Current Events Editorial

Twitter side-effect #1: If you use Twitter to log into other software, sites, or systems…

If you use Twitter to log into non-Twitter software, sites, or systems, do this as soon as possible: Sign into that software, site, or systems and set up an alternate way to log in — whether via another service, such as Google, Facebook, or your Apple ID, or via good old-fashioned username and password.

As one techie at Twitter put it, “Entire teams representing critical infrastructure are voluntarily departing the company.” If accurate, it means that it would be a very bad idea to rely on Twitter as your only means of logging in.

Check your accounts!

Current Events Editorial Humor

The current contender for “Most pathetic Tweet of the day” (so far)

Two-panel meme.

Panel 1: Michael Guimarin’s tweet: “Elon, there's a bunch of us in SV who will come up tonight to help on the infra side to keep the site up.”

Panel 2: Captioned scene from “King of the Hill”: “You know what’s not cool, Booby? Simping for billionaires on the internet.”
Tap to view at full size.

Here’s the tweet:

I’m sure he imagines himself as a hero gathering a rag-tag team to save a village being attacked by monsters and not, as one astute tweeter put it:

Current Events Editorial

A brutally awful article about Elon’s management style

Tap to view the bad idea at full size.

Elon Musk’s Brutally Honest Management Style reminded me of a line from this think piece from way back:

“…soft and sentimental people– particularly the chair-bound geek variant– often idolize brutality.

Career Current Events Humor

Twitter employees: Today’s the day!

Tap to view at full size.

Choose wisely.

Meetups Tampa Bay What I’m Up To

Photos from last night’s “Coders, Creatives, and Craft Beer” meetup

The Coders, Creatives, and Craft Beer meetup, which Anitra and I run, returned last night, and we had a grand old time!

Coders, Creatives, and Craft Beer logo
Tap to view at full size.

I like to describe Coders, Creatives, and Craft Beer as “all conversations, no presentations.” It’s a social meetup for Tampa Bay people with an interest in technology or creativity — or even better, both! We get together once a month to talk about whatever’s interesting us at the moment.

Tap to view at full size.

Last night’s event took place at the Corner Club in Seminole Heights, a concrete bunker of a dive bar that’s since been converted into a quirky neighborhood cafe. They’re a pillar of the Northeast Seminole Heights neighborhood, they generally get great reviews (4.5 on Yelp, 4.6 on Google), they make a damned fine biscuit, as wells as other good food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

And of course, they’ve got a lovely back patio.

Tap to view at full size.

It’s been a couple of years since we’ve had a proper stand-alone Coders, Creatives, and Craft Beer, and we’re happy that you all came out last night — some of you made an hour’s drive to attend, and we appreciate that. It was great seeing old friends and making new ones!

Tap to view at full size.

The next Coders, Creatives, and Craft Beer

2nd Annual End of Year Tech Meetup Extravaganza

The next Coders, Creatives, and Craft Beer is part of a larger “meetup of meetups” — the 2nd Annual Tech Meetup Extravaganza on Wednesday, December 14th at Embarc Collective. We’ll see you there!

Current Events Humor

“’ello, I wish to register a complaint!”

Thanks to Brandon Smith for the find!
Mobile Programming

Add Auth0 authentication to your Jetpack Compose Android apps!

My newest article on the Auth0 Developer Blog is a two-part that covers adding authentication to Android apps built using the Jetpack Compose UI framework!

Here are the two parts:

  1. Jetpack Compose Basics: An introduction to Jetpack Compose through building a single-screen app with composable functions and managing state the Jetpack Compose Way.
  2. Adding authentication: Taking the app from part one and adding Auth0 authentication.

I’m working on the companion video for the article as I write this — keep an eye out for it!