Click the picture to see it at full size.
Image courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.
The caption of this 19th-century lithograph reads: “A LOOK TO THE FUTURE: The boy of the present has a glimpse of the twentieth century boy.”
SitePoint is making the PDF version of their Rails book Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Applications available for FREE for the next 60 days.
Here’s what SitePoint has to say about this giveaway:
That’s right… Not an extract… Not a sample chapter… The ENTIRE 447 pages of Patrick Lenz’s incredible book is (for the next 60 days) free to download.
From installing Ruby, Rails and MySQL, to building and deploying a fully featured web application, this book has it all. Imagine building a Web 2.0 social news application, while learning the ins-and-outs of Ruby on Rails. This book shows you how to do it, step by step …
It’s no wonder this book has been described as the best Ruby on Rails beginners’ book on the market.
If you’ve ever thought about trying out Ruby on Rails, you’ll never get a better chance to learn why everyone’s talking about this revolutionary web development framework.
The book isn’t quite up-to-date — it covers Ruby on Rails 1.1.6 rather than Ruby 1.2 — but the material in the book as well as the code examples seem to be compatible with the current version. The book has been reviewed quite favorably, and it looks as though it might make a good companion to a book like the Pragmatic Programmers’ Agile Web Development with Rails.
Here’s a video of two guys doing pair programming, purportedly taken with a hidden camera:
Can’t see the video? Click here.
We’ve been told that “Master Chief” from the Halo series of games reveals his face at the end of Halo 3. If you can’t wait to finish the game to find out who he is, the webcomic Godmode has given away the answer:
Click the comic to see it at full size on its original page.
Mollie Sterling wrote in her blog:
It does my heart good to see these photos from my alma mater, The Missouri School of Journalism. Back in the fall of 2001 when I was a freshman, it was me and two other kids in the back row with our glowing Apples. Now I feel almost sad for that poor kid with the Windows machine in the front row:)
Click to see the photo on its original page at full size.
Oh, those crazy MIT Guys…
Click to see the photo on its original page.
Here’s what the MIT Hacks gallery has to say:
During the night prior to the release of the heavily advertised Halo 3 video game, MIT hackers transformed the statue of John Harvard into the Master Chief character from the game. In the game, the character’s real name is known only as John. John was wearing the signature helmet from the game and was also holding a gun from the game. The hack was removed by around 8am.
Click the photo to see the Flickr photoset.
For the curious, there’s a Flickr photoset with pics from Saturday’s “Furries vs. Klingons” bowling competition in Atlanta.
Someone at the National Review suggested that the event might be the death knell of Western Civilization, but it’s really no sillier than a great deal of the activities that the National Review’s right-wing heroes partake in at Bohemian Grove (and far more harmless).