
Teens Using Google Earth to Crash Swimming Pools

Back in my days as a student at Crazy Go Nuts University, a couple of us got wise and kept a Radio Shack police scanner radio handy so we’d know if our parties were about to be busted. That same maverick spirit in the use of technology for partying lives on: this Register article talks about UK teens using Google Earth’s satellite photos to crash other people’s swimming pools.


Overheard at Search Engine Strategies

I’ve already heard it three times at Search Engine Strategies 2008 Toronto: “I need to take a closer look at your tool.” You always hear this at tech conferences and pornos.


Tweet of the Day: Tim Bray on Microsoft’s SOA Strategy and UML

Tim Bray gets the “Tweet of the Day” award for this gem:Microsoft’s SOA strategy embraces UML. It’s not necrophilia if you’re both dead.”


Covering Search Engine Strategies 2008 Toronto is Very Serious Work

Joey deVilla wearing the head from a monkey costume on the trade show floor at Search Engine Strategies Toronto 2008
My thanks to the folks at Yahoo! for loaning me part of their “Code Monkey” costume.


Sentiment Analysis and Sarcasm

Kevin Marks just commented on Twitter to me about sentiment analysis: “I remember a series of people showing us “sentiment analysis” code when I was at Technorati – turns out it doesn’t do sarcasm”


Sentiment Analysis

At the “Measuring Success in a Web 2.0 World” Orion panel at Search Engine Strategies 2008 Toronto, the term “Sentiment Analysis” came up. It’s a new term to me, but luckily Wikipedia has a (short) page on the topic.


Quote of the Day

“I’m a Vista user. I’m also a Prozac user now.” — Kevin Ryan at the Search Engine Strategies 2008 Toronto conference just now.