Hey, other tech news sites.
We understand the internet ecosystem — borrow a little from this site, grab an image from that site, quote and link to a couple of blog articles — and we think it’s all good.
We notice that in the rush to write articles about “Clown Co.” — you know, the partnership between News Corporation and NBC Universal to create a “YouTube killer” — that while references to Google’s coining the name for the partnership abound, there is a paucity of actual clown images being used in the stories, even in tech news sites known for their snark and smart-assery (Valleywag, we’re lookin’ right atcha).
Because we at Global Nerdy live to serve, we hereby provide this image for you to use in your articles. It features Insane Clown Posse, a ridiculous hip-hop band with a follwoing among “the kids”. There are some similarities between ICP (as the band is often called) and Clown Co.: it’s a partnership of two, both ventures are kind of hard to explain, and hey, we felt like poking fun at them. Here’s the pic:
Feel free to use it wherever you like — just credit Global Nerdy, okay?
Don’t say we never did nuthin’ for ya.