Meetups Security Tampa Bay What I’m Up To

I’m presenting “The Secret History of Login” at InfraGard Tampa Bay next Tuesday!

Are you free next Tuesday, October 18th from 9:00 a.m. to noon, for an event you can attend either in person or online? If so, perhaps you might want to catch my talk at the upcoming InfraGard Tampa Bay Members Alliance meeting. It’s titled The Secret History of Login!

Here’s the description:

If you’re reading this, the chances are very good that you’ve logged into a system or resumed a session where you logged in earlier. It’s a common enough occurrence that most of us don’t think about it unless we’re in a hurry or if we can’t remember our username/password combination.

Logging in is new enough that there are still many people alive who knew the world before usernames and passwords, yet old enough that it’s developed some problems that will take time and effort to solve. This talk will tell the strange story of how login grew from a last-minute hack to become part of our daily experience. Along the way, you’ll get an overview of some of the ways it’s been implemented, the popular software movement it inspired, how it inspired both a software movement and a whole new category of crime, and some best guesses about its future.

What is InfraGard Tampa Bay Members Alliance?

First of all, they’re affiliated with the FBI! As their About page states:

Our mission is to mitigate criminal and terrorist threats, risks and losses for the purpose of protecting our region’s critical infrastructure and the American people. Founded in 2004, the Tampa Bay chapter has established itself as a leader nationwide, setting the highest standards for programs, training and education. For the last decade, we have proudly contributed to the safety and security of Tampa Bay via an all-threats, all-hazards approach. At the national level, the InfraGard National Members Alliance was founded in 1996 and now comprises over 80 regional chapters, each linked to an FBI Field Office.

InfraGard’s success can be attributed to the unprecedented communication, collaboration and coordination it has forged at the epicenter of America’s most critical resources. Our membership is comprised of individuals that represent private businesses; local, state and federal law enforcement agencies; academic institutions; first responders and more.

All members are vetted by the FBI and pass comprehensive background checks prior to being accepted to InfraGard. The trust inherent in those who have successfully passed these checks is unmatched in any other public-private partnership in the country, making InfraGard a unique and highly successful solution to engaging the private sector in the protection of our nation’s critical infrastructure.

What’s happening at this meeting?

There’s a lot going on at this meeting — in fact, I’m not the only speaker at this one! Here’s the agenda:

9:00 a.m.Welcome and speaker/topic introductions by Ebony Vaz
9:05 a.m.Opening remarks by Michael Ritchie, President
9:15 a.m.Speaker 1: Kate Whitaker, Director of Cyber Outreach, Cyber Florida
10:00 a.m.Break
10:15 a.m.Speaker 2: Joey deVilla, Senior Developer Advocate, Okta — The Secret History of Login
11:00 a.m.Break
11:15 a.m.Speaker 3: Billy Sasser, Supervisory Protective Security Advisor (SPSA) CISA Region 4 — CISA’s Physical and Cyber Security Resources
12:00 p.m.Closing remarks by Michael Ritchie, President

You can attend in person or online!

They’re streaming this event, so you have the option of attending online if you can’t make it to the in-person event. Here are the registration details:


I’d say Meta’s Horizon Worlds shot themselves in the foot, but they don’t have any

Not satisfied with making the real world worse in many ways, Meta (the company formerly known as Facebook) have been hard at work on enhancements to their virtual world. It turns out that their latest one doesn’t have legs, either literally or figuratively.

Meta announced that Horizon Worlds avatars were finally getting legs and feet…

Earlier this week, Mark Zuckerberg announced that the avatars in their VR world Horizon Worlds are finally getting a feature they’ve been missing — legs and feet! Here’s a snippet from that announcement:

I haven’t been following Horizon Worlds at all, so my first question was: “They don’t already have feet?”

So I did a quick search, and wow, do the current Horizon Worlds avatars look odd:

They don’t look all that different from Xbox 360 avatars from the Kinect era (and my time at Microsoft) — and remember, that was a dozen years ago! — minus legs and feet:

…but then it turned out that the demo was faked with motion capture

In a tweet yesterday, VR news site UploadVR’s Ian Hamilton revealed the truth:

Kotaku summarized succinctly: Facebook’s Legs Video Was A Lie.

Rather than use actual functionality from an upcoming version of Horizon Worlds to render their new leggy avatars, Zuckerberg and co. opted to use a movie-style motion capture to create an effect that yes, it does show what they’re intending to do, it doesn’t show the thing in action, but a simulation. In fact, since Horizon Worlds is a simulation, this fakery is a simulation of a simulation.

I know that there’s always some level of glossing-over or fakery in demos, or as John Perry Barlow liked to put it, “

I know that there’s always some level of glossing-over or fakery in demos, or as John Perry Barlow liked to put it, “Bullshit is the grease for the skids on which we ride into the future.” However, Meta may have applied it a little too much for so silly a feature.

Current Events Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events (Week of Monday, October 17, 2022)

Here’s the list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events for Tampa Bay and surrounding areas for the week of Monday, October 17 through Sunday, October 23, 2022.

Every week, with the assistance of a couple of Jupyter Notebooks that I put together, I compile this list for the Tampa Bay tech community.

As far as event types go, this list casts a rather wide net. It includes events that would be of interest to techies, nerds, and entrepreneurs. It includes (but isn’t limited to) events that fall under the category of:

  • Programming, DevOps, systems administration, and testing
  • Tech project management / agile processes
  • Video, board, and role-playing games
  • Book, philosophy, and discussion clubs
  • Tech, business, and entrepreneur networking events
  • Toastmasters (because nerds really need to up their presentation game)
  • Sci-fi, fantasy, and other genre fandoms
  • Anything I deem geeky

By “Tampa Bay and surrounding areas”, this list covers events that originate or are aimed at the area within 100 miles of the Port of Tampa. At the very least, that includes the cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater, but as far north as Ocala, as far south as Fort Myers, and includes Orlando and its surrounding cities.

Monday, October 17

GroupEvent NameTime
TampaBayNetworkersSuccess Builders Free Business Blog9:00 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!In person at Fords Garage St Pete11:00 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netSt. Pete Networking Lunch! Fords Garage! Monday’s11:30 AM
Christian Professionals Network Tampa BayLive Online Connection Meeting- Monday11:30 AM
Tampa Bay Card Room.25/.50 Texas Holdem Online Cashgame12:00 PM
Get Down 2 Business GroupThe elevator pitch1:00 PM
SCIPS, a 50+ Tampa Bay Singles ClubEUCHRE, Rummy Q and other Board Games for ENTHUSIASTIC GAME PLAYERS4:00 PM
Brews N Board GamesBoard Game Night at Persimmon Hollow Flamingo Crossings6:00 PM
Toastmasters District 84Amplify Lakeland: Find Your Voice. Increase Your Influence6:00 PM
Board Game Meetup: Board Game BoxcarMonday Weekly Board Game Night! (Lazy Moon Colonial Location)6:00 PM
Tampa Bay TabletoppersMonday Feast & Game Night6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Coalition of ReasonMonthly N. Pinellas TBCor Humanist Social Dinner6:00 PM
Toastmasters, Division DACE Advanced Toastmasters 32744806:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesMTG: Commander Night6:00 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Off the Wagon Kitchen & Brewery Smartphone Trivia Game Show6:30 PM
Toastmasters District 48North Port Toastmasters Meets Online!!6:30 PM
Web3Collab St. Project Owners and Investors Club6:30 PM
Tampa 20’s and 30’s Social CrewTrivia at The Pub6:30 PM
Toastmasters District 48Cool, Confident & Politically Imperfect Toastmasters6:45 PM
Light Study PRO – A Photography Workshop for Emerging ProsMembers as far back as 2008 can access their photos7:00 PM
Ironhack Tampa – Tech Careers, Learning and NetworkingLearn the Basics of Python Programming from an Industry Expert 📊7:00 PM
Brandon WordPress MeetupBrandon WordPress Meetup for October 20227:00 PM
Orlando StoicsONLINE: “Focus v. Data Overload”7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Board Game Night at Armada Games7:00 PM
Meet New People As Adults – Which is Harder Than ExpectedTrivia Night to Meet New People7:00 PM
Library Book Clubs – OCLSVirtual Event: Hiawassee Book Club7:00 PM
Girl Develop It OrlandoJavascript Fundamentals 17:30 PM
Central Florida AD&D (1st ed.) Grognards GuildWorld of Greyhawk: 1E One-Shots7:30 PM
Orlando Poker Tournaments Meetup Group.25/.50 Online Texas Holdem Cash Game9:00 PM

Tuesday, October 18

GroupEvent NameTime
Business Strategy Meetup GroupBusiness Networking7:15 AM
Network Professionals Inc. of South Pinellas (NPI)NPI St. Pete Business Builders Chapter – Exchange Qualified Business Referrals7:30 AM
Bootstrappers Breakfast® – Tampa Bay AreaEast Coast Bootstrappers Breakfast®8:30 AM
Orlando Melrose MakersIn-Person: Makerspace Open Lab10:30 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netOldsmar/Westchase Networking Lunch – Wild Rover Brewing Company11:00 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Meetings & MixersUpper Pinellas,Oldsmar,Westchase Networking Lunch -Wild Rover Brewing Company11:00 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsWestchase/Oldsmar Business Networking Lunch ~ All Welcome11:00 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!Westchase/Oldsmar Business Networking Lunch ~ All Welcome11:00 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netNew Tampa RGA Chapter ~ Glory Days Meet your next referral partner!11:30 AM
Pasco County Young Entrepreneurs/Business Owners All WelcomeProfessional Business Networking Lunch Glory Day’s New Tampa11:30 AM
Wesley Chapel, Trinity, New Tampa, Business ProfessionalsNew Tampa Networking Lunch at Glory Day’s Grill New Tampa11:30 AM
Global Networking SummitNetworking Brunch12:00 PM
Block Co-op – Bitcoin Crypto Blockchain OrlandoBitcoin/Crypto. Buying, Selling and sharing ideas. Small group atmosphere.1:00 PM
Orlando Unity Developers GroupVirtual Event: Blender-Painting Weights4:00 PM
Free Video Production Classes – TV/InternetSocial Video Marketing Tips(ONLINE CLASS)-FREE for Hillsborough County Residents4:15 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s Guild[IN PERSON] DDAL05-15 Reclamation (Tier 3, FR, historic)6:00 PM
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyMeet & Greet at O’Keefe’s Family Restaurant6:00 PM
Tampa HackerspaceWeekly Open Make Night6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesMarvel Crisis Protocol Night6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Wargaming SocietyGaslands Refuelled at Nerdy Needs6:00 PM
Tampa Bay SQL Server User Group (TBSSUG)TBSSUG Monthly Meeting6:00 PM
Adventures On Tap DnD and Board GamesNerd Night at Deadwords Brewing6:00 PM
Saint Petersburg Book Club Meetup GroupOct Book Club6:30 PM
Toastmasters District 48West Pasco Toastmasters #28246:30 PM
Shut Up & Write!® OrlandoShut Up and Write near Howell Branch6:30 PM
Tampa Investor/Training MeetupTampa Bay Investor Training6:30 PM
The Sarasota Creative Writers Meetup GroupThe Sarasota Creative Writers6:30 PM
Cryptocurrency/Blockchain Education – Palm HarborBlockchain Dinner Party at Bogota’s6:30 PM
Tampa Investor/Training MeetupTampa Bay Investor Training6:30 PM
Pinellas WritersWeekly Group Meetings – All Writers Welcome!6:30 PM
West Pasco Toastmasters Club Weekly Meeting6:30 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Moose Lodge 2117 Smartphone Trivia Game Show6:30 PM
GDG SunCoastCompose Camp Session 26:30 PM
The Fervent Book Club SarasotaThe FERVENT Book Club, Sarasota6:30 PM
Ironhack Orlando – Tech Careers, Learning and NetworkingThe basics of Data Analytics 📈7:00 PM
Orlando Crypto MeetupCrypto/Trading/Online Business/Entrepreneurship Nights7:00 PM
TampaBay TimebanksMonthly Meeting in Tampa7:00 PM
St. Pete Beers ‘n Board Games for Young AdultsSt. Pete Beers ‘n Board Games Meetup for Young Adults7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Coalition of ReasonOnline: Tampa Bay Technology Center (TBTC) Monthly Meeting7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!D&D Adventurers League at Armada Games7:00 PM
TB Chess – Tampa Bay – St. Petersburg Chess Meetup GroupLet’s play chess at 54th Ave Kava House!7:30 PM
Shut Up & Write!® TampaOnline Event: Shut Up & Write on Zoom7:45 PM
Tampa Bay Card Room$200 Texas Holdem Freeroll Onlike8:00 PM
Tampa Options Trading Group for Monthly IncomeUnderstanding the Basics of Technical Analysis – Part I (Reading Charts)8:30 PM
Orlando Poker Tournaments Meetup Group.25/.50 Online Texas Holdem Cash Game9:00 PM

Wednesday, October 19

GroupEvent NameTime
Network Professionals Inc. of South Pinellas (NPI)NPI St. Pete Sunrise Chapter – Exchange Qualified Business Referrals7:30 AM
1 Million Cups – Orlando1 Million Cups – Orlando Weekly Meetup8:30 AM
Orlando Cybersecurity MeetupThe top-5 correlation rules to master threat detection in your network11:00 AM
Christian Professionals Network Tampa BayOnline Mastermind 3rd. Wednesday11:00 AM
Hyperledger TampaHyperledger FireFly 1.1 is Here! Deploy apps connecting to multiple chains11:00 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netIn Person Networking BRANDON! Just Love Coffee Cafe – Brandon FL11:15 AM
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners of Sarasota & BradentonSarasota Business Networking Lunch All Welcome, Just purchase Lunch!11:30 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!Brandon Business Professionals Just Love Coffee11:30 AM
Bradenton/Sarasota Networking Meetings and MixersBusiness Networking Lunch11:30 AM
Success Strategies for Business OwnersPart 3 – Get Your Local Business On Google Search & Maps For The Holiday Season12:00 PM
Web Design And SEO/SEM Three Sixty DegreesWeb Design And SEO/SEM Three Sixty Degrees12:00 PM
Board Game Players ClubBoard game playing1:00 PM
Tampa Startup Founder 101Workshop: Pitching and Fundraising for Pre-Seed Startups (Online Event)1:00 PM
Free Video Production Classes – TV/InternetDigital Video Editing Class (ONLINE CLASS) -FREE for Hillsborough residents only1:00 PM
Big Data and Analytics OrlandoSCA: Securing Modern SDLCs with Pipeline Composition Analysis1:00 PM
Network After Work Tampa – Networking EventsHow to Maximize LinkedIn Virtual Summit1:00 PM
Wesley Chapel, Trinity, New Tampa, Business ProfessionalsLutz, Wesley Chapel, New Port Richey Networking Coffee & Connectons1:30 PM
TampaBayNetworkers15+30 Virtual Networking2:45 PM
Vision to Reality Events-TampaStart a Print-on-Demand Business Now: No Back Office and Zero Cost, Learn How!3:00 PM
Orlando Unity Developers GroupVirtual Event: Blender-Animating a Walk Cycle4:00 PM
The Tampa Chapter of the Society for the Exploration of PlayPlaying Games in the Alley5:00 PM
Brandon BoardgamersBoard Gaming – In Person5:00 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s Guild[HISTORIC] Storm King’s Thunder Tier 2 – DM Robert5:00 PM
Sarasota Business Exchange ClubWe ARE meeting again at Rusty Bucket Restaurant5:30 PM
Tampa Gaming GuildWednesday Board Game Night5:30 PM
Tampa Bay MetaverseScale your existing business or start a new one on the Metaverse using NFTs.6:00 PM
Board Game Meetup: Board Game BoxcarBlood on the Clocktower & Board Games! (Deadwords Brewing Location)6:00 PM
InFLOWential Leader & Entrepreneur Community SocialInFLOWential Leader & Entrepreneur Community Social6:00 PM
Continuous Improvement Network (CI Net)C.I.NET MeetUp6:00 PM
DigitalDeLandDigital DeLand Monthly Meeting6:00 PM
Brews N Board GamesBoard Game Night at Deadwords Brewing6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Hobby Night – Minis Painting Tips & Tricks at Armada Games6:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsAn American Werewolf in London: (1981) Nerdbrew $8 Classic Movie Night!6:45 PM
Orlando Poker Tournaments Meetup Group.25/.50 Online Texas Holdem Cash Game7:00 PM
Orlando Horror Movie Fans 20s-30sA Petrified Forest Scare Trail; Total Eclipse Night7:00 PM
Castaways Euchre ClubCastaways Euchre Club7:00 PM
Agile OrlandoThe Agile Un-Book Club7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Bitcoin[Virtual] Tampa Bay Bitcoin Meetup: News, Markets, & Community7:00 PM
Central Florida AD&D (1st ed.) Grognards GuildNew Beginnings & Old Rivalries7:00 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupSmartphone Trivia Game Show at Wilders Pizza7:00 PM
Tampa Hackerspace3D Printing Orientation: Models and Slicers7:00 PM
Communication Skills for Interviews and LifeHow to Increase Your Confidence and Communication7:00 PM
Toastmasters District 48Carrollwood Toastmasters Meetings meet In-Person and Online7:00 PM
Central Florida CitySecCigarCitySec Meetup7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Card Room.25/.50 Texas Holdem Cashgame Online7:00 PM
Writers of Central Florida or ThereaboutsOrlando Word Lab7:00 PM
Orlando Lady Developers MeetupCode challenge bi-weekly coding session8:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesWerewolf9:00 PM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsBrandon Business Professionals IN Person!!!!11:30 PM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsCarollwood Professionals Networking Lunch!11:30 PM

Thursday, October 20

GroupEvent NameTime
Pasco County Young Entrepreneurs/Business Owners All WelcomeHappy Hangar Early Bird Professionals Networking7:30 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netWesley Chapel/Lutz networking breakfast7:30 AM
Business Networking Weekly Meeting for Local ProfessionalsBusiness Networking for Local Professionals8:00 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!Tampa Young Professionals Virtual Networking Friday Morning All WElCOME8:45 AM
NTi Port Richey, FLNTi Port Richey – Business Referral Network9:00 AM
Orlando Melrose MakersIn-Person: Makerspace Open Lab10:30 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!The Founders Meeting where it all Began! JOIN us! Bring a guest and get a gift11:00 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsClearwater/Central Pinellas Networking Lunch11:00 AM
Florida Startup: Idea to IPOHow to Cut Product Development Costs by up to 50%!11:00 AM
Business Game Changers GroupClearwater Professional Networking Lunch11:00 AM
Block Co-op – Bitcoin Crypto Blockchain OrlandoCrypto Set-up Class -Limited to 5 Seats Only11:00 AM
Network Professionals Inc. of South Pinellas (NPI)NPI Power Lunch – Exchange Qualified Business Referrals11:30 AM
Wesley Chapel, Trinity, New Tampa, Business ProfessionalsWesley Chapel Professional Networking Lunch11:30 AM
Pasco County Young Entrepreneurs/Business Owners All WelcomeWesley Chapel Professional Networking Lunch at Chuck Lager America’s Tavern11:30 AM
Toastmasters District 48Telecom Park Toastmasters #674512:00 PM
“Learn and Earn” Millionaire Mind Secrets & NetworkingOnline Zoom! Millionaire Mind Lunch; Book Club and Networking!12:00 PM
Free Video Production Classes – TV/InternetYouTube Basics (ONLINE CLASS) – FREE for Hillsborough County Residents3:00 PM
Ironhack Tampa – Tech Careers, Learning and NetworkingOpen House: How to learn in-demand tech skills without attending a university5:00 PM
Tampa – Sarasota – Venice Trivia & Quiz MeetupTrivia Night – Bunkers Bar of Sun City Center Smartphone Trivia Game Show5:00 PM
Tampa Professional Networking MeetupHappy Hour Networking – Cigars, Fine Wines and Brews5:00 PM
Tampa Holistic Wealth & Success Business Networking GrpThe Global & Nationwide Business Networking Event – October 20th 20225:30 PM
Summerfield Board/Card Game NightSummerfield Tabletop/Board/Card Games6:00 PM
West Orlando WordPress MeetupBrian McGowan – Prodigy Commerce: A Powerful Alternative to WooCommerce6:00 PM
Orlando Board Gaming Weekly MeetupCentral Florida Board Gaming at The Collective6:00 PM
Elite Business Professionals and EntrepreneursBusiness Professionals Network and Mingle6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Microsoft 365 & Power Platform User GroupBeyond Power Platform Reporting – Now Take Action! with Andrea Mondello6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Meetings & MixersMASQUERADE OF CONNECTIONS, TAMPA PALMS COUNTRY CLUB Cocktails and Connection !6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesWarhammer Night6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!D&D Adventurers League at Critical Hit Games6:00 PM
We Write Here Black and Women of Color Writing GroupVirtual Writing Get Downs6:00 PM
Tampa Bay Data Engineering GroupTBDEG – Open Source and the Lakehouse with Alex Merced!6:00 PM
Brandon and Seffner area AD&D and Rifts (Palladium) Group1st ed AD&D Campaign.6:00 PM
Tampa SEO & Internet Marketing Meetup with Steve ScottDon’t Wait! Get Google Analytics (GA4) Setup on Your Website Now6:00 PM
Orlando Poker Tournaments Meetup Group$200 Texas Holdem Freeroll Online6:05 PM
Tampa Bay Agile“Improvising to Agility” from The Improv Agilist, Missy Moreno6:30 PM
PCREIAVirtual Hot Topics Night6:30 PM
Tampa Bay AgileLean Beer for All Things Agile (Tampa)6:30 PM
Hosted By Woman & Wine of Lutz & Tampa🍷🥂Ladies Night Out!!💃6:30 PM
Ocala Magic: The Gathering Meetup GroupMTG Booster Draft Game Night6:30 PM
Live streaming production and talentLive streaming production and talent7:00 PM
Tampa Bay AgileHeart of Oktoberfest In-person Social with HOA (and Alistair)7:00 PM
Tampa HackerspaceLaser Cutter Orientation (Members Only)7:00 PM
Business Networking for Entrepreneurs of ColorVirtual Business Networking – Entrepreneurs of Color7:00 PM
Sunshine Social Deduction GamingBotC/Halloween night at Hourglass Brewery at the Hourglass District7:00 PM
WESOS Virtual – Florida ChapterWESOS Virtual – Florida: Community & Support – Rebuilding Post Hurricane7:00 PM
Tampa HackerspaceGirls Who Code for Grades 6-127:00 PM
Tampa Bay BitcoinBitcoin Social7:30 PM
Tampa Bay Card Room$200 Texas Holdem Freeroll Onlike8:00 PM

Friday, October 21

GroupEvent NameTime
Winter Park Toastmasters – Learn while having FUN!Improve your communication, listening, and leadership skills7:15 AM
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners of Sarasota & BradentonA.C.T. Acquire Connections Today Morning Business Networking All Welcome!7:45 AM
Tampa Bay Google Cloud MeetupDevOpsDays Tampa Bay 20228:00 AM
Tampa Bay AWS User GroupDevops conference by Devopsdays Tampa Bay8:00 AM
Tampa Bay DevOps MeetupDevOpsDays Tampa Bay8:00 AM
Brandon Biz ProsBuild your Business with Brandon Biz Pros8:30 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netA.C.T. Acquire Connections Today Morning Business Networking All Welcome!8:45 AM
Hosted By Toastmasters District 48Real Talkers #73069:15 AM
Professional Business Networking with RGAnetwork.netIn PERSON Networking Lunch Sabal Park/Brandon Reserve your seat11:30 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Meetings & MixersFriday Business Introductions!11:30 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsInternational Professionals Networking Meeting11:30 AM
Young Professionals Networking JOIN in and Connect!Friday Business Introductions JOIN us at Cafe Delanie All Welcome11:30 AM
Tampa Bay Business Networking Happy Hour/Meetings/Meet UpInternational Networking Westshore McAlisters Deli11:30 AM
Tampa / St Pete Business ConnectionsInternational Professionals Networking Meeting11:30 AM
Clermont Nerd GamesBoard Game Night!5:00 PM
Geekocracy!Howl-o-Scream at Busch Gardens Tampa5:00 PM
Toastmasters District 48MESSAGE CRAFTERS5:30 PM
Tampa Gaming GuildFriday Board Game Night5:30 PM
Meeple Movers Gaming GroupLet’s Play Games ONLINE on Fridays!5:30 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Board Game night at The Strange Realms in Carrollwood Friday, 6 PM6:00 PM
Sunshine Social Deduction GamingBlood on the Clocktower at Blackbird Comics and Coffeehouse6:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsTaps & Drafts6:00 PM
Dunnellon Area Board GamersFriday Night Board Gaming6:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesMTG: Commander FNM6:00 PM
Orlando Poker Tournaments Meetup Group$200 Texas Holdem Freeroll Online6:05 PM
Toastmasters District 48Positively Speaking Toastmasters6:15 PM
Tampa Bay Card Room.25/.50 Texas Holdem Cashgame Online7:00 PM
MakerFX MakerspaceMakerFX Makerspace Woodshop Guild7:00 PM
Tampa HackerspaceLearn to Solder a “Ghost” EMF Detector7:00 PM
Orlando StoicsONLINE: “Stoic Courage” (Part 2)7:00 PM
Gen GeekVault of Souls7:30 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s Guild[Online] DDHC Tomb of Annihilation – DM Matt (APL 10, Start @ Lvl. 1)7:30 PM
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyMonthly Cell Phone Photo Showcase11:59 PM

Saturday, October 22

GroupEvent NameTime
Central Florida Philosophy MeetupWake Up and Think Clearly Saturday morning share and discuss.7:00 AM
Toastmasters Division GEarly Bird Ocala8:00 AM
Writers Group at the Haunted Antique ShopWriters Group at the Haunted Antique Shop9:30 AM
Chess RepublicCoffee & Chess: Tampa Midtown9:30 AM
Orlando Lady Developers MeetupCode with me – learning sessions weekly on Saturdays10:00 AM
Tampa HackerspaceWood Shop Lathe 101 (Members Only)10:00 AM
Orlando Melrose MakersIn-Person: Makerspace Open Lab10:30 AM
Oviedo Middle Aged Gamers (OMAG)Bravo Group Campaign Continues11:00 AM
Tampa Gaming GuildSaturday Gaming11:00 AM
Orlando Young SharksBottomless Networking & Mimosas Mastermind Event12:00 PM
Tampa Bay Horror and Mutant FamSpooky Empire12:00 PM
Drunk’n Meeples West Pasco (Boardgames)Blood on the Clock Tower12:00 PM
Tampa Bay TabletoppersHalloween Potluck Gaming in a Park. Feat. Blood on the Clocktower12:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesGaming Swap Meet12:00 PM
Women’s Prosperity Network | Fort Lauderdale ChapterOnline | VIRTUAL Mastermind Experience: Connecting, Creating & Collaborating12:00 PM
Tampa Bay Coalition of ReasonOctober- N. Pinellas Book Club12:00 PM
NFT and web3 virtual Meetup GroupVirtual NFT and Web3 meetup networking event12:00 PM
Gen GeekThe Great Debate: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles12:00 PM
Suncoast MakersFREE Fab Lab Orientation1:00 PM
Toastmasters District 48Advanced Articulators Toastmasters1:00 PM
Central Florida Florida Foam Fighting (Fumetsu)Fighter Practice! (Newbies welcome)2:00 PM
Bradenton Photo GroupCamera Basics2:30 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!Saturday MTG Draft at Hammerfall Games and Collectibles3:00 PM
Orlando Pokémon Fan MeetupGroup Welcome & Introduction [ZOOM] [Reschedule]4:00 PM
Thinking While Drinking TampaSpin-Off Event: SALSA & MOJITO FESTIVAL!6:00 PM
Orlando Poker Tournaments Meetup Group.25/.50 Texas Holdem Cashgame Online6:00 PM
Nerd Night OutNB Community Hang-out Night!7:00 PM
Hosted By America’s TriviAddictionSHARKS BAR & GRILL – LIVE TEAM TRIVIA – LARGO7:00 PM
Tampa Bay Card Room.25/.50 Texas Holdem Cashgame Online7:00 PM
Central Florida AD&D (1st ed.) Grognards GuildTHE ONE-SHOT GUILD7:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsCommunity Hang-out Night7:00 PM
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of Sisters in CrimeHaunted Sarasota “Mummies, Mayhem, and Murder!” Trolley Tour FLGC Special Event8:00 PM

Sunday, October 23

GroupEvent NameTime
Florida Center for Creative PhotographyVisit ZooTampa while the Weather is Cooler9:00 AM
Toastmasters District 48Clearwater Sunday Speakers Toastmasters Club9:30 AM
Suncoast Critical Thinking Discussion GroupCRITICAL THINKERS SUNDAY BRUNCH AT ROSEMARY & THYME10:00 AM
Board Games and Card Games in Sarasota & BradentonGames at Descent Into Gaming12:00 PM
Beginners Guide to D and DD&D Adventurers League1:00 PM
Geekocracy!Game Day at Southern Brewing2:00 PM
Critical Hit GamesD&D Adventurers League2:00 PM
Tampa Bay Gaming: RPG’s, Board Games & more!D&D Adventurers League at Critical Hit Games2:00 PM
Drunk’n Meeples West Pasco (Boardgames)Weekend Game Day2:00 PM
Orlando Business Leadership and Development Meetup GroupGet to Know You Session3:00 PM
Tampa Bay Beach and Sunset Photography and Modeling ClassesSpook-tac-ular Halloween “Boo-doir” Group Shoot (Photographer Signup)4:30 PM
Brandon and Seffner area AD&D and Rifts (Palladium) GroupRifts5:00 PM
Orlando Adventurer’s GuildOctober Session Zero: Creating a Character5:00 PM
Thinking While Drinking TampaA Lesson From Socrates [ONLINE]6:00 PM
Orlando Poker Tournaments Meetup Group.25/.50 Texas Holdem Cashgame Online6:00 PM
Tampa HackerspaceLet’s Learn to Turn Pens!6:00 PM
Toastmasters Division EFind Your Funny Toastmaster6:30 PM
Tampa Bay Card Room.25/.50 Texas Holdem Cashgame Online7:00 PM
Sarasota “Doctor Who” Fan MeetupSpecial Event: Goodbye to the 13th Doctor7:00 PM
Nerd Night OutA Duck Presents NB Movie Night7:00 PM
Low Light Photography GroupUnder the Milky Way – A Photo Field Trip7:30 PM
Gen GeekHouse of the Dragon Watch Party8:00 PM
Solana – TampaOffice Hours8:00 PM
Nerdbrew EventsNerdBrew Karaoke @ MacDinton’s!8:00 PM

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Current Events Security Tampa Bay

I’m going to the Tampa Bay’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month happy hour tonight!

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and we’re celebrating both the month and Tampa Bay’s cybersecurity professionals at Shuffle in Tampa Heights tonight from 5 to 7 p.m.!

Graohic: Computer Coach Training Center logo

The folks at Computer Coach Training Center (for whom I just finished teaching a Python course) helped put this event together, and it’s your chance to meet people from Cyber Florida as well as other local people in cybersecurity (hint: I work for the Auth0 arm of Okta, which just so happens to be in that industry).

Want to join in? Register on the event’s Meetup page, and I’ll see you there!

Conferences Tampa Bay What I’m Up To

More scenes and best practices from Tampa Code Camp 2022

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TampaCC logo

Here are some more pictures from Tampa Code Camp 2022, along with some best practices that I saw at the event, which took place last Saturday, October 8th.

Want to see the full set of photos? They’re in the Photos section of Tampa Code Camp 2022’s Meetup page.

Make sure you see the previous article, Scenes from #TampaCC / Tampa CodeCamp 2022.

Try to get a group shot with all the presenters.

It’s just nice to have, and it helps make a record of the event more complete. The photo above is the post-Code Camp group photo featuring all the presenters, including Yours Truly and Anitra.

Get a venue with a big, bright gathering space.

I may have mentioned earlier that Keiser University’s Tampa campus has a great atrium lobby that makes a fantastic entry space for a conference. Thanks again to Keiser for providing us with such a nice venue!

Provide lunch at the venue if possible.

Providing lunch makes the event affordable to attendees in every economic situation, and it also keeps the attendees in one place, where they can literally break bread with each other and socialize, making the group more cohesive.

Even better, when people don’t have to go offsite to get lunch, they’re less likely to be late when the afternoon presentations start.

Have a great speaker dinner.

If the budget allows, have a dinner where the speakers and organizers get together and get acquainted (and especially this year, get re-acquainted). It helps to set a great tone for the event.

Here are some photos from the speaker dinner that took place the night before — thanks to Tampa Joe’s for giving us food, drinks, and a lovely patio on which to enjoy them!

Bring an accordion.

Because if you don’t, who will?

Have raffles if you’re an organizer or sponsor; enter the raffles and stick around for prizes if you’re an attendee!

Raffles are a great way to draw people to a conference and encourage people to interact with sponsors. If you hold the draw at the end of the conference and especially if you require the winner to be present (I know this isn’t always possible or applicable), you can encourage attendees to stick around for the full day.

Many people at conferences often decided that they’ll fill out the necessary forms or do the necessary legwork to enter a raffle “later,” and as with so many things in life, “later” often turns into “never.”

As a result, your odds of winning a prize at conferences, especially local ones, are often quite good. My general rule is to always enter the raffle — and if you read to the end of this section, you’ll see why it’s a general rule of mine!

Algorand, represented by Russ Fustino, a long-time regular in Tampa’s tech scene, provided a $100 Amazon girt certificate, which was won by Kelvin McDaniel, also a long-time regular in Tampa’s tech scene:

Pomeroy provided a Meta Quest 2 VR rig as one of the prizes, which Roger Hale won. I suggested that he definitely make sure to give Beat Saber a try, especially since it’s now free when you get a Quest, and it’s a fun way to dip your toes into VR:

Webonology also provided a great prize: an Xbox Series X, which got taken home by…

me! Here’s Greg (who’s also Webonology’s CEO) and me with this sweet, sweet gaming console.

And yes, while you can download games from home now, and while we’ve got gigabit fiber at home, the download/install process is still slow, especially for games for current-generation consoles. So we made a beeline for Gamestop, and I picked up Elden Ring, where my character needs to do a lot of leveling up.

Thank you so much, Tampa Code Camp!

Humor Programming

File under “Funny because it’s true”

Meme showing Angular, React, Svelte, and Vue as young meen in a brawl at a fast food restaurant while jQuery (used on 70% of sites in 2022) ignores them all, eating its meal and reading its phone.
Conferences Meetups Programming Tampa Bay

Scenes from #TampaCC / Tampa CodeCamp 2022

Keiser University Tampa’s building and palm trees.

The 2022 edition of Tampa Code Camp (a.k.a. #TampaCC) took place on Saturday, October 8th, and Anitra and I were there to give presentations, attend presentations, catch up with some old friends and colleagues, and make some new ones.

TampaCC logo

Organized by Kate and Greg Leonardo, Tampa Code Camp has been a local tech tradition for years. While it’s been the de facto local conference for people building on Microsoft/.NET/Azure technologies, it goes beyond that to include Open Source, data science, AI/ML, and soft skills sessions. (My own first presentation at Tampa Code Camp was in 2016, when I presented an introduction to React.)

Tampa Code Camp 2022 took place at Keiser University Tampa, who’ve been gracious enough to make their space available a venue for tech events with 100 people or more for the past few years, including Tampa Code Camp and the BarCamp Tampa Bay unconference. They have a spacious lobby that makes for a great reception/registration and sponsor booth hall, a good-sized auditorium for opening keynotes and lunches (made even better by a patio area), and classrooms of all sizes to accommodate all sorts of talks, each one with a reliable audiovisual setup for presenters.

Some of Tampa Code Camp 2022’s presentations

I was so busy either prepping for my presentation, presenting, or just chatting with people that I took all of two photos. Luckily, a number of people who were there took some and posted them on Twitter; I’ve shared them below and they’re linked to their source.

Here’s the opening keynote, given by co-organizer Greg Leonardo, who talked about the unexpected (and often untold) consequences of moving your back end from on-premises to the cloud, often known as the “lift-and-shift.” There are good reasons to move to the cloud, but the rationale (or more accurately, sales pitch) of cost savings has been oversold — in fact, there’s often a cost increase.

A view of the auditorium at the keynote talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo by Yours Truly.

Another key message from the opening keynote: running things on the cloud isn’t simply a matter of “our old stuff, but now on someone else’s servers.” It often requires a different approach and some re-thinking about how you do implementation and architecture. Some of the things you did when your servers were on-prem can be much worse when moved to the cloud. Watch out for these “onions in the varnish!”

Greg Leonardo delivers the keynote talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Chris Cognetta. Click here for the source.
Greg Leonardo delivers the keynote talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Adnan Masood. Click here for the source.

Here’s Chris Ayers, Senior Customer Engineer at Microsoft, giving his presentation, Dev Containers in VS Code, a handy feature that gives you a Docker container as a development environment:

Chris Ayers gives a talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Marsinah Ahmed. Click here for the source.

We caught Sam Kasimalla’s session, titled IT life cycle and a bit of devops – Industry notes, which presented a solid overview aimed at people who are just entering (or pivoting to) our industry:

Sam Kasimalla gives a talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Joey Hernandez. Click here for the source.

After Sam’s presentation, I raced to my room to give my talk, Build cross-platform visual novels, simulations, and games with Ren’Py, where I walked the group through the development of a “Choose Your Own Adventure”-style infosec training manual and a turn-based “Florida Man” RPG-style combat game:

Joey deVilla gives a talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Marsinah Ahmed. Click here for the source.

While I was talking about Ren’Py development, Art Garcia was a couple of rooms over, giving his presentation, Azure DevOps APIs: Things you can do with the APIs, where he covered ways to do things that you can’t do using the Azure DevOps UI, but can if you use PowerShell, the APIs, and some tricks that aren’t well-documented.

Art Garcia gives a talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Chris Cognetta. Click here for the source.
Sandwich icon

I’d like to thank Tampa Code Camp for not just providing a free lunch (and breakfast coffee and donuts — much apprecated!), but for estimating high in order to ensure that everybody could get a free lunch. It’s little touches like these that add to these events.

Russ Fustino’s “about me” slide from his Algorand presentations.

I don’t have a photo for Russ Fustino’s session, Web3 – Blockchain Myths for Developers, but we attended that one. Russ has been a local fixture on the tech scene ever since I’ve lived here (nearly a decade!) and we definitely want to catch him. His brother Gary (also a tech scene regular) recorded video of the session, so it should be online soon.

In the same time slot, Chris Cognetta gave his Power Apps in the Real World talk, where he covered Power Platform and Power Apps:

Chris Cognetta gives a talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Marsinah Ahmed. Click here for the source.

After that, Anitra Pavka gave her talk, Manage your manager for fun, profit, and career success, which covered the valuable, vital, yet often-overlooked topic of working with the one person who has control of half your weekday waking life:

Anitra Pavka gives a talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo by Yours Truly.

At the end of the day came Joey Hernandez’ Cyber Incident Response Exercise – From Tech to Exec talk — an excellent topic, because so many companies get this wrong for a multitude of reasons. He talked about TTXs — tabletop exercises, which in cybersecurity are preparedness exercises where you go through the steps of a simulated security incident.

Joey Hernandez presents at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Joey Hernandez. Click here for the source.

Also at the end of the day: Jared Rhodes gave his fourth talk of Tampa Code Camp 2022: Homelab – Private Cloud on a Budget! I’ve been meaning to give homelabs a look.

Jared deserves a prize for being the busiest presenter at Tampa Code Camp 2022, because he also gave these talks:

And he came here from Atlanta to give his talks. I think the Azure team should at least send him some of their nicer swag for doing all this work on their behalf.

Jared Rhodes gives a talk at Tampa Code Camp 2022.
Photo via Marsinah Ahmed. Click here for the source.

Thanks to the sponsors!

Events like this don’t happen without sponsors. First, thanks to Keiser University Tampa for providing a venue!

Events like this go even better when the presenters get a chance to catch up beforehand, hence the long-standing tradition of a speaker dinner. Once again, it happened at the always-reliable, always-fun Tampa Joe’s. Thanks for the food and drinks!

Starbucks was the coffee sponsor. Free coffee? Bless you.

Photo via Leah Parrott.

Thanks to Pomeroy for helping make Tampa Code Camp 2022 happen, and for providing one of the raffle prizes: a Meta Quest 2 VR rig!

Photo via Leah Parrott.

Pomeroy also provided some swag that I needed:

Photo via Leah Parrott.
Photo via Leah Parrott.

Algorand also had a table, and when Russ wasn’t giving his Algorand presentation, he was at the Algorand table, and he answered a number of my questions and hooked us up with nice T-shirts. Thanks, Algorand!

And finally, I’d like to thank Webonology — which is also Greg’s company — for being a sponsor and contributing the grand prize, an Xbox Series X!

Photo via Kate Leonardo.

Please check out these sponsors. They do great work, they supported this great event, and they’re helping to build the Tampa Bay tech scene!

Tech scenes don’t happen by themselves — they need YOU!

What makes a tech scene?

In the end, it boils down to a single factor: techies who take part in building a tech community. There are cities out there with sizable populations of techies that aren’t tech hubs — these are places without people who help build a tech community. There are also smaller places with smaller numbers of techies but have a vibrant tech scene, and these are the places with a handful of active organizers and people who show up for tech events.

Among these active organizers are Kate and Greg Leonardo, who’ve been consistently stepping up and doing the (often, but not always) thankless work of putting together events like Tampa Code Camp and upcoming events for 2023. Thank you, Kate and Greg, for everything you do for the Tampa Tech Scene!