My guess is right about here:
(Got work to do. More later.)
My guess is right about here:
(Got work to do. More later.)
Mark April 29, 2008 on your calendar: that’s the day when Grand Theft Auto IV hits the shelves.
Here are some facts about the game that I’ve gleaned from the articles ‘Grand Theft Auto IV’ Details Unloaded In Lengthy Private Demo At Developer’s Headquarters and ‘Grand Theft Auto IV’ Developer Talks Delay, Violence And Whether There Will Be Another ‘Hot Coffee’:
My deadbeat ex-housemate made me aware of Ruby’s existence in 2001 when he bought the first edition of the Pickaxe book. It would take another two years before I would get my first full-on contact with Ruby thanks to Tom and Joe McDonald at vpop, who used it to develop Blogware for Tucows. Four years later, Ruby (and the framework that popularized it, Ruby on Rails) is my bread and butter at TSOT. In that time, Ruby has gone from “obscure programming language with most of its docs in Japanese” to “the new hotness” to “the whipping boy”. Reg “Raganwald” Braithwaite weighs in on Ruby’s popularity cycle in his article Ruby is Soooooo 2002.
I’ll have to write more on this later.
Over at FoundRead, Larry Chiang has some advice that you might find useful if you’re following Scoble’s advice for people who’ve just been laid off (particularly the parts about networking and attending business events). His piece is titled How to Work the Room.
Here’s a condensed version:
Inspired by news of the impending layoffs at Yahoo!, Robert Scoble — quite possibly the internet’s best-known tech evangelist has compiled a list in his article What to Do if You’re Laid Off in the 2008 Recession. I’ve got a condensed version of his list items below; I suggest you read the article to see the list in full. It’s good advice whether you’ve just been laid off, looking for a job or even if you’re currently employed and looking for your next job.
(Note: while a few of these points are tech industry-specific, they should be easily adaptable to whatever field you’re in — or would like to be in.)
You may also want to check out the Deep Jive Interests article that asks Are You Applying SEO Strategies To Your Resume?
Some of the advice in the SEOMoz article Advice for Startup CEOs includes: have a voracious appetite for knowledge, be ready to multi-task, be able to communicate in multiple mediums, have a background in usability, cultivate a strong culture of analytics, admit and understand that a company is NOT a democracy, delegation is your friend and don’t get too far removed from your company’s day-to-day operations.
Reading the ComputerWorld article Rock Star Coders reminded me of a classified ad announcing auditions for a band member that went something like this:
Lead guitarist/vocalist wanted for glam rock/metal band. Must have serious chops, a good voice, looks and stage presence.
No assholes.
You might as well put up an ad that goes “Vegan life coach wanted. Must like steak.”
The article looks at rock star programmers from the manager’s point of view, describing some of the desirable qualities of the rock star programmer (a not-so-stereotypical geek who is well-rounded, organizes events like BarCamps, writes an influential blog, has a passion for coding and tech but also has some interesting hobbies) to the downsides (Khan Noonien Singh syndrome — where superior skills come hand in hand with superior attitude).
A couple of things in the article that I found funny:
As for my own personal ambitions, while I’d love to be an accordion rock star, I’m with Ron Evans — I’m aiming to be a jazz programmer.
Brian Wynne Williams, CEO of Viget Labs (whose recruiter was interviewed in the article) wrote about his thoughts about the article in his blog.