
2008 Batman, Meet 1966 Batman

The Adam West Batman, hurling his batarang

In case you haven’t seen it, here’s the latest trailer for The Dark Knight, the upcoming Batman movie with Christian Bale in the title role and Heath Ledger as the Joker:

Better still, here’s a trailer that mashes up the audio from the trailer above with scenes from the 1966 Batman movie, in which Adam West plays the title role. It’s camp-licious!



U.S. Album Sales Down, Digital Sales Up

U.S. album sales plunged 9.5 percent last year from 2006, continuing a downward trend for the recording industry, despite a 45 percent surge in the sale of digital tracks.


5 Marketing Tools Every Startup Can Use

Remind me to show this to the marketing folks at TSOT: 5 Marketing Tools Every Startup Can Use.


Netscape 0.9 on the Present-Day Web

In honour of Netscape’s passing, Perl & LWP author Sean M. Burke installed Netscape 0.9 and took it out for a spin, with amusing results.


Useful Non-Sleazy AdSense Tips

Merlin Mann of the excellent site 43 Folders writes: “it’s depressingly rare to find useful, non-douchey advice about making money with a website.” Luckily, he found it — it’s Philipp Lenssen’s Google AdSense Tips, over at Google Blogoscoped.


Merb: Zed Shaw’s Favourite Ruby MVC Web App Framework

In his now infamous Rails is a Ghetto rant, Zed Shaw stated that his favourite Ruby MVC web app framework is Merb (short for “Mongrel plus Erb”). I heard great things about it online and right from the mouth of local Ruby hero Hampton Catlin (the guy behind HAML), who has his own writeup about Merb.


The Mythical 5%

You’ve probably heard the statement about how 5% of programmers are 20 times more productive than the other 95% (or read essays to that effect). In this commencement address at Neumont University, Bruce Eckel asks the question: So how do you become one of these mythical 5%?