
Headin’ to RailsConf!

Headin’ to RailsConf!

The second annual RailsConf — the premier conference for Ruby on Rails developers — starts this Thursday, May 17th, with a full day devoted to tutorial sessions; the main conference starts on Friday, May 18th and runs to Sunday, May 20th and features three days of keynotes, sessions and gatherings of all sorts (here are the Friday, Saturday and Sunday schedules).

I will be among the 1,200 people attending this year’s conference (that’s three times the number of people who attended last year’s, which took place in Chicago), and I’ll be taking copious notes, photos, videos and podcast recordings as well as entertaining and/or annoying conferencers with the accordion. Watch this blog all this week for Rails and RailsConf-related posts!


Web 2 Point Legit-to-Quit

In honor of Hammer’s inclusion as one of the experts at the upcoming TechCrunch20 Conference, we proudly present the truely unforgettable intro to the truely unforgettable animated series Hammerman:

If Arrington could just land Vanilla Ice and Gerardo, TechCrunch20 would have the perfect storm.


HBO CTO BS: “Don’t Call it Digital Rights Management, Call it DIGITAL CONSUMER ENABLEMENT.”

“Mr. Burns” from “The Simpsons”In the Simpsons episode where the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant nearly undergoes a meltdown, there’s a cute little euphemism that Mr. Burns uses in a TV news interview:

Oh, meltdown. It’s one of those annoying buzzwords. We prefer to call it an unrequested fission surplus.

Ed “Freedom to Tinker” Felten writes that HBO Chief Technology Officer Bob Zitter might have beaten ol’ Burnsie at the euphemism-coining game:

People have had lots of objections to Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology — centering mainly on its clumsiness and the futility of its anti-infringement rationale — but until recently nobody had complained that the term “Digital Rights Management” was insufficiently Orwellian.

That changed on Tuesday, when HBO’s Chief Technology Officer, Bob Zitter, suggested at an industry conference that DRM needs a name change. Zitter’s suggested name: Digital Consumer Enablement, or DCE.

(If that’s “enablement”, I’d hate to see what he calls “disabled”.)

Here’s what Broadcasting & Cable reported:

Speaking at a panel session at the NCTA show in Las Vegas Tuesday, Zitter suggested that “DCE,” or Digital Consumer Enablement, would more accurately describe technology that allows consumers “to use content in ways they haven’t before,” such as enjoying TV shows and movies on portable video players like iPods.

“I don’t want to use the term DRM any longer,” said Zitter, who added that content-protection technology could enable various new applications for cable operators. One example could be “burn-to-own DVDs,” where a consumer would use a set-top box with a built-in DVD burner to record a movie onto an optical disc, thus eliminating the costly current process of pressing DVDs and distributing them physically at retail. Another possibility, says Zitter, is “early window exhibition,” either in the form of making a movie available through video-on-demand (VOD) the same day as the home video release or allowing home theater users to pay extra to see a high-definition version of a theatrical release in the comfort of their home.

Wired’s Epicenter blog makes a good point:

Yet while it’s easy to joke, Zitter’s comments at the industry event are revelatory into the disconnect between content consumers and producers. Instead of addressing the problems its customers have with DRM, HBO’s tech chief wants to call it by another name. It shows a fundamental distrust of the customer base. Some of Zitter’s ideas are great–burn to own DVDs that would let customers download and burn their own movies on demand, or “early window exhibition” that would make HD versions of movies available the same day as their video or theatrical release. Yet these things are being held up, apparently, by an industry that’s fearful of its inability to control where its content goes after it’s released to consumers.


Chris Messina’s “State of Mozilla and the Open Web” Rant

Still image from Chris Messina’s video about Mozilla
A still from Chris Messina’s video, given a little LOLcat treatment.

It’s been getting some buzz in “The Swarm” (a Skype chat where the TorCamp crowd hang out to talk about anything and everything — sometimes even tech!): Chris “Factory City” Messina has posted a 50-minute video polemic about the state of Mozilla, Firefox and the future of the Open Web in light of the challenges being presented by offerings such as Adobe’s Apollo, Microsoft’s Silverlight and the most newly-announced platform for web apps on the desktop, Sun’s JavaFX.

I’ve only managed to catch the first 15 minutes of the video (it’s been a busy day), but TorCamp regular Mark Kuznicki and Web Worker Daily editor Anne Zelenka have already thrown in their two cents. I’ll throw in mine, but I need to carve out some time first.


70 CSS Coding Tips and Tricks

CSS coding, like most UI coding, is at least part voodoo, what with browser incompatibilities and the fact that a good number of developers have avoided it until every became Ajax-ified.

If you’re looking to learn CSS or refine your CSS chops, make sure you check out Smashing Magazine’s 70 Expert Ideas for CSS Coding. It provides tips of all kinds, from the general (such as workflow) to the esoteric (such as dealing with Internet Explorer).


Funny Linksys Dialog Box

Many people, myself included, have a Linksys WRT54GS quietly performing yeoman service in their homes, offices and home offices. I’ve never had any trouble upgrading its firmware, but other people have, and they’ve been greeted with this All Your Base-esque message:

Linksys “Upgrade are failed” message

Here’s a close-up:

“Upgrade are failed” dialog box

[Images courtesy of my friend, Miss Fipi Lele.]


The REAL Outsourcing Challenge

Cover of Chad Fowler’s “My Job Went to India and All I Got was This Lousy Book”Outsourcing, in the sense of shipping off high-tech jobs from tech support to software development, doesn’t seem to get as much mention in the news these days. Perhaps it’s because it isn’t perceived as being as big a threat as it used to be. looks as though it hasn’t been updated in some time, and typing into your browser’s address bar will take you to a discussion forum on speed bag training.

(There’s a carpetbagger-to-speedbagger joke in there somewhere…)

It may turn out that the real outsourcing challenge that developers have to face isn’t coming from corporations looking to cut costs, but younger internet users, just doing what they’re doing. They’ve been steadily outsourcing desktop jobs to web apps.

Consider this blog entry by Rick “The Post Money Value” Segal. Most of the entry is about how the famous “Cancel or Allow?” Macintosh ad helped him figure out why the Vista-equipped laptop that he’d just bought for his daughter didn’t seem to work. That’s interesting, but what really got me thinking was his postscript:

[Bonus observation] I asked about back ups. Naah. I asked if she had anything on the old one I needed to recover. Naah, all online between Hotmail, writely, facebook, flickr, and myspace. 19 years of age, folks. In University and basically requires no software, no fancy applications. Worth thinking about.

This has got me thinking: What university student activities haven’t yet been converted into or augmented by an online application?