How did I not know that this existed? Here’s a parody of Under the Sea, the bouncy song from Disney’s animated film The Little Mermaid, but instead of being about why life is better under the sea, it’s about why programming is better with C than with any of those newfangled programming languages with their classes and whatnot:
This amuses me to no end.
When I was a DJ at Clark Hall Pub, the engineering pub at Crazy Go Nuts University, among the alt-rock songs that were guaranteed to pack the dance floor was a strange outlier that started as a joke but turned into a hit that had to be played at least once a night: Under the Sea!
It’s also the time when I got proficient in C, as it was one of the acceptable programming languages for using in assignments. The other one was Turing, and yes, there’s a reason you haven’t heard of it. (One of my favorite professors, Dr. Michael Levison, used to say that Alan Turing would probably be horrified at the programming language that bears his name.)
I may have to add this one to my accordion repertoire.