
How Many Digits of pi Do You Know? [Updated]

This one’s for all the math nerds…

\"How many digits of pi do you know?\"

Update: Matthew points out that Toothpaste for Dinner did a cartoon of this back in March:

Toothpaste for Dinner: \"How many digits of pi Do You Know?\"


Merlin Mann on WordPress’ “Kubrick” Theme

That Merlin Mann, always bringin’ the funny: “Whenever I see WordPress’s ‘Kubrick’ theme, I think of a child who’s been kept in the same receiving blanket until she’s 14.”


Zoli Erdos on Microsoft’s Web-Based Apps Debate

Zoli Erdos says: “Eight years later web-based products still threaten to cannibalize Microsoft’s cash-cow, but they can no longer be ignored – largely because of Google and Zoho which now offer viable alternatives to users formerly ‘stuck’ with Microsoft’s products. A costly debate, indeed.”


Why Microsoft Will Never Win (Again)

Mathew Ingram, after reading the Wall Street Journal’s article Gates-Ballmer Clash Shaped Microsoft’s Coming Handover, suggests that Microsoft killed their future for the present by killing NetDocs, their web-based office apps suite so as not to cannibalize their cash cow, Microsoft Office.


What Hath OLPC Wrought

According to the Economist, “The $100 laptop has been a success—just not, so far, in the way its makers intended.” The success is that OLPC inspired the development of machines that are expected to be bigger successes, such as the Asus EEE PC and the Classmate.


How to Never Finish Your Project

How to Never Finish Your Project is Michal Marcinkowski’s list of things that he describes as “things that I’ve learned during my years as a game developer. This is especially useful if you’re not really trying to do something of value, have a different agenda or simply fear success.”


The Economist on Jimmy Wales

The Economist’s article, The Free-Knowledge Fundamentalist, looks at Jimmy “Wikipedia / Will trade sex for edits” Wales. “Jimmy Wales changed the world with Wikipedia, the hugely popular online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. What will he do next?”