
Searchblog: It's all over for AOL save the price tag

Says John Battelle: "Now, clearly this is sourced by folks who were Miller lieutenants, but they say Falco's unexpected appointment means one thing: AOL is going to be stripped down and sold off within the next year."

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NBC may move Saturday to Friday, and TV to the web

Perhaps it's just a case of an executive thinking aloud, but it would be interesting to see a major network put some of the content it creates (but doesn't currently monetize) into a medium like the web, that doesn't carry an opportunity cost for reaching an audience.

At a recent conference, NBC Universal chief digital officer George Kliavkoff mused that perhaps the company will webcast Friday night rehearsals of Saturday Night Live. This is a pretty sharp idea, as it's easy to imagine people wanting to watch something like this, for the same reason that people buy DVDs for their extra content. Depending on your view of the current state of SNL, it could easily be more entertaining than the show itself.

For NBC to put the stuff it has in its vault on TV, they'd have to remove something else from the schedule (although the way NBC's ratings are going, they might do better to replace some of their primetime programming with old eps of "Knight Rider.") By putting it on the web, or even the iTunes Store, NBC can satisfy an audience and make money, without messing around with their most precious real-estate: the 8pm-11pm weeknight block.


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Shortsighted studios stymie Apple video ambitions?

The Financial Times is reporting that Apple's negotiations with the major movie studios over video content for the iTunes Store have hit a late-term DRM snag.

After months of discussion, a sticking point has emerged over the studios’ demand that Apple limit the number of devices that can use a film downloaded from iTunes.

The specifics of their objection are more explicitly stated in another FT article on the same topic:

Currently, content on iTunes can be uploaded to an unlimited number of iPods. This means people can freely copy music content by “synching” their iPods with their friends’ computers.

I'm sure many people will be surprised to find that they can pull songs onto their iPods off their friends' computers.

When you buy a track on the iTunes Store, you're restricted to playing it on a handful (currently five) registered computers. That is, the individual computers' copies of iTunes are associated with your account at the iTunes Store. As the FT says, you can upload your purchased tracks onto an unlimited number of iPods. Now, most people probably haven't tried to dock their iPod to more than one computer, so they probably aren't aware of the fact that the iPod associates itself with a single "home" iTunes library, and treats that as the definitive source of what goes on the iPod. It's part of the way Apple keeps the synchronization experience so smooth: you dock your iPod, it launches iTunes, looks for new material (tracks, podcasts, photos, movies) as well as any changes in your playlists or library, and makes the appropriate updates.

It is entirely possible, however, for a single iPod to serve several Macs by putting the iPod into manual update mode. Apple tells you how to do it on their support site. That means I could connect my iPod to Joey's Mac and manually add tracks that he bought from the iTunes Store to it. Thus may I enjoy content I did not pay for, [Thanks, anonymous commentermy iPod couldn't play something Joey bought on his iTunes Store account without being "controlled" by Joey's iTunes library; I'd have to let his copy of iTunes manage my iPod and potentially wipe my stuff off. That still means I could enjoy content he paid for temporarily until I resynchronized my iPod to my own library] And so the movie studios tremble in fear. But is that fear really justified?

One thing to remember about all of this is that it requires a better-than-average command of the care and feeding of iPods and iTunes, so many happy iPod owners (the ones who have never even cracked open the manual for their precious MP3 player) aren't going to be trying this stuff any time soon. Even if they did, Apple's bridge to the living room, the "iTV" device and software, doesn't stream content from the iPod; it pulls it off another computer in your home (presumably the "home" computer whose copy of iTunes "controls" your iPod). This means that you'd have to figure out some way to get the borrowed content off the iPod and back onto the "home" computer, and that's not something Apple's made easy. Even if you did crack that nut, of course, the borrower's computer presumably wouldn't be one of the five machines registered to play the purchaser's content. You would have to figure out a way to strip the FairPlay DRM restrictions from the file.

So, under the current scheme of things, two people could eventually enjoy a track only one person paid for, and the networking would be via iPod. The second person, however, wouldn't be able to move it off his iPod and onto his own machine without the aid of third party work-arounds, including some way to defeat FairPlay (I suppose one way around these restrictions would be to simply run your iPod through a dock that connects to your home theater, but then the content stays on your iPod, occupying space).

Even though these loopholes in sharing restrictions exist, none of this has led to the collapse of the music or television industries, nor to the demise of Disney. Serious movie pirates don't need to bother with ripping off iTunes Store content (that's why the studios have a piracy problem now, even though they don't yet offer their wares for download from Apple). It seems strangely paranoid of them to fixate on a marginal abuse case with a willing partner like Apple when the existing piracy scenario is already much worse. You can already rip a DVD to your hard drive, convert it to MPEG-4 video, and create an iPod-playable version of the content without the movie studios making their content available on the iTunes Store. The additional piracy that might emerge from any weakness in FairPlay is, at best, marginal, and would logically be offset by the offering iPod users an easy, reliable, and convenient legitimate option for digital versions of movies.

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Cult of Mac: iPod Chargers Outselling Zune on Amazon

According to CBS MarketWatch, Zune is the 75th best-selling electronic product on Amazon, while the lowly Apple USB iPod Charger is a lofty no. 66. Yep, a power cord was beating down the latest iPod Killer.

The latest stats have the charger coming in at #51, while the 30GB Zune in black trails by ten places at #61.


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Welcome to the Social Phone Numbers

A scene from 'Worst Date Ever, Part 4'.

You don't have to tell me about the hazards of the dating world. I've had dates end in complete disaster (by “disaster”, I mean that she was curled up in a ball screaming at me in front of a busload of art gallery attendees) and I've unknowing gone out with an identity thief (but was saved by the social network of my personal blog).

We've all heard stories about the annoying person who won't stop calling or who won't take a hint. In response, people have turned to technologies to provide some kind of communications buffer, such as the Hotmail or GMail address that one gives to casual acquaintances or potential dates or “social phone numbers”, which are explained in the New York Times article, Here's My Number (For Today).



"Can't Sleep…Vista Will Eat My Network Connection Settings…"

The 'Can't sleep...clown will eat me' scene from 'The Simpsons'.
Can't sleep…clown will eat me…

After the registration annoyances and the three separate attempts it took to get the damned thing to install, there's been one more annoyance that I've encountered with Release Candidate 1 of Windows Vista. After waking up the computer from sleep, it seems to have forgotten its network connection settings.

This problem would become apparent whenever I'd attempt to use the browser. The browser would display “Waiting for URL of site…” in the status bar for about 10 or so seconds, after which I would be informed that I was not connected to the internet. After checking to see that the cable was properly plugged into my PC's network card, the router was working properly and that my internet connection was indeed active, I fired up the “Network and Sharing Center” control panel and attempt to get Vista back on the LAN.

There was just one problem: connecting to the LAN wasn't an available option. The only options that Vista provided were:

  • Connect via PPPoE with your username and password
  • Connect via modem

I searched through the various control panels, looked at numerous help windows and even tried a couple of wizards, but in the end, I went with the tried-and-true fix of “shut up and reboot”. Upon rebooting, the network connection worked just fine…

…until the machine went to sleep again. Then I was back in “You are not connected to the Internet” land again.

The fix was simple: don't let the machine sleep. In the “Power Options” control panel, I set the “Put the computer to sleep” control to “Never” and haven't had a problem with my network connection since.

When dealing with nightmares, whether they're Freddy Kruger or Windows Vista, sometimes the best thing to do is not to sleep.

Bonus Cultural Reading Material

Wikipedia has an article on the catchphrase “Can't sleep…clown will eat me”.


Happy Birthday, George!

About this time 20 years ago, I met this character at Queen's University in our dorm, Leonard Hall:

George raises a martini glass at an OpenCola 'Tiki Friday' event, circa 2000.
George Scriban, at an OpenCola “Tiki Friday” event, circa 2000.

…and since then, we've been collaborating on all sorts of stuff, from the school's humor paper to working at the engineering pub to being in a band together to OpenCola. One of the reasons I like Global Nerdy is that it's yet another chance for us to work on a project together.

Happy birthday, you old poop.