Current Events Editorial

…and just like that, Twitter rescinded the policy

“I’m so happy / ’cause today I found my friends / they’re on Mastodon…”

Mere hours ago, I posted an article title Twitter just banned links to many other social media services. Near the end of that article, I wrote:

Twitter might revoke the policy by the end of this week. It wouldn’t be the first time since Elon took charge that they did something rash, then undid it hastily.

(I added some additional emphasis to that first sentence.)

Never mind by the end of the week; they revoked the policy by the end of the day! At 9:50 p.m. EDT on Sunday, December 18, Molly White (@molly0xFFF on Twitter) tweeted:

As I keep saying: at Twitter, there is no plan, just knee-jerk responses to stimuli.

If you’re still using Twitter, ask yourself why.

And if you’re still working at Twitter and there isn’t something like an H-1B, medical insurance, or a much-needed contribution to the household income keeping you there, ask yourself why twice.

Current Events Editorial

Twitter just banned links to many other social media services

Two-panel graphic. Panel 1 has the text “Does your tweet have a link to something on these services?” followed by the icons for Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Nostr, Post, Tribel, and Truth Social. Panel 2 has the text “That’s a paddlin’”, featuring Jasper from “The Simpsons”, glowering and holding a paddle.

Earlier this afternoon U.S. Eastern time (UTC-5), while much of the world’s attention was on the World Cup — and in fact, while Elon Musk himself was in Qatar to catch the finals — Twitter announced a new policy prohibiting linking to anything on the following platforms, listed in alphabetical order:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Mastodon
  • Nostr
  • Post
  • Tribel
  • Truth Social

Nostr isn’t even a social media service, but a protocol that’s so new that the definitive site is its Github repo.

Because this is a Twitter story, there has to be a dumb twist: Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter, recently donated to the Nostr project. Once again, because this is a Twitter story, there has to be an even dumber twist: that Jack’s donation was in Bitcoin — 14 BTC, or $235,000 as I write this (it was $245,000 when Coindesk wrote the story about the donation).

What doesn’t Twitter allow anymore under the new policy?

The Promotion of alternative social platforms policy page says that Twitter will remove “any free promotion of prohibited 3rd-party social media platforms, such as linking out (i.e. using URLs)” to the services listed above, or even any mention of your handle on those services, such as:

  • “follow me @username on Instagram”
  • “”
  • “check out my profile on Facebook –”

The policy also states that “technical or non-technical” workarounds, including “plaintext obfuscation” (including the classic “I’m so-and-so at instagram dot com”) is a violation of this policy.

What does Twitter still allow under the new policy?

The page is a little more vague about links that aren’t a violation of the policy, which are summed up as links to social media platforms that “provide alternative experiences to Twitter, and allow users to post content to Twitter.” Presumably YouTube falls under this category, as does LinkedIn. The page also says that cross-posting to Twitter isn’t a violation of this policy, but only because it it were, it would be nearly impossible to enforce.

What are the consequences of posting something that contravenes the new policy?

Jasper from “The Simpsons,” glowering and holding a paddle.

First, there are violations at the per-tweet level. For tweets that count as “an isolated incident or first offense”, they have the option of deleting the offending tweet or temporarily locking your account. Repeat offenses mean getting locked out permanently.

Then, there are those violations at the account level — that is, where you mention one of the forbidden services in your Twitter bio or account name. As a matter of fact, as I write this, I am in violation of this new policy:

Screenshot of Joey deVilla’s Twitter bio, which includes his Mastodon handle, and the URL for his Mastodon page,

The policy states that anyone who does this will have their account temporarily suspended until they remove any mention of the offending services. Additional violations will result in a permanent suspension.

It’s just more evidence that there is no plan, just knee-jerk responses to stimuli

From the haphazard way they’ve been managing their own staff to disasters like the Blue Check program to the “Apple is kicking us out of the App Store!” non-event to capricious account suspensions to this, it should now be quite evident that there’s no plan being executed here — just a seat-of-the-pants scramble based on whatever whim Elon happens to have at the moment. I feel terrible for anyone who’s still working there.

This is NOT the time for premature compliance; this is the time to seek better places to post

If you’re reading this blog, there’s a good chance that you have a Twitter post or bio that points to something on one of the now-forbidden services. Before you change that post or bio to comply with the new policy, consider:

  • Twitter might revoke the policy by the end of this week. It wouldn’t be the first time since Elon took charge that they did something rash, then undid it hastily.
  • Do you really want to comply with such a policy?

My recommendations:

  • Stop feeding the beast. End your use of Twitter. Keep your account so that someone else doesn’t take your Twitter identity, but don’t use it.
  • Find better places to post. Use the social media services that meet your needs and that aren’t under the control of a raging narcissist whose id is out of control.
  • If you like long-form tweeting or “tweetstorming,” consider blogging. It’s a better medium for longer-form posts, and it gives you control over everything, from content to presentation, and it means you really own your content.
Current Events Editorial

Twitter’s new “official unofficial” motto

It might as well be their real motto now.

Artificial Intelligence

AI art isn’t quite “there” yet

AI-generated picture of an illustartion of a magazine showing a tubby-yet-muscular Elon Musk holding a big gun. His gun hand appears to have 8 fingers.
Tap to view at full size.

Pictured above is an AI-generated illustration of a magazine featuring Elon Musk. Note that his gun hand has a few too many fingers — or is it Schrödinger’s trigger discipline?

Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT passes one of my AI professor’s tests

Picture of a the boarding area of a bus terminal with this question superimposed over it: “If someone is sitting in the waiting area of a bus station, what's the likelihood that they're wearing a tuxedo?”
Photo of Dr. Janice Glasgow.
Dr. Janice Glasgow, Professor Emerita, Queen’s University, Canada.

Back when I was a computer science student at Crazy Go Nuts University, the professor teaching the AI course — Dr. Janice Glasgow — said that this question would stump just about every conversational artificial intelligence system at the time:

If someone is sitting in the waiting area of a bus station, what’s the likelihood that they’re wearing a tuxedo?

This was back when “AI” most often referred to rules-based AI, which was based on programmed sets of rules and facts. In effect, they were made of a big collection “if this, then do that” instructions. These systems generally “learn” only through their programming; expanding their knowledge typically means doing more programming.

Today, “AI” is generally used to refer to machine learning, which take a pool of data (generally, the bigger that pool, the better) and use it to “train” themselves by making predictions based on that data and adapting to feedback (often provided by humans) on those predictions. These systems generally “learn” from “experience”. Expanding their knowledge typically means providing them with more data and feedback on the predictions they make based on that data.

(If you’d like to know more about the differences between rules-based systems and machine learning, this article is a good place to start.)

Still frame from the “Sailor Moon” anime showing Tuxedo Mask.
Tuxedo Mask might make an appearance at a bus station…

For a rules-based system to be able to answer the question “How likely is a person waiting at a bus station to be wearing a tuxedo?”, it would not only have to be able to parse an English question, but it would also have to know what a bus station is, what a tuxedo is, and general rules about clothing, different levels of formality and other social rules (many of which are unwritten), and of course, how terrible bus stations are.

ChatGPT seems to be pretty good at answering “artifical general intelligence” questions, or at least pretty good at faking it. I thought I’d ask it Dr. Glasgow’s question, and this is how it replied:

It is unlikely that someone sitting in the waiting area of a bus station would be wearing a tuxedo. Tuxedos are typically worn for formal occasions such as weddings, black tie events, or proms. It is more common for people waiting at a bus station to be dressed in casual or practical clothing that is suitable for travel. That being said, it is always possible that someone might be wearing a tuxedo for any number of reasons, but it would not be a typical or expected sight in a bus station waiting area.


Meetups Mobile Programming Tampa Bay

Tampa’s iOS meetup is coming back as Tampa Bay Apple Coding!

I’m bringing back the Tampa iOS Meetup in 2023 under a new name: Tampa Bay Apple Coding Meetup. If you’re in the Tampa Bay area and want to learn how to program Apple devices in Swift, this meetup will be for you!

I’ve got a fair bit of experience showing people how to build applications for Apple devices and technologies, from doing presentations on coding augmented reality apps for the iPhone…

…to co-authoring the book on iOS development…

…to writing all sorts of apps:

These meetups will follow my usual modus operandi:

  • We’ll define a simple app that we want to make for the iPhone/iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, or other Apple device.
  • Then we’ll look at the tools and techniques that will allow us to create that app.
  • And finally, you’ll code along with me as we build the app together. You’ll leave the meetup with either a complete app, or at least a part of the app that you can continue working on.

The goal is to help you learn coding or sharpen your skills by building apps for the preferred devices of the digerati!

I’m currently working on getting a space for the first meetup of Tampa Bay Apple Coding in January — watch this space for announcements!

To find out more, see the Tampa Bay Apple Coding meetup page.

Current Events Meetups Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events (Week of Monday, December 19, 2022)

Winter Village and Curtis Hixon Christmas Lights by Matthew Paulson.
Click to view the source.

Here’s the list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events for Tampa Bay and surrounding areas for the week of Monday, December 19 through Sunday, December 25, 2022. That’s right — this is the week leading up to Christmas!

Every week, with the assistance of a couple of Jupyter Notebooks that I put together, I compile this list for the Tampa Bay tech community.

As far as event types go, this list casts a rather wide net. It includes events that would be of interest to techies, nerds, and entrepreneurs. It includes (but isn’t limited to) events that fall under the category of:

  • Programming, DevOps, systems administration, and testing
  • Tech project management / agile processes
  • Video, board, and role-playing games
  • Book, philosophy, and discussion clubs
  • Tech, business, and entrepreneur networking events
  • Toastmasters (because nerds really need to up their presentation game)
  • Sci-fi, fantasy, and other genre fandoms
  • Anything I deem geeky

By “Tampa Bay and surrounding areas”, this list covers events that originate or are aimed at the area within 100 miles of the Port of Tampa. At the very least, that includes the cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater, but as far north as Ocala, as far south as Fort Myers, and includes Orlando and its surrounding cities.

This week’s events

Keep these two things in mind for the next couple of weeks:

  • The end of December is usually a slow time for meetups.
  • A number of organizers schedule their events using’s “autopilot” feature, using an option like “2nd Tuesday of every month,” and it doesn’t account for holidays with lengthier downtimes, like Christmas.

The closer an event is to Christmas, which falls on Sunday this year, the more likely it is to be cancelled. Double-check with the organizers before attending an event!

Monday, December 19

GroupEvent NameTime
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!In person at Fords Garage St Pete11:00 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsDowntown St Pete Business Professionals Lunch11:00 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netSt. Pete Networking Lunch! Fords Garage! Monday’s11:30 AM
Christian Professionals Network Tampa BayLive Online Connection Meeting- Monday11:30 AM
Clean Fiction Writers of Central FloridaWriting Publishing & Marketing Your Book12:00 PM
Free Video Production Classes – TV/InternetYouTube Basics (ONLINE CLASS) – FREE for Hillsborough County Residents4:00 PM
SCIPS, a 50+ Tampa Bay Singles ClubEUCHRE, Rummy Q and other Board Games for ENTHUSIASTIC GAME PLAYERS4:00 PM
OrlandopreneurOrlandopreneur Holiday party5:30 PM
Tampa Bay Google Cloud User GroupGoogle Cloud Next 22 Announcements5:30 PM
Toastmasters, Division DACE Advanced Toastmasters 32744806:00 PM
Brews N Board GamesBoard Game Night at Persimmon Hollow Flamingo Crossings6:00 PM
Tampa Bay TabletoppersMonday Feast & Game Night6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesMTG: Commander Night6:00 PM
TIME OF YOUR LIFE! 50+Trivia Social Liam Fitzpatricks / Lake Mary6:00 PM
Board Game Meetup: Board Game BoxcarMonday Weekly Board Game Night! (Lazy Moon Colonial Location)6:00 PM
Orlando Bitcoin MaximalistsSecond Orlando Bitcoin Maximalists meetup6:30 PM
Shut Up & Write!® OrlandoShut Up & Write!® Dr. Phillips/Orlando6:30 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Off the Wagon Kitchen & Brewery Smartphone Trivia Game Show6:30 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s GuildTomb of Annhilation (APL 6 Forgotten Realms) – DM Carson6:30 PM
Ironhack Tampa – Tech Careers, Learning and NetworkingLearn the Basics of Python Programming from an Industry Expert 📊7:00 PM
Learn-To-Trade Crypto – Online (As seen on Orlando Sentinel)Learn-To-Trade Q&A (0NLINE)7:00 PM
Light Study PRO – A Photography Workshop for Emerging ProsMembers as far back as 2008 can access their photos7:00 PM
Library Book Clubs – OCLSVirtual Event: Hiawassee Book Club7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Board Game Night at Armada Games7:00 PM
Tampa Online Poker ClubTexas Holdem cash games Online every night at 7PM EST7:00 PM
Orlando StoicsONLINE: “Learning from Epictetus” (Part 1)7:00 PM
Learn-To-Trade Forex – Online (As seen on Orlando Sentinel)Learn-To-Trade Q&A (ONLINE)7:00 PM
Meet New People As Adults – Which is Harder Than ExpectedTrivia Night to Meet New People7:00 PM
Toastmasters Division ELakeland (FL) Toastmasters Club #22627:00 PM
Toastmasters Division GSpanglish Toastmasters Club 77037317:00 PM
Central Florida AD&D (1st ed.) Grognards GuildWorld of Greyhawk: 1E One-Shots7:30 PM

Tuesday, December 20

GroupEvent NameTime
Business Strategy Meetup GroupBusiness Networking7:15 AM
Network Professionals Inc. of South Pinellas (NPI)NPI St. Pete Business Builders Chapter – Exchange Qualified Business Referrals7:30 AM
Orlando Melrose MakersIn-Person: Makerspace Open Lab10:30 AM
Florida Startup: Idea to IPOHow to Find Product Market Fit Quickly11:00 AM
ManageEngine’s Cybersecurity MeetupsEnhance your help desk productivity with ADManager Plus integration11:00 AM
SWAT Networking – Successful Women Aligning TogetherSWAT Networking Bradenton Luncheon11:00 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Meetings & MixersUpper Pinellas,Oldsmar,Westchase Networking Lunch -Wild Rover Brewing Company11:00 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsWestchase/Oldsmar Business Networking Lunch ~ All Welcome11:00 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!Westchase/Oldsmar Business Networking Lunch ~ All Welcome11:00 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netOldsmar/Westchase Networking Lunch – Wild Rover Brewing Company11:00 AM
Pasco County Young Entrepreneurs/Business Owners All WelcomeProfessional Business Networking Lunch Glory Day’s New Tampa11:30 AM
Wesley Chapel, Trinity, New Tampa, Business ProfessionalsNew Tampa Networking Lunch at Glory Day’s Grill New Tampa11:30 AM
Manatee River Business Exchange ClubGreat group for referrals – Several new members – WE are growing!!!12:00 PM
Orlando Professional Networking Meetup GroupLadies Entrepreneurs of Dr. Phillips12:00 PM
Global Networking SummitNetworking Brunch12:00 PM
WEB3CFL -Art – Music – Gaming -Bitcoin -Crypto -BlockchainBitcoin/Crypto. Buying, Selling and sharing ideas. Small group atmosphere.1:00 PM
Free Video Production Classes – TV/InternetSocial Video Marketing Tips(ONLINE CLASS)-FREE for Hillsborough County Residents4:30 PM
St. Petersburg Business Networking Pick-up BasketballWeekly pickup networking basketball6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Photographic Arts CommunityHow To Sell Yourself with Booray Perry6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesMarvel Crisis Protocol Night6:00 PM
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyMeet & Greet at O’Keefe’s Family Restaurant6:00 PM
Tampa Bay SQL Server User Group (TBSSUG)TBSSUG Monthly Meeting6:00 PM
Tampa HackerspaceWeekly Open Make Night6:00 PM
Network After Work Tampa – Networking EventsFree Virtual Tampa Networking6:00 PM
Women, Words and WineDecember book- The Beekeeper of Aleppo6:00 PM
Adventures On Tap DnD and Board GamesNerd Night at Deadwords Brewing6:00 PM
Pinellas WritersWeekly Group Meetings – All Writers Welcome!6:30 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Moose Lodge 2117 Smartphone Trivia Game Show6:30 PM
Tampa Investor/Training MeetupTampa Bay Investor Training6:30 PM
West Pasco Toastmasters Club Weekly Meeting6:30 PM
WordPress St. PetersburgAsk Us Anything: WordPress Support Crowdsourcing Meetup6:30 PM
Tampa Investor/Training MeetupTampa Bay Investor Training6:30 PM
Saint Petersburg Book Club Meetup GroupDec Book Club6:30 PM
Ironhack Orlando – Tech Careers, Learning and NetworkingThe basics of Data Analytics 📈7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Coalition of ReasonOnline: Tampa Bay Technology Center (TBTC) Monthly Meeting7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!D&D Adventurers League at Armada Games7:00 PM
St. Pete Beers ‘n Board Games for Young AdultsSt. Pete Beers ‘n Board Games Meetup for Young Adults7:00 PM
TB Chess – Tampa Bay – St. Petersburg Chess Meetup GroupLet’s play chess at 54th Ave Kava House!7:30 PM
Become A Crypto-Verse-Preneur! Get A Free NFT!Become A Crypto-Verse-Preneur!7:30 PM
Shut Up & Write!® TampaOnline Event: Shut Up & Write on Zoom7:45 PM

Wednesday, December 21

GroupEvent NameTime
Toastmasters Division EWorld Toasters7:10 AM
Network Professionals Inc. of South Pinellas (NPI)NPI Profit Partners Chapter – Exchange Qualified Business Referrals7:30 AM
Business Networking for Entrepreneurs of ColorVirtual Business Networking – Entrepreneurs of Color8:00 AM
Bootstrappers Breakfast® – Tampa Bay AreaEast Coast Bootstrappers Breakfast®8:30 AM
ManageEngine’s Cybersecurity MeetupsTracking Windows user logon 10111:00 AM
Christian Professionals Network Tampa BayOnline Mastermind 3rd. Wednesday11:00 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Meetings & MixersBrandon Networking Professionals Networking Lunch11:30 AM
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners of Sarasota & BradentonSarasota Business Networking Lunch All Welcome, Just purchase Lunch!11:30 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!Brandon Business Professionals Just Love Coffee11:30 AM
Bradenton/Sarasota Networking Meetings and MixersBusiness Networking Lunch11:30 AM
National Association of Entrepreneurs Mastermind GroupNational Association of Entrepreneurs Mastermind Group Meeting11:30 AM
Web Design And SEO/SEM Three Sixty DegreesWeb Design And SEO/SEM Three Sixty Degrees12:00 PM
Tampa Startup Founder 101AMA + FI Info Session with Co-Founder & CEO Jonathan Greechan1:00 PM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netPort Richey Professional Networking at NerdQuest Cafe inside Gulf View Mall1:30 PM
TampaBayNetworkers15+30 Virtual Networking2:45 PM
Florida Startup: Idea to IPOFREE WEBINAR: How to Outsource Development of Your App5:00 PM
Brandon BoardgamersBoard Gaming – In Person5:00 PM
The Tampa Chapter of the Society for the Exploration of PlayPlaying Games in the Alley5:00 PM
Tampa Gaming GuildWednesday Board Game Night5:30 PM
Sarasota Business Exchange ClubWe ARE meeting again at Rusty Bucket Restaurant5:30 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Hobby Night – Minis Painting Tips & Tricks at Armada Games6:00 PM
DigitalDeLandDigital DeLand Monthly Meeting6:00 PM
InFLOWential Leader & Entrepreneur Community SocialInFLOWential Leader & Entrepreneur Community Social6:00 PM
Brews N Board GamesBoard Game Night at Deadwords Brewing6:00 PM
Board Game Meetup: Board Game BoxcarBlood on the Clocktower & Board Games! (Deadwords Brewing Location)6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesBoard Game Night6:00 PM
The Pinellas County Young “Professionals”Winter Solstice Wine Wednesday bitch @ Draculas legacy6:00 PM
The Weirder Things Book ClubDark Matter by Blake Crouch finish6:30 PM
Shut Up & Write!® TampaShut Up & Write!® [Tampa / Sorrento Sweets] – IN PERSON6:30 PM
Design St. PeteDesign St. Pete – Holiday Happy Hour6:30 PM
Tampa Hackerspace3D Printing Orientation: Models and Slicers7:00 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupSmartphone Trivia Game Show at Wilders Pizza7:00 PM
Castaways Euchre ClubCastaways Euchre Club7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Bitcoin[Virtual] Tampa Bay Bitcoin Meetup: News, Markets, & Community7:00 PM
Central Florida AD&D (1st ed.) Grognards GuildNew Beginnings & Old Rivalries7:00 PM
Central Florida CitySecCigarCitySec Meetup7:00 PM
Agile OrlandoThe Agile Un-Book Lean Beer7:00 PM
Nerd Night OutGames & Grog – Party Games Social Night7:00 PM
Comics, Animation and etc.Far Sector9:00 PM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsBrandon Business Professionals IN Person!!!!11:30 PM

Thursday, December 22

GroupEvent NameTime
Pasco County Young Entrepreneurs/Business Owners All WelcomeHappy Hangar Early Bird Professionals Networking7:30 AM
TampaBayNetworkersSuncoast Networkers8:30 AM
Orlando Melrose MakersIn-Person: Makerspace Open Lab10:30 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!The Founders Meeting where it all Began! JOIN us! Bring a guest and get a gift11:00 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Happy Hour/Meetings/Meet UpPinellas County’s Largest Networking Lunch and your invited!11:00 AM
Orlando Cybersecurity Meetup5 incident response tips derived from cyberattacks in 202211:00 AM
Florida Startup: Idea to IPOHow to Cut Product Development Costs by up to 50%!11:00 AM
WEB3CFL -Art – Music – Gaming -Bitcoin -Crypto -BlockchainCrypto Set-up Class -Limited to 5 Seats Only11:00 AM
ManageEngine’s Cybersecurity Meetups2 core concepts of Identity Management11:00 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsClearwater/Central Pinellas Networking Lunch11:00 AM
Business Game Changers GroupClearwater Professional Networking Lunch11:00 AM
Network Professionals Inc. of South Pinellas (NPI)NPI Power Lunch – Exchange Qualified Business Referrals11:30 AM
Wesley Chapel, Trinity, New Tampa, Business ProfessionalsWesley Chapel Professional Networking Lunch11:30 AM
Pasco County Young Entrepreneurs/Business Owners All WelcomeWesley Chapel Professional Networking Lunch at Chuck Lager America’s Tavern11:30 AM
“Learn and Earn” Millionaire Mind Secrets & NetworkingOnline Zoom! Millionaire Mind Lunch; Book Club and Networking!12:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Commander Open Play Night at Armada Games1:00 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Bunkers Bar of Sun City Center Smartphone Trivia Game Show4:00 PM
Summerfield Board/Card Game NightSummerfield Tabletop/Board/Card Games6:00 PM
Brandon and Seffner area AD&D and Rifts (Palladium) Group2nd ed. AD&D Campaign.6:00 PM
Social & Networking EventSocial/Networking Event6:00 PM
Hosted By Magic the Gathering Tampa/Brandon/St PeteNerdy Needs (Casual Thursday Commander Night)6:00 PM
Orlando Board Gaming Weekly MeetupCentral Florida Board Gaming at The Collective6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesWarhammer Night6:00 PM
Tampa Free Writing GroupWriting Meetup6:30 PM
Tampa Writers AllianceTampa Writers Alliance Poetry Group6:30 PM
Drunk’n Meeples the Social Tabletop (Board) GamersTHURSDAY Game Night @ Brighter Days Brewing Company6:30 PM
YEA Young Entrepreneurs of AmericaYEA: Young Entrepreneur Networking & Mixer6:30 PM
Live streaming production and talentLive streaming production and talent7:00 PM
Business Networking for Entrepreneurs of ColorVirtual Business Networking – Entrepreneurs of Color7:00 PM
Tampa HackerspaceLaser Cutter Orientation (Members Only)7:00 PM
Learn-To-Trade Forex – Online (As seen on Orlando Sentinel)Learn-To-Trade Stocks, Options & ETFs (ONLINE)7:00 PM

Friday, December 23

🎄Keep in mind that a number of people schedule their LinkedIn events on “autopilot” and set the for “every 3rd Friday of the month,” or something similar. They often forget to account for holidays. Check with the organizers that an event is actually happening before going!

GroupEvent NameTime
Tampa Bay AgileLean Coffee for All Things Agile (Westshore)7:30 AM
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners of Sarasota & BradentonA.C.T. Acquire Connections Today Morning Business Networking All Welcome!7:45 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!Tampa Young Professionals Virtual Networking Friday Morning All WElCOME8:45 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsA.C.T. Acquire Connections Today Morning Business Networking All Welcome!8:45 AM
Christian Professionals Network Tampa BayImprove Speaking Skills & Build Confidence9:25 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Meetings & MixersFriday Business Introductions!11:30 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsInternational Professionals Networking Meeting11:30 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netFriday International Business Introductions at McAllisters Westshore11:30 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!Friday Business Introductions JOIN us at Cafe Delanie All Welcome11:30 AM
Clermont Nerd GamesBoard Game Night!5:00 PM
Tampa Gaming GuildFriday Board Game Night5:30 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Board Game night at The Strange Realms in Carrollwood Friday, 6 PM6:00 PM
Nerd Night OutTaps & Drafts6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesMTG: Commander FNM6:00 PM
Dunnellon Area Board GamersFriday Night Board Gaming6:00 PM
Florida Python NinjasPython Meet and Greet6:00 PM
Oviedo Middle Aged Gamers (OMAG)Tabletop: Friday Board Game Night7:00 PM
MakerFX MakerspaceMakerFX Makerspace 3D Printing Guild7:00 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s GuildCanon’s Custom Campaign Moonsea Tour – DM Canon (Tier 3)7:00 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Daiquiri Deck on the Island in Venice7:30 PM
Gen GeekChristmas caroling for a Cause7:30 PM

Saturday, December 24

🎄 Christmas Eve alert: These events are scheduled on LinkedIn and Eventbrite, but there’s no guarantee that they’re actually happening this day. Check with the organizers!

GroupEvent NameTime
Central Florida Philosophy MeetupWake Up and Think Clearly Saturday morning share and discuss.7:00 AM
Toastmasters Division GEarly Bird Ocala8:00 AM
Chess RepublicCoffee & Chess: Tampa Midtown9:30 AM
Writers Group at the Haunted Antique ShopWriters Group at the Haunted Antique Shop9:30 AM
Winning The WeekWinning The Week – 4th Meet10:00 AM
Orlando Melrose MakersIn-Person: Makerspace Open Lab10:30 AM
Casual Scrabble PlayScrabble for ALL levels!11:00 AM
Suncoast MakersFREE Fab Lab Orientation1:00 PM
Oviedo Middle Aged Gamers (OMAG)Golf Group – RPG One-Shots6:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsCommunity Hang-out Night7:00 PM
Central Florida AD&D (1st ed.) Grognards GuildTHE ONE-SHOT GUILD7:00 PM
Nerd Night OutNB Community Hang-out Night!7:00 PM

Sunday, December 25

🎄 Merry Christmas! Take all of the events listed below with a grain of salt and a big cup of eggnog — they may not actually be happening! Check with the organizers before you go.

GroupEvent NameTime
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyChristmas Morning with Duke and Duchess (Bald Eagles)8:00 AM
There’s A Book For That: Self-Improvement Book ClubWeekly meeting10:00 AM
Suncoast Critical Thinking Discussion GroupHoliday & Human Light Gathering1:00 PM
Drunk’n Meeples West Pasco (Boardgames)Weekend Game Day1:00 PM
Beginners Guide to D & D (Tampa Bay area)D&D Adventurers League1:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!D&D Adventurers League at Critical Hit Games2:00 PM
Toastmasters Division EFind Your Funny Toastmaster6:30 PM
Learn-To-Trade Stocks – Online (As seen on Orlando Sentinel)Learn-To-Trade Crypto, Forex & Futures (Online)7:00 PM
Learn-To-Trade Forex – Online (As seen on Orlando Sentinel)Learn-To-Trade Forex, Crypto & Futures (ONLINE)7:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsHidden Gems Night, Presented by A Duck!7:00 PM
Orlando Social Poker ClubTexas Holdem cash games Online every night at 7PM EST7:00 PM
Learn-To-Trade Crypto – Online (As seen on Orlando Sentinel)Learn-To-Trade Cryptos, Forex & Futures (ONLINE)7:00 PM
Nerd Night OutNerdBrew Karaoke @ MacDinton’s!8:00 PM
Solana – TampaOffice Hours8:00 PM

Do you have any events or announcements that you’d like to see on this list?

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