
Can Microsoft build a "web platform?"

In additon to fending off challenges to Office from Google, a lot of people (myself included) think that Microsoft’s facing a challenge to their platform dominance from the internet. If you buy the World of Ends-style idea that “the internet is a platform that nobody owns,” that’s a pretty big, amorphous blob for the guys in Redmond to wrestle.

A lot of startups today are creating software that doesn’t target a specific operating system. They’re developing software to run on the internet; on stacks of free and open software (ie, LAMP), and using browsers’ HTML and JavaScript rendering capabilities to be the client side of their applications. In another era, they might have been developing Windows software, writing to the Windows API, and delivering their apps as Windows binaries. So what’s Microsoft to do to keep developers focused on platforms they control? Robert ScobleizerScoble thinks he’s seeing the patterns in Microsoft’s tea leaves:

Adam Sohn (he was the PR guy in our group when I started at Microsoft) is quoted on Redmond Developer saying that Microsoft is preparing a Live Development Platform. Ahh, an API that’ll do it all? Hmmm. I’m worried about the boil-the-ocean approach.

Scoble’s concern is that web developers like (or are at least used to) their pieces loosely joined; trying to create an all-singing, all-dancing API runs counter to that. Microsoft, on the other hand, has built their fortune around making developers productive, so it would be a mistake to underestimate their ability to understand the needs of mainstream programmers.

One thing’s for sure, it’ll be interesting to hear what Microsoft has to say at Mix this year.

Source: Microsoft trial balloons Web strategy? « Scobleizer – Tech Geek Blogger

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Frances Allen Wins the Turing Award

Frances Allen, winner of the 2007 Turing Award

For me, one of the lines that really stood out in Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash was the narrator’s remark on sexism in computer science. In the novel, the hackers of the exclusive online hangout, The Black Sun, had dismissed a female programmer’s work as relatively unimportant, an act which was summarized this way:

It was, of course, nothing more than sexism, the especially virulent type espoused by male techies who sincerely believe that they are too smart to be sexists.

If the techie attitude towards women in the early 21st century setting of Snow Crash — a world extrapolated from the technology and social mores of the late 1980s and early 1990s, where it wasn’t unthinkable for a teenage girl to get a high-speed skateboard courier job — was bad, it must have been far worse when this year’s A.M. Turing Award winner, Frances E. Allen, joined IBM back in 1957. Back then, IBM was being rather cutting-edge by encouraging women technologists to join the company with a brochure titled My Fair Ladies (pictured below).IBM’s “My Fair Ladies” 1957 recruitment brochure for women.

Allen was given the award to honor her for her work at IBM on compiler optimization techniques. The work for which she is noted in described in this IBM article:

Widely recognized for her fundamental work on the theory of program optimization and of leading PTRAN (Parallel Translations) project, she is regarded as a pioneer in the field of optimizing compilers, which she explains as “translating the language a program is written in into language appropriate for the hardware…to best exploit the performance potential of that hardware.” Allen’s personal contribution has been developing underlying algorithms that are effective across many types of hardware and in diverse situations.

In addition to her work on compilers, Allen is also noted as being a mentor to many during her 45-year career at IBM, considering it part of her day-to-day work. Her work in mentoring is so notable that IBM established the Frances E. Allen Women in Technology Mentoring Award, of which she was first recipient in 2000.

This isn’t Allen’s “first woman to win this honor” moment, either; in 1989, she was the first woman to become an IBM Fellow. Other awards she has earned include Grace Hopper’s Celebration of Women in Computing Award (as one of the most successful women in the computing field) and Ada Lovelace award for her “outstanding scientific and technical achievements and extraordinary service to the computing community through her accomplishments and contributions on behalf of women in computing.”

We at Global Nerdy salute you, Ms. Frances Allen, with a filet mignon on a flaming sword!



GAYD gone; Google Apps takes on Microsoft Office

The Google Apps for Your Domain (GAYD) brand may be no more, but its successor, Google Apps, has taken on a much higher profile today: Google’s announced the for-pay Google Apps Premium targeted at large organizations.

The premium package bundles:

  • Gmail (10GB storage, ad-free, with BlackBerry support)
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Talk
  • Google Start Page
  • Google Pages Creator
  • Google Docs & Spreadsheets

For $50 per user/year.

Premium users get access to a set of APIs (such as single sign on through parter services from Sxip), which should allow enterprise customers to integrate their Google Apps suite with other applications.

The New York Times is just one of the many pubs covering this announcement to note that this is Google’s most direct threat to Microsoft yet:

By comparison, businesses pay on average about $225 a person annually for Office and Exchange, the Microsoft server software typically used for corporate e-mail systems, in addition to the costs of in-house management, customer support and hardware, according to the market research firm Gartner.

Google said initial customers of Google Apps would include a unit of Procter & Gamble and, a pioneer in the business of delivering software as an Internet service.

“We are in the process of phasing out Microsoft Office and Exchange from our company,” said Marc Benioff, the chief executive of and a frequent Microsoft critic.

GE, incidentally, is another enterprise charter customer for Google Apps.

Despite the coverage, this is by no means a battle of equals. Yet. Microsoft’s Office suite is more complete (it includes a local database and presentation program, and is tightly integrated with Microsoft’s business graphics and project management tools), more powerful, works offline, and is more entrenched (a scary amount of people’s work involves Visual Basic for Applications scripts). Those strengths, however, are also Google’s opening.

Microsoft claims nearly a half-billion Office users out there, about 7.5% of the world’s population (that number seems crazy, but I bet that official estimate doesn’t even account for people using pirated copies!). You can be sure that a huge chunk of that user base barely scratches the surface of what Office can do. They use Excel to make lists and perform simple arithmetic. They use Word as a glorified text processor. They never touch the journaling features in Outlook. If big companies can serve those users’ needs with Google Apps tomorrow as well as they do with Office today, I’m sure they’ll at least take the time to crunch some numbers and ask some questions.

Their business cases will, no doubt, be created in Word and Excel, and presented in PowerPoint.

Source: Google Press Center: Press Release


“Hi, I’m Larry, this is my phone ‘iPhone’, and this is my other phone ‘iPhone’.”

Linksys and Apple iPhones

Well, that’s one lawsuit down: Cisco and Apple have not only agreed to share the “iPhone” trademark, but it also seems as if there’s even going to be a little cooperation between the two companies. Apple’s press statement is so terse that I can actually quote it in its entirety below:

SAN JOSE and CUPERTINO, California—February 21, 2007—Cisco and Apple® today announced that they have resolved their dispute involving the “iPhone” trademark. Under the agreement, both companies are free to use the “iPhone” trademark on their products throughout the world. Both companies acknowledge the trademark ownership rights that have been granted, and each side will dismiss any pending actions regarding the trademark. In addition, Cisco and Apple will explore opportunities for interoperability in the areas of security, and consumer and enterprise communications. Other terms of the agreement are confidential.

I’m just a coder who likes to schmooze (or a schmoozer who likes to code, take your pick), so I’m going to leave it to suitier minds than mind to think about any of the business implications of the deal. I suppose that there’s a business analogue to wrestling fans who would’ve loved to have seen an epic WWE-style corporate smackdown; these people will be sorely disappointed.

PC World’s Techlog had the same thought I did: What were Apple’s “Plan B” names for the phone in case Cisco was able to prevent them from using the iPhone name? My money would’ve been on “Apple Phone”, which as others have said, has a certain symmetry with another product name of theirs, Apple TV.

There still remains a possible trademark dispute in Canada, where Comwave, a telecom company, have been using the iPhone brand for its VOIP services. I’d like to see them come to an agreement with Apple like the one with Cisco, even if only so that I could use an iPhone to call someone on their iPhone connected to iPhone.


James Gosling to be Given the Order of Canada

James Gosling.

We here at Global Nerdy would like to congratulate Canada’s own Global Nerd, Java creator James Gosling, on his being named to the Order of Canada, the country’s highest civilian honor. Here’s a CBC News article covering Gosling’s award, and for you non-Canadians out there, here’s a quick explanation of the Order of Canada.


When Fedora Defections Meet Online Jerks

It’s a rare thing to have two completely unrelated blog articles that appear on the same day suddenly intersect on the same day, but that’s just what happened.

The first blog article is Eric S. Raymond Ditches Red Hat for Ubuntu, Might Keep Red Shirt, which covers ESR’s dumping Red Hat/Fedora as his Linux distro of choice for Ubuntu.

The other blog article is the one immediately after it: The GIFT Theory Explains Why People Are Such Jerks Online. In that article, I pointed to a TechDirt article on online jerks and a Penny Arcade comic on the same topic.

The hairs on the back of your neck must already be rising — you’re probably beginning to form an idea of how these two stories intersect. I’ll show you, by way of this response by Alan Cox on the Fedora developers’ mailing list to Eric S. Raymond’s open letter:

On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 03:03:50AM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> * Failure to address the problem of proprietary multimedia formats
> with any attitude other than blank denial.

That would be because we believe in Free Software and doing
the right thing (a practice you appear to have given up on).
Maybe it is time the term “open source” also did the
decent thing and died out with you.

> I’m not expecting Ubuntu to be perfect, but I am now certain it will
> be enough better to compensate me for the fact that I need to learn
> a new set of administration tools.

I’m sure they will be delighted to have you

This isn’t the behaviour of the Alan Cox I know from a brief meeting at a LinuxWorld or from his typically friendly and helpful mailing list postings; it’s the lashing out of a petulant adolescent showing the kind of behaviour that drove me away from Slashdot and Digg. I hope he rejoins the rest of the grown-ups and posts an apology soon.



The GIFT Theory Explains Why People Are Such Jerks Online

One of the Mikes (there are three) at Techdirt spills a lot of ink (or, more accurately, electrons) in a quick piece titled Why People Are Such Jerks Online. There’s a more succinct version of what he wrote in this old Penny Arcade webcomic from March 2004:

Penny Arcade’s “Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory”.
