U.S. album sales plunged 9.5 percent last year from 2006, continuing a downward trend for the recording industry, despite a 45 percent surge in the sale of digital tracks.
Remind me to show this to the marketing folks at TSOT: 5 Marketing Tools Every Startup Can Use.
Netscape 0.9 on the Present-Day Web
In honour of Netscape’s passing, Perl & LWP author Sean M. Burke installed Netscape 0.9 and took it out for a spin, with amusing results.
Useful Non-Sleazy AdSense Tips
Merlin Mann of the excellent site 43 Folders writes: “it’s depressingly rare to find useful, non-douchey advice about making money with a website.” Luckily, he found it — it’s Philipp Lenssen’s Google AdSense Tips, over at Google Blogoscoped.
In his now infamous Rails is a Ghetto rant, Zed Shaw stated that his favourite Ruby MVC web app framework is Merb (short for “Mongrel plus Erb”). I heard great things about it online and right from the mouth of local Ruby hero Hampton Catlin (the guy behind HAML), who has his own writeup about Merb.
The Mythical 5%
You’ve probably heard the statement about how 5% of programmers are 20 times more productive than the other 95% (or read essays to that effect). In this commencement address at Neumont University, Bruce Eckel asks the question: So how do you become one of these mythical 5%?
Programming is Hard, Let’s Go Scripting…: Larry Wall’s latest essay at Perl.com, in which he takes a tour of a number of programming languages and the degrees of freedom programming language designers have.