
Grand Theft Auto IV Goes Out at Midnight!

Grand Theft Auto IV Goes Out at Midnight! Games stores all over Toronto are opening for an hour at midnight to sell the hotly-anticipated and universally praised next installment of the Grand Theft Auto series of games. If you’re in the Toronto area, all Future Shops and EB Games will be open at midnight, as will the Yonge/Dundas Best Buy. For more on the game, check out the IGN Review and the GameSpy review.


The Real Threat to Google

According to a BusinessWeek article, the real threat to Google isn’t Microsoft or Yahoo!, but cell phones:. “As more people use cell phones and their tiny glass screens to gain access to the Internet, Google and its fellow online advertisers will have less space, or what’s called ad inventory, to place marketing messages for customers. Google makes money selling ad inventory. And its ad inventory is diminished on a cell phone.”


Making Long-Distance (Business) Partnerships Work

Making Long-Distance (Business) Partnerships Work: “Technology makes it possible to run a business from practically anywhere on the planet. But what if your business partner lives in a different city or a different time zone? How do long-distance partners make it work? The answer appears to be with lots of planning and smart use of technology. And even in the best long-distance arrangements, an old-fashioned in-person meeting now and then seems to reignite the spark.”


Eric Sink on Windows XP and Listening to Customers

Eric Sink on Windows XP and Listening to Customers: “My overall posture toward Microsoft is still friendly. I still use Windows every day…I’ve used Vista, and while I didn’t find it to be a compelling “must-have” upgrade, I rather liked it. But none of this means that I’m going to give my blanket agreement to every decision Microsoft makes. In this case, I object to Microsoft’s plan, not because Vista is so awful, but rather, because ignoring customers is so wrong.”


The Single Most Important Thing You Must Do to Improve Your Programming Career

It’s been said before, and Reg “Raganwald” Braithwaite says it again: The single most important thing you must do to improve your programming career is to improve your ability to communicate.


How to be a New Media Douchebag

The video New Media Douchebags in Plain English was posted back in October, but it’s new to me and might be new to you:

The video’s four-step program for becoming a new media douchebag is pretty simple:

  1. Don’t do any real work.
  2. Talk, type, tag, text and Twitter a lot of stuff. The greater the volume, the better!
  3. Be sure to hate a lot of stuff. And tell folks!
  4. Celebrate the other new media douchebags out there.

According to Valleywag — for whom the four-step program above could count as a mission statement — New Media Douchebags in Plain English is a parody of Google’s Google Docs in Plain English .

[Thanks to jwz for the link!]


Filter Google Results by Date with a URL Trick

Filter Google Results by Date with a URL Trick: “Google can reorder search and news results from the last day, week, a few months, or entire year by adding a small string to the end of the search URL. Just add this string — &as_qdr=d — to the address bar and hit enter. You’ll get a custom drop-down box that lets you re-order results based on date.”