crew = {:captain => "Picard", :first_officer => "Riker", \
:science_officer => "Data", :tactical_officer => "Worf"}
=> {:captain=>"Picard", :first_officer=>"Riker",
:science_officer=>"Data", :tactical_officer=>"Worf"}

# This will print the crew's rank and name over and over,
# forever until you stop it with control-c.
crew.cycle {|crewmember| p crewmember}
=> [:captain, "Picard"]
[:first_officer, "Riker"]
[:science_officer, "Data"]
[:tactical_officer, "Worf"]
[:captain, "Picard"]
[:first_officer, "Riker"]
[:science_officer, "Data"]
[:tactical_officer, "Worf"]
[:captain, "Picard"]
[:first_officer, "Riker"]
[:science_officer, "Data"]
[:tactical_officer, "Worf"]
[:captain, "Picard"]
[:first_officer, "Riker"]

# The cycle can be broken with the "break" statement
crew.cycle do |rank, name|
    puts "Rank: #{rank} - Name: #{name}"
    break if rank == :science_officer
=> Rank: captain - Name: Picard
Rank: first_officer - Name: Riker
Rank: science_officer - Name: Data
=> nil

We can use the same technique that we used with arrays and use cycle to create an object that spits out the next item in a cycling hash. Each time we get an item from the object, it comes in the form of a two-element array where the first element is the key and the second element is the corresponding value.

# Let's create an enumerator that we can use to give us
# the Enterprise-D crew's rank and name in a repeating sequence.
crewmembers = crew.cycle
=> #

# numerator’s “next” method gives us the next crewmember
=> [:captain, "Picard"]
=> [:first_officer, "Riker"]
=> [:science_officer, "Data"]

# Enumerator’s “rewind” method resets the enumerator back
# to the first item
=> #
=> [:captain, "Picard"]


# If you keep going, the enumerator will “wrap around” back
# to the beginning
=> [:tactical_officer, "Worf"]
=> [:captain, "Picard"]
=> [:first_officer, "Riker"]

Let’s try one more example! In this one, we’ll use cycle to create three different enumerators — two made from arrays, one from a hash — to assign cooking chores for the Enterprise-D crew for the next ten days.

# Create an enumerator for days
days = %w{Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday}.cycle
=> #

# Create an enumerator for dinners
dinners = ["Jerk chicken", "Lamb vindaloo", "Chicken fried steak", \
"Yeung Chow fried rice", "Tonkatsu", "Coq au Vin", "Chunky bacon", \
"Pierogies", "Salisbury steak", "Bibim Bap", \
"Roast beef", "Souvlaki"].cycle
=> #

# Make sure we're starting from the beginning of the crew hash
=> #

# Let's assign dinner-cooking duties to the crew!
10.times do
    day =
    dinner =
    chef =[1]
    puts "On #{day}, Crewman #{chef} will prepare #{dinner}."
=> On Monday, Crewman Picard will prepare Jerk chicken.
On Tuesday, Crewman Riker will prepare Lamb vindaloo.
On Wednesday, Crewman Data will prepare Chicken fried steak.
On Thursday, Crewman Worf will prepare Yeung Chow fried rice.
On Friday, Crewman Picard will prepare Tonkatsu.
On Saturday, Crewman Riker will prepare Coq au Vin.
On Sunday, Crewman Data will prepare Chunky bacon.
On Monday, Crewman Worf will prepare Pierogies.
On Tuesday, Crewman Picard will prepare Salisbury steak.
On Wednesday, Crewman Riker will prepare Bibim Bap.


Laptop Losses Total 12,000 Per Week at U.S. Airports

A study of 106 major U.S. airports and 800 business travelers says that 12,000 laptops are lost in airports each week. Less than a third are recovered, and nearly half the travelers say their laptops contain some confidential business information. Most are lost either at security checkpoints or departure gates. How over 600,000 laptops get lost at airports each year is a mystery to me; after my passport and wallet, my laptop is the thing I guard the most when flying.


Rainn “Dwight K. Schrute” Wilson as Xena, Warrior Princess

Well, here’s an image that’s just burned itself into my brain: Rainn Wilson (who plays “Dwight K. Schrute” in the American version of The Office) dressed up as Xena, Warrior Princess:

Rainn \"Dwight K. Schrute\" Wilson, dressed up as \"Xena, Warrior Princess\".
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

Here’s the text of the caption:


“I always watched Xena because it was oddly titillating, and I kept wanting to see more cleavage. I wanted it to be Baywatch with swords, but it never quite went in that direction.”

Neither did Wilson: Dressed as the warrior princess, he thinks he looks like “the chunky girl from Heart.”

For the sake of comparison, here’s Xena herself, as played by Lucy Lawless:

Xena, Warrior Princess, played by Lucy Lawless


RubyFringe Guide: The Lay of the Land, Part 1

Joey\'s Unofficial Ruby Fringe Guide to Toronto - Small logoWelcome to the fourth installment in Joey’s Unofficial RubyFringe Guide to Toronto, a series of offbeat articles to acquaint attendees of the upcoming RubyFringe conference with Accordion City.

There’ve been three articles in the series so far:

  1. Where Did All the Cigarettes Go?
  2. Getting from the Airport to the Hotel
  3. Boozin’ in Accordion City

When I visit a city that’s new to me, I try to get a sense of “the lay of the land”. What sort of areas are around where I’m staying? Which zones come alive at what times of the day? If I started walking in this direction, what sort of neighbourhood would I end up in? Where can I see some interesting stuff, and where will I end up running into something I could easily get at home? These are the sorts of questions that I’ll try to answer for Toronto in these “Lay of the Land” articles. In this article, I’ll look at what’s within a couple of blocks of the conference hotel.

What’s Near the Conference Hotel?

The map below covers the area that’s within about a ten-minute walk of RubyFringe’s conference hotel, the Metropolitan Toronto. The Metropolitan is represented by the red marker with the letter “A” (it’s very Hester Prynne, isnt it?). I’ve added some annotations to give you a general idea of the sorts of neighbourhoods that surround the Metropolitan.

Annotated map of areas around Metropolitan Hotel Toronto

A City of Neighbourhoods, A Pocket of Boring

Accordion City can best be described as a city of neighbourhoods put together like a patchwork quilt, each patch having its own character and offerings. This is good news: it makes life pretty interesting for the locals, and it should be doubly so if you’re visiting.

There’s bad news, I’m afraid: the neighbourhood in which the Metropolitan is located is a pocket of boring. How boring? So boring that this is the most interesting view on the street where the hotel is located:

Chestnut Street, Toronto
The curved backside of New City Hall, as seen from a few paces south of the hotel.

Yup, the immediate area is that boring.

It’s a zone of nondescript office and hospital buildings surrounding Dundas Street, which used to be downtown Chinatown’s main drag back in the 1970s when I was a slip of a lad.

(I say downtown Chinatown because we’ve got three Chinatowns here. I’ll elaborate in a later article.)

Downtown Chinatown moved west towards Spadina Avenue, and the offices rushed in to fill the void. There are still remnants of the old Chinatown that still dot this part of Dundas, but for the real Chinatown action — the restaurants, the shops, the lively street stalls that will gladly sell you a big-ass, smelly-as-ass durian, the “holy crap, Blade Runner came true” Chinatown, you’ll have to walk about ten minutes westward.

The Metropolitan Hotel and Chinese Food

Lai Wah Heen restaurant
Lai Wah Heen Restaurant.

The Metropolitan Hotel is the biggest testament to the fact that the area was once the heart of downtown Chinatown. Most hotels in North America have a primary restaurant that serves your generic “North American” cuisine; the Metropolitan’s all about the Chinese food. Their main dining room, Lai Wah Heen, is a Chinese restaurant that serves some very good food — so good that it’s one of the few hotel restaurants where you’ll see at least as many locals as guests. I’ve been to a Chinese wedding reception in this hotel and it was some of the best wedding reception food I’ve tasted. I’m looking forward to the dim sum conference lunch scheduled for Sunday, July 20th.

Across the street from the Metropolitan is a building that looks like a hotel, but missing the hotel markings. That’s because it used to be the Colonnade Hotel, which used to be the Chinese hotel until the Metropolitan took over (it’s deVilla family tradition to have Chinese food for our wedding rehearsal dinners, and my sister’s was there). It’s now a University of Toronto student residence.

Just East of the Hotel – Yonge and Dundas: The Seething Pit of the Main Drag

Yonge and Dundas Streets, Toronto
Yonge Street, looking north towards the corner of Yonge and Dundas.

Yonge Street (pronounced “young”) is the city’s main north-south street; it divides Accordion City into its east and west halves. The corner of Yonge and Dundas — a very short walk east of the Metropolitan — is pretty much in the geographic centre of the downtown core. You should think of it as the local equivalent of New York City’s Times Square: major retail shopping, “grey market” electronics stores, billboards and lights, bored teenagers, tourists and pizza, pizza, pizza.

Eaton Centre at night
The Eaton Centre, as seen from across the street.

I’ve been to nerd conferences where I’ve wished that there was a computer store handy because I needed something like a cable or a USB key. That’s not going to be a problem at RubyFringe, as there’s both a Best Buy on the southwest corner of Yonge and Dundas and a Future Shop (a Canadian electronics/computer big-box store) on the northeast corner.

(There’s a far more interesting electronics store — Active Surplus — not too far from the hotel. I’ll cover it in a later article.)

If you go south on Yonge, you’ll hit the Eaton Centre, the major downtown shopping mall. It’s got the sort of shops you’d expect at a mall; the only surprise for American visitors is that Sears in Canada isn’t as ghetto as it is in the U.S. (that’s because Sears in Canada took over the Eaton’s chain of department stores after they went under).

Eaton Centre interior
Interior of the Eaton Centre.

It’s tempting to dismiss the Eaton Centre as just another shopping mall, but for a lot of Torontonians, it’s also one of the most-used and useful pedestrian routes in town. Spanning the distance between two subway stations on Toronto’s busiest line, the mall remains open even after its stores are closed (it closes when the subway closes), making it effectively a covered sidewalk for Yonge Street between Dundas and Queen Streets. (Urban planning nerds should see this article for more.)

Just South of the Hotel: Nathan Phillips Square: Wasn’t it Blown Up in Resident Evil 2?

Toronto\'s City Hall
Toronto’s City Hall.

You may have seen Toronto’s City Hall in Resident Evil 2, or perhaps you caught a glimpse of it in either the original series or Next Generation version of Star Trek. It’s architect Viljo Revell’s modernist masterpiece and one of the more distinctive features of our city. It’s worth the short walk over from the hotel, and if you’re into taking pictures, it makes a pretty good subject.

If you walk into City Hall’s lobby and turn to the right, you’ll see this:

City Hall Wall Mural

It’s a wall mural made of thousands of nails. There’s a local tradition: take a penny and drop it into the mural, among the larger nails on the left or right side of the mural. It’s descend, pachinko-like, making a musical noise along the way. Here’s a video:

Just North of the Hotel: Nothing, Really

Well, I wouldn’t say nothing — there are a number of hospital buildings, including some world-class institutions of healing like “Sick Kids” (a.k.a. the Hospital for Sick Children, where Pablum was invented) and the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre.

Atrium of the Sick Kids hospital
The atrium at Sick Kids.

If you’re an architecture nerd, you might find a visit to the atrium of Sick Kids worth a visit — it’s so bright and airy that it’s easy to forget that you’re in a hospital. Having said that, my guess is that the last place you want to end up during your visit to Toronto is a hospital.

Toronto Bus Terminal
Toronto Bus Terminal.

The other place just north of the hotel is the Toronto Bus Terminal. It’s nowhere near as scuzzy as a lot of other big city bus terminals, but the usual parade of off-their-rockers and off-their-meds are often milling about.

Just this evening, while the Ginger Ninja and I were walking past the station, a large woman in a motorized wheelchair started a conversation with us.

“I gotta go to the hospital tomorrow,” she said, as she took a sip from her large frappucino. “I got the diabetes.”

“Sorry to hear that,” we said.

“It’s not funny! I’m goin’ fuckin’ blind from the goddamn diabetes!” She took another sip and poured on the speed, disappearing down the street to stew in her own juices, which I assume are made of high-fructose corn syrup and bad life choices.

There are a couple of conveniences to the north: a Starbucks and a convenience store, both at the corner of Dundas and Elizabeth, a block away from the hotel.

Next Time…

I’ll cover what’s west of the hotel, which is where things get interesting. For starters, there’s this:

OCAD\'s Sharp Centre Building
OCAD’s Sharp Centre Building.