
Microsoft Dances to Universal Music's Shakedown Tune; Will Pay Uni a Buck a Zune

I woke up to some sad news today: Microsoft, once the most feared company in the world, is a total wuss. They've cut a crazy deal with Universal Music Group to pay a $1 royalty for every Zune device they sell (in addition to any royalties for UMG music they actually manage to shift). The New York Times has the details:

In a rare move, Microsoft said yesterday that it had agreed to pay a percentage of the sales of its new portable media player to the Universal Music Group.

Universal Music, a unit of Vivendi, will receive a royalty on the Zune player in exchange for licensing its recordings for Microsoft’s new digital music service, the companies said.

UMG is shaking down the new kid on the digital music block, trying to get from them what they haven't been able to get from Apple: a cut of the hardware sales. Microsoft, desperate to have all the major labels on board, folded like a cheap suit, and set a precedent that'll affect their relationships with the other major labels (who probably have "most favored nation" clauses in their contracts with Redmond).

It's clear that the overriding motive for Microsoft was desperation:

In discussing the rationale for the royalty, Chris Stephenson, general manager for global marketing in Microsoft’s entertainment unit, said the company “needed people to rally behind” the new device and service.

“It’s a higher-level business relationship,” he said.

A higher level of punk-itude, maybe. Anyway, I'm sure it wasn't lost on anyone at Microsoft HQ that this would eventually make life tough for Apple when it came time to renegotiate their licenses with the majors.

The rationale for the major labels is simple: Apple's done better, in gross dollar and margin terms, from the hardware than they have from the music they've sold, and they want a piece of Apple's cake, too.

Remember, these companies have sold many of us the same music over and over again (In my case, I can pick out tracks on my iPod that I've bought on vinyl, tape, CD, and now as downloads). Apparently making money from the business they're supposed to be in isn't enough. The fact that every MB of disk space on an iPod isn't occupied by tracks from the iTunes Store  is all the backup UMG et al need to justify their position:

The move also reflects Universal’s recognition that, for all the runaway success of gadgets like the iPod, consumers are still not buying enough digital music to make up for declining sales of music on compact disk. Universal said it was only fair to receive payment on devices that may be repositories for stolen music.

“It’s a major change for the industry,” said David Geffen, the entertainment mogul who more than a decade ago sold the record label that bears his name to Universal. “Each of these devices is used to store unpaid-for material. This way, on top of the material people do pay for, the record companies are getting paid on the devices storing the copied music.”

He added: “It certainly changes the paradigm.”

Yes, from one where record labels got money for the music they sold, to one where they get money because they assume their customers are thieves.

It would appear that Universal's thirst for royalty justice is small, however: a one dollar royalty is, after all, the equivalent of one track per device. I'm with Om "GigaOm" Malik when he says:

If Apple had to pay at least $1 per device for every iPod sold over past two fiscal years, its cost would be $62 million at minimum: or about one more song per device. If music industry cannot sell one additional song to consumers (and has to blackmail for more money) then, you as a business, have lost grip over your core competency.

Which makes it all the more appalling that Microsoft has caved in. Surely Apple's precedent meant that they didn't have to.


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Apple Ditching the Mac, Keeping the PC

No, Apple's not licensing Mac OS X to Dell, they're getting rid of the "Mac guy" in their commercials. As Radar sees it:

Apple's "I'm a Mac" campaign is almost perfect: It's funny, memorable, and efficiently lays out the advantages of Macs over PCs. Its only defect: Virtually everyone who watches it comes away liking the "PC guy" while wanting to push the "Mac guy" under a bus.

Small wonder, then, that as Apple prepares a new batch of commercials, "Mac guy"—aka Justin Long, of Dodgeball and Herbie: Fully Loaded semi-fame—is nowhere to be found. A rep for Long confirms that his days as an Apple pitchman are over: "Every ad you see Justin in is for that previous time period only," she tells Radar. "There's no long-term deal with him." She adds (somewhat implausibly, perhaps), "Justin's a movie star, not a commercial guy."

Snotty much? He was in TV's Ed too, guys. Jeez.

I've always liked Justin's "I'm a Mac" character (to be fair, I'm the kind of insufferably superior Mac user normal people fantasize about beating up), but Hodgman really is the star of these little gems, even when Giselle Bundschen's onscreen. Frankly, finding someone to hold their own against Hodgman while striking the right tone will be tough.


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Gliffy: Slick, free, basic drawing tool a la Visio. Online and done in Flash. If you need to bang out a flowchart, or some basic UML, this is a pretty nifty option. Of course, you get a good helping of Web 2.0-style document collaboration features, allowing Gliffy users to share documents with others, allow them to edit, and keep track of document versioning. The best feature?

The ability to embed Gliffy-hosted images on your own site.

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MacBooks Now Sport Intel Core 2 Duo

MacNN (among many others) has the skinny:

Apple today unveiled its new MacBook featuring Intel Core 2 Duo processors and offering double the memory as well as greater storage capacity than the previous generation. The one-inch thin laptops are up to 25 percent faster than the previous generation, according to Apple, and maintain the built-in iSight video camera for on-the-go video conferencing alongside a double-layer SuperDrive for burning DVDs. The new notebooks also retain Apple's MagSafe Power Adapter that safely disconnects when under strain, and iLife '06, Apple's suite of digital lifestyle applications. The updated MacBooks start at $1,099 and include three models: white 1.83GHz and 2GHz MacBooks, as well as the black 2GHz MacBook.

So, faster, more RAM, more storage. Not a bad incremental update.

I want one. If I could afford it, I'd be getting it here.

Engadget and Gizmodo have their takes, too. Apple's official version of events is here.


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Pity the Poor VC

Yes, pity the poor East Coast VC, far from the summit of Mount Web 2.0, forced to go homeless in the cruelest city of all.

The Observer's Max Abelson reports that venture capitalist/blogger Fred Wilson has gone to contract on selling his 55-foot-wide 1847 townhouse at 11 West 10th Street. No word on the price, but it was listed through Sotheby's for a whopping $37.5 million. Yowza!

Consider this my open invitation to any and all VC firms in search of a new partner. I'm OK with selling out.


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Web 2.0 Summit: Hacked?

Dan “Technology Chronicles” Fost has the story of one plucky company (and their go-getting VC) end-running the gatekeepers of this week's Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco:

So a lot of people who don't necessarily want to attend the sessions, or who couldn't get a ticket, can still show up and roam the halls and meet just about everyone they'd need to meet.

One company in particular is taking that concept to an art form. Mashery, led by CEO Oren Michels and investor Josh Kopelman, cleverly booked the Palace's Sonoma conference room as soon as the conference dates were announced.

“This is a guerilla launch,” Michels said. “We're not part of the conference.”

Instead, he had a room right at the center of the action, for “a fraction of the cost of a sponsorship.”

The room became a de facto party spot, with Mashery pouring 15 gallons of free margaritas for anyone who wandered in.

I dunno…is it really hacking or social engineering when 15 gallons of booze (Mash-aritas?) are applied to the situation? That's just shooting fish in a barrel.

Here's Mashery, in their own words (presumably written while sober). Cheers!


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Web 2.0 Summit: Riya Launches

Facial recognition? Feh! Try fashion recognition. I suppose the idea is that the latter tack will aid in some financial recognition for Riya.

Visual search engine Riya has used the Web 2.0 Summit to launch their service, a visually-driven shopping search engine. The premise is pretty simple: when you see something you like (say, a handbag) does its best to find similar items. There are a number of ways into the search: you text search for something (“bag,” or “D&G“), you can browse their categories (for example, watches) and find an example of an item you like, or you can browse through their celebrity pictures (if I wanted to take my style cues from my virtual identical twin, Brad Pitt). currently offers a few ways to refine those searches once you get closer to what you're looking for (such as focusing on the details that really matter, or the color of the item). It's nifty, as it stands, but not a home run. The way Riya's talking about their future plans, however, gives me some hope for their prospects. Dan “Between the Lines” Farber has more: offers several search capabilities, including the ability to search by image instead of text; finds items that have specific features, such as a watch bezel; find color variants of the item via a color picker; find clothing, shoes and accessories similar to those worn by your celebrities ( includes 100,000 celebrity images); and in the near future the ability to upload photos. will also have a browser extension to initiate likeness searches from any site as well as pages to save searches and a recommendation engine. After launch will also have a cross-matching feature. “If you have a hat and want shirt to with it, you drag a slider and search on new category,” Shah said.

The keys for me: matched cross-selling (ie, “Show me shoes to go with that handbag”) and the ability to initiate likeness searches from any page on any site. Far more than image upload, that seems critical.

The user case for this kind of shopping has been around for a long time. I remember when Time Warner was conducting their interactive TV trials in Orlando back in the early '90s, one of the tired examples of interactive multimedia commerce that constantly got trotted out was the ability to freeze the show you were watching and highlight any item in, say, Jerry Seinfeld's apartment and go shopping for it. The ability to take advantage of serendipity, impulse, and context will be important to's success.

I'm starting to speculate now (and I have no basis for this other than it seems pretty obvious to me), but another logical avenue for Riya to pursue, in addition to the browser plug-in, would be affliliate relationships with media outlets like People, Gawker, E! Online, etc. Those sites could benefit financially from driving buyers to the merchants in's stable, and would gain both relevant content and wide distribution for their search engine. The merchants, of course, would get the traffic. The celebrity news sites could provide with a properly-structured and tagged image feed, allowing to keep their index relevant and fresh.

This is all possible because Riya has taken the hard road of automating visual search, as opposed to relying on human-supplied metadata (and as my friend John Henson was fond of saying around the Opencola offices “Real data is better than metadata.”). Mike “TechCrunch” Arrington notes how Riya's approach, difficult though it is, is unique:

There are lots of other image search engines on the web today. But all of them only take queries as text, and compare those text queries to the meta data attached to an image file. This data is notoriously thin, and companies like Google are resorting to using human labor to attempt to add descriptive keywords to images stored on their servers. Even specialty image search engines like Pixsy have fairly thin meta data for images. And all of the existing search engines allow only text for search queries.

The engine takes both text and images as queries, something no one else does. To return results based on an image query, compares a “visual signature” for the query image to possible results. The visual signature is simply a mathematical representatioin of the image using 10,000 variables. If enough variables are identical, decides the images are similar.

How much heavy lifting is involved? I throw to Farber for the facts:

The core technology is even more complex than face recognition technology, Shah said. crawls target merchant sites and retrieves the highest quality images. It takes about 20 seconds per image to preprocess, creating a visual signature and indexing the image.

Search results are returned in under a second–the server farm consists of 250 quad-core servers, each loaded with 16 to 32 gigabytes of memory. converts every picture into a visual signature, a 10-kilobyte vector image consisting of about 5,000 numbers. The “likeness” algorithm determines the order of results based on shape, color and pattern.

“We are extracting and computing the visual signatures and pulling out pieces for comparison,” Shah said. “The results will never be worse than a text search. We index all the metadata and even normalized some of it.”  Currently, only indexes the merchant sites.The soft goods vector images are more detailed than faces, which are encoded as 3-kilobyte vectors, and include about 40 elements, including shape densities, color histograms broken into quadrants and other properties, such as glossiness and sheen (analyzing color changes in the middle of objects).

So the carries roughly 3X the data per item than Riya does for their facial recognition search.

Rob “Scobleizer” Scoble shares a few interesting facts about Riya's new service:

1) The URL cost $100,000. In the interview [Riya CEO Munjal Shah] explains how they bought it. It involved finding the guy who owned it, jumping a fence, and leaving a bottle of wine with a note on it (he wouldn’t answer his email).
2) Riya was pretty close to being sold to Google. If it had been, they never would have worked on this search engine. So, by getting turned down by Google Riya came back with a much better business.
3) Just the jewelry set takes 20GB of RAM.
4) Munjal still believes in blogs, but for this launch Riya talked with fashion bloggers, and journalists outside the tech world like at People magazine. Why? Well, this site — in its current incarnation — will be most interesting to women and non-geeks. If you’ve looked at who participates here, it’s heavily male.
5) Why not keep working on face detection? Because they learned through user testing that they’d never be able to make it good enough. They found that by focusing on visual image searches they can get a much more satisfied user base.


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