I never knew that MySQL’s --safe-updates
option (which prevents a number of data-destroying mistakes) has a synonym called --i-am-a-dummy
The b5media Office
In case you were curious, here are some pictures of where I work: the b5media office.
Toronto’s “Portal” Storefronts
Click here to see the Flickr page for the top storefront, and click here to see the Flickr page for the bottom storefront.
First, a confession: I have not played Portal yet. Yes, I’m a negligent geek. I’ve got The Orange Box for the XBox 360 sitting in my living room, but haven’t gotten around to firing it up yet (in fact, I’m still working on Mass Effect and Assassin’s Creed, and that’s on top of keeping up with my spare-time programming, plus Toronto tech community stuff, plus other non-geeky pursuits).
While I haven’t gotten around to playing Portal, I’m quite aware of its gameplay and the role that Weighted Companion Cubes play in the game. That’s why I smiled when I saw these storefronts created by Posterchild, Toronto’s answer to Bansky. If you’re in Toronto, you can check out these storefronts up close and in person — the top storefront is at 644 Bloor Street West (near Euclid) and the bottom storefront is at 725 Yonge Street (near Bloor).
It’s mainstream now: Rickrolling has been written up in the New York Times.
Here’s an inspirational poster for testing advocates who dig on Star Wars…
Click the photo to see it on its Flickr page.
This photo is one of two testing advocacy posters that Sebastian Bergmann has put into a Flickr photoset.
ASCII Curtains
Here’s something for people with both nerdy and interior design tendencies: ASCII curtains!
The kids today may not remember ASCII art, but those of use who grew up in the era of dot matrix and daisywheel printers will find these curtains hauntingly familiar. From a distance, designer Nieke Sybrandy’s curtains show a tree branch design, but close up, you can see that the design is made of up dot matrix printer characters:
There are some other interesting geek-friendly designs at Nieke Sybrandy’s site, including duct tape that looks like band-aids and a tablecloth that looks like a blueprint. If you can read Dutch, I’d love it if you could translate some of the text for me!
Included with this nice New York Times elegy to Dungeons and Dragons creator Gary Gygax is a pretty cool diagram of geek memes:
Illustration by Sam Potts for the New York Times.
Click to see the diagram at full size.